I just realized why I cant lose weight!



  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    It's easy to lose weight, it's hard to keep it off. I had to decide to change my life, not just put in a temporary fix. You need to realize that your habits are what got you here and if you don't change them, they will get you right back there. Good thing about habits is it only takes a few weeks/months to get in new ones so I just try to replace bad habits with good ones.

    You can do this, I'm positive... just NEVER quit trying and it will eventually stick!!!
  • http://www.amazon.com/Losing-It-Lost-Entire-Person/dp/1466394986/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1340971154&sr=8-1&keywords=weight+loss,+denise+stevens

    Hi, I am Tanya, and I am losing weight too, though a smaller goal. But my good friend lost a whole person and wrote a book at the link above. She wore a size 24 when she stood up in my wedding, and now she is thinner than me! I don't expect you to BUY her book, I just wanted to say that you can do it, with diet and exercise. She did, and wow, what a motivation to know a real average person can do it.

    I also fall back on God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been doing a couple of devotionals on youversion.com (FREE) here is one on daily promises for your life, and another called battlefield of the mind (also FREE).

    Good luck and God bless you!

  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    I sabotage myself all the time. and then when I fess up about it, my family just says, well there you blew this diet. This time, I am going to do it, each day is a new day to start over again. You can do this.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    It sounds like you have already been through hell and back. And you are here... you are a survivor. You are a WINNER.

    I can't offer any better suggestions than the ones already given. But just remember to have faith in yourself and you can do anything!

    Good luck!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I am SO with you on this, every time I've lost weight in the past its been a huge goal, with lots of crazy changes all at once. I make a little progress but then start looking at my end goal and think "I can't make it that far" then I feel bad about myself and get some ice cream to make myself "feel better" then I have pizza cause I already had ice cream. then I skip the gym because there's no way I can burn off the pizza & ice cream. and I've fallen off the wagon again.

    Whats REALLY helped me is, as others have said, mini-goals. I have set a bunch of SV & NSV mini-goals so that for those weeks that the scale doesn't move I still feel like I'm making progress. I'm working of c25k (and hey you're a runner too! as soon as you feel up to it you should start it too!!) so there's running, jean sizes & weight loss goals all mixed in together.

    You ARE a survivor and you WILL survive this!!! with all you've made it through already there is NOTHING you cannot do that you put your mind to. all it takes is today.
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    If you're on Facebook, take a look at this page. Very motivational from a woman who lost 124 pounds!!!


  • Thank you, everyone! I am overwhelmed ( in a good way) with the sweet comments and personal messages and great advice!

    In high school I was very athletic and loved life and loved myself. I was raped by my boyfriends father when I was 16. I thought maybe if i destroyed the way i looked, he would stop. It didnt, but I finally got the courage to tell someone. He is now in jail and serving a 13 year sentence. But my bad habits already had formed. The emotional eating was overwhelmingly bad and I quit volleyball because it got out that I was raped and it seemed like everybody had something to say about it ( and not in a good way). But I am tired of letting that define me. That was my past and I am not dead. Why should I continue to let him hurt me?

    This is my life and I am taking it back!
  • SweetPea482
    SweetPea482 Posts: 155 Member
    "the reason so many people give up is because they look at how far they have left to go, instead of how far they've come."

    ^ this has been me, SO many times. Instead of being proud of the almost 50 i've lost, i kept looking at the 100 left go, and how long it will take me to lose it.

    I made a decision to change last august, with a mindset of "ill be damned if im gonna quit again". But from Jan- april... i lost my mindset. all of a sudden i stopped losing.. and ended up maintaining. April first I started a new workout, with a new mindset, and a whole new motivation. 2 months later, i am stronger in mind and body. even though the pounds haven't come off fast, i feel great because i know that the foods i am putting into my body are good.

    sometimes, you need a break from 'trying'... but when i really comes down to it. none of this is a 'diet'... or a way to get to your goal weight. it is a lfestyle, for better or worse. you need to take baby steps in your eating and your working out. habits are not made nor broken overnight. it take 7 weeks for an activity to become habit... and a mere 48 hours for it to die. since august, i have not gone more than 2 days without going to the gym or doing some kind of physically demanding activity.

    you dont have to run a marathon or even a mile by week 2. you just need to be better than day one. never ever give up. you will look back in a year and say... im SO glad i started when i did.

    good luck... and feel free to friend me if you need a motivator.
  • SweetPea482
    SweetPea482 Posts: 155 Member
    Thank you, everyone! I am overwhelmed ( in a good way) with the sweet comments and personal messages and great advice!

