maintaing weight = frustrating!!!

hey everyone, so i am just curious how many other people on this site are trying to maintain their weight and not necessarily lose (or gain :P) i reached my goal weight in september of this year and have been able to maintain more or less for a couple months - however, i need some HELP now as i'm starting to gain i think!! any tips/advice for maintaining? i eat super healthy and fairly small portions but somehow i still seem to just want to eat and eat and eat all the time...i do work out lots, but make sure i get enough protein and everything. part of the frustration is that its winter now for us (read: 9 months of snow and cold!) so that always is harder since there isn't much else to do :P and i know emotional stress can lead to eating too... but i'm just wondering if anyone has some tips on maintaining? Thanks!! :)


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well it's just like losing--you have to count calories. It's just that when you're maintaining, you're not trying to create a deficit. Whatever you burn in a day you eat. You can't really stop counting altogether, but you can be a little more lax if you're used to correct portion sizes. If you feel you're gaining, get back into a small deficit. Congrats on reaching your goal!
  • LauraKate
    yeah....i try to still count my calories but somehow halfway through the day i end up eating something that throws me off, so i just give up for the day. i know thats not the right attitude lol but i'm just sooo sick of being strict ALL the time, but that seems like the only way to keep in shape and keep the weight off. my boyfriend doesn't help because when i'm like oooh i ate so much today and he asks me what i ate, he's like ....that's awesome!! good job. like he wants me to get fat or something? ugh! lol.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    yeah....i try to still count my calories but somehow halfway through the day i end up eating something that throws me off, so i just give up for the day. i know thats not the right attitude lol but i'm just sooo sick of being strict ALL the time, but that seems like the only way to keep in shape and keep the weight off. my boyfriend doesn't help because when i'm like oooh i ate so much today and he asks me what i ate, he's like ....that's awesome!! good job. like he wants me to get fat or something? ugh! lol.

    This has happened to me a couple times. I get lean, then I get complacent, then I bulk up again. While it works nicely for putting on some muscle mass a couple times a year, it keeps me from my ultimate body fat goal. You don't really have to be strict, but you still have to practice portion control and stay active. You really can't just give up halfway through the day--even if you eat something sort of junky, you can fix it with exercise and better food choices later in the day.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Mhmm, I was actually just going to say if you know mid-day is when you "screw" things up, either a) plan something to do then, like go to the gym, or something, so you're not in the house and eating junk isn't an option, or b) work a mid-day treat into your daily calories. If you know you always crave chocolate or cookies or something then, work it in. Then you're not cheating, or failing, and you have no reason to give up :)
  • LauraKate
    awesome, thanks guys! i feel a bit better now :) i usually screw up mid day because often we have some kind of food in the office (or i go for starbucks) and i'm just bored of being inside and working - lol...sometimes i try to work in treats to my calories but that only does so much....cuz i just feel hungry all the time!! based on my basic metabolic rate it says im supposed to eat about 1200 calories and then of course, whatever i burn at the gym etc but i am wondering if it possible that my metabolism has speeded up LOTS and hence the feeling hungry all the time or is that more likely just in my head? during the summer i ran 6+ miles every day and was wayyy stricter than i am now (was still trying to lose) and i am wondering if my metabolism has got to a place where it burns stuff fast thats why i'm hungry all the time? i go through stages with that.....i am just trying to figure this stuff out because it is easy for me to be good in teh summer but now it is winter and there is still at least 5 months of it ahead and i want to stay in shape so i dont have to start all over again by the end:P
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well drink a cup of water before each meal, make sure you're getting plenty of fiber, increase protein to 20% if you haven't done so already (decrease carbs in order to increase the protein), and eat what MFP has allotted you for a week. If you are still really hungry, increase by about 100 calories a day. Watch your weight/inches and see if you maintain with that extra. Keep adding until you see a gain--when that happens drop back down and stick with that as your maintenance.
  • OrganicNutt
    Sometimes, actually often, we get into the trap of "feel good foods." Sort of a fix, like a drug. it keeps us soothed, and going.
    The key is to channel your emotions into other avenues of things you enjoy and love. Eating to feel good becomes a "habit."
    Something we begin to do subconsciously. It takes focus and determination to always remind yourself that you cannot go back to eating, or grazing, non stop. it takes time and faith in yourself. You are learning a new lifestyle, and life change. And to remember that there are no shortcuts and no turning back. And don't beat yourself up. You CAN enjoy foods, a variety, but no longer the amounts that we became accustomed to, pouring in far more calories than our bodies need or use. To change the way we view food is critical and must be a life long decision to no longer view food as a best friend, comfort, a way to hide, the reasons can be endless. To change our thinking, it changes our lives and the results on the scale. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS AND REACHING YOUR GOAL. Now enjoy YOU, your accomplishment and put yourself first. Going back to eating the way you ate before is not an option. There is a consequence. You will gain weight. Let go of the old habits and your previous view of food. Look at it now as food is one thing: Fuel. And if you must enjoy a treat, do it! But buy a single portion and not an entire pint of ice cream or a complete bag of cookies. If I have that much in the house, it's gone. In a short time. I can eat a pint of gourmet ice cream in on sitting and always do if it's in the house. Good luck. Great job.
    Just adjust your thinking and you won't gain it back.
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    I have this problem, I kept level for a few months and am now gaining. I have gone back to strict counting again and trying to keep under. Seems harder this time.
    I am afraid you can't take your eye off the ball for too long!! It is too soon yet though to see if I am making a difference, it has only been a few days back into it.

    I just hope the scales move down again.

    It's a never ending journey I suppose that we must all go through adapting as it all changes through trial and error and making the best of it
    Good luck to you !! xx
  • LauraKate
    frenchbrulee - you are so right about the food thing. i don't usually pig out big time on stuff, but i love to eat and snack in general, it makes me feel good. haha especially when its winter and my boyfriend is gone for work. it is just an attitude adjustment that i need to make. i also find it frustrating because it seems like most girls my age (im 21) seem to be thin "effortlessly" like they don't go to the gym and im pretty sure they don't really watch what they eat (maybe they don't eat?) and its like are they really ALL that lucky to have good metabolisms?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I went on maint. cals about 4 months ago and have lost 3 more pounds. Never EVER did I think I would hit my ultimate goal of 128....but it may happen........from eating:noway:

    I had my goal at 35 pounds and have surpassed that. I am 48 so I really do not want to be thin-thin....but man, another 5 pounds would be awesome!!

    On maint. cals I still have a plan for the day. My cals are approx 1700 and I do not eat back my exercise calories any longer, which is why I am still losing.

    Planning my days is what has saved my butt (from being fatter:wink: )