Yoga X calorie burn? Also, questions?

maddiey Posts: 231 Member
Hello! So on average for women, how many calories do you burn doing the COMPLETE yoga x? Yoga X is from P90X for those who do not know. I don't have a heart rate monitor so I can't tell for myself, and my fitbit definitely can't tell! lol.

Also, when doing the the push ups inbetween, how do do you do your push ups? Elbows directly next to your side (much harder for me) or out making 90 degree angles from your sides to your elbows?

And when holding any pose are you supposed to lock your joints? Or keep a tiny flex to not lock your joints?

Thanks (:


  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I always gave myself at least 400 if I did the whole 90 minutes. I was usually lying in a pool of sweat quivering after Yoga X. I know they say to keep the legs straight, and I assume he meant locking the knees.....but I cheated just a little to get more of a range of motion. I did my pushups with the elbows in. By the end of the program, I was doing all of the pushups.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    I do have an HRM, and here's about what it boiled down to for me: I'd burn between 400-500 for plyo, kenpo, and legs/back, somewhere in the 300s for the other strength days, and around 250 for yoga. Even though I would sweat buckets (literally, if I collected it it would probably fill a bucket), yoga just doesn't keep your heart rate as high. That is me, a 5'8" woman around 160 lbs. And in the 3rd month, I was burning much less for all of them.

    And I do the pushups with elbows in. Or at least I try to :laugh:

    Everyone is different, but maybe my HRM results will help you gauge your own burn!
  • dmccourry
    dmccourry Posts: 1 Member
    I believe the booklet says expect a 600 calorie burn everday on P90X. I have a hard time believeing that with Yoga (and Cardio X, since it's only 43 minutes) although it IS 90 minutes. I don't do the whole thing - mostly because I hate all the down dog stuff. I like the twists and the balance stuff, so I'll do about 10-15 min then fast forward to the balance part. Each week I get stronger and add more down dogs, but I'm just not a Yoga person.

    Oh, and I don't believe you should ever "lock" your joints. You can have a straight leg without locking your joints. Good luck! It's a great exercise program!
  • jmdax
    jmdax Posts: 119 Member
    If you don't have a HRM, visit the site below to approximate your calories burned for all P90X workouts.