    In high school I was very athletic and loved life and loved myself. I was raped by my boyfriends father when I was 16. I thought maybe if i destroyed the way i looked, he would stop. It didnt, but I finally got the courage to tell someone. He is now in jail and serving a 13 year sentence. But my bad habits already had formed. The emotional eating was overwhelmingly bad and I quit volleyball because it got out that I was raped and it seemed like everybody had something to say about it ( and not in a good way). But I am tired of letting that define me. That was my past and I am not dead. Why should I continue to let him hurt me?

    This is my life and I am taking it back!

    i just read this. im soo sorry about what you've had to go through. that is an awful way to lose trust in people. but you are right... it IS your life and YOU need to take it back.

    you deserve to be the person you once were. so use THAT as your motivation to push as hard as you can to be her again!
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I think you are overwelming yourself by thinking in those terms. You allowed yourself to have a visual that is to daunting (a 200lb person)

    You have to think in terms of the necessity of change for health reasons. Allow yourself to celebrate every little positive step you make and get rid of the all or nothing mind set.

    You deserve to live healthier, happier and longer! Good Luck:flowerforyou:

    I couldnt agree more. Dont let the numbers overwhelm you or the post from people who lose a RIDICULOUS amount of weight.
    It most likely took them months to do this and not over night. Stick with it and remember YOU DESERVE A BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY LIFE!
  • ANMUR43
    ANMUR43 Posts: 20
    I too had given up. I thought I was stuck being overweight. My knee was killing me and dancing, and going up and down stairs was getting horrible. I decided that I needed OA, a 12 step program This has been a life saver for me. I am almost to my goal weight, and am feeling so much better. You can find meetings online. You're worth the time to take care of yourself.
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    You have go to truly want to make the change. I knew I needed to lose weight for a long time and kept telling myself I would get around to it eventually. Before I knew it my job was at stake ( the military has weight standards that must be met) my health was at stake (resting pulse over 95 and BP at 155/95) and I was just altogether miserable with myself and quite irritable. Fatty food would make me temporarily happy because it is oh so delicious but then I would turn around and tell myself I shouldn't have. Then I went on vacation to FL with my family. I would break a sweat at the slightest bit of anything it seemed and I happened to see a picture of myself coming out of the water at the beach with my son. I was not at all happy with what was staring me back in the face. I decided then I would make a change for the better. I forgot how great it felt to actually get out and get some exercise and to actually eat good food to fuel your body. Like everyone says it truly is a mind game. You have to mind what you eat because it does matter. Find a plan that works for you and do not give up. It is goind to be hard. The easy way is the lazy way. When you do see the rewards of your hard work you are that much prouder. You are going to slip some that is a given, but get right back up and start again. You are the only one that can make this change for yourself. All we can to is give some good advice and support along the way.
  • lnnptrck
    lnnptrck Posts: 28 Member
    I have moments when I feel the same way. I used to think that I didn't deserve to lose weight and that something that awesome would never happen to me. It's all a mind game. I hated myself. You deserve to be happy. Just surround yourself with those who are supportive and motivating. :-) Bonne chance!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thank you ladies! I know i am worth it so that is why I am going to keep losing weight and I will use smaller goals! I def think that will help :)

    I started out at 397lbs. CW is 250lbs. GW is 135-140lbs. When I started this journey, 162lbs of weight loss seemed daunting...almost too much to achieve. Then I started reading stories about people who had lost that much and then some. I thought, if they can do it, why can't I? I have no valid excuses. The odds may be stacked against me, but the odds are only going to get worse if I don't act NOW. I sat down with a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down my current weight and the date at the top, and my goal weight (no date/deadline) at the bottom. Then I started filling in smaller goals and dates in between. They weren't all weight loss goals either. One of them was to complete a 5K within a couple of weeks of my starting date, which I did two or three weeks later. One of them was to drink at least 10 8oz. glasses of water per day...now, I rarely drink less than 12. I could go on, but you get the idea. Write your goals down. When I need extra motivation, I take out the list and reread what I've achieved so far, what I want to achieve in the near future, and what my ultimate goal is.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Thank you, everyone! I am overwhelmed ( in a good way) with the sweet comments and personal messages and great advice!

    In high school I was very athletic and loved life and loved myself. I was raped by my boyfriends father when I was 16. I thought maybe if i destroyed the way i looked, he would stop. It didnt, but I finally got the courage to tell someone. He is now in jail and serving a 13 year sentence. But my bad habits already had formed. The emotional eating was overwhelmingly bad and I quit volleyball because it got out that I was raped and it seemed like everybody had something to say about it ( and not in a good way). But I am tired of letting that define me. That was my past and I am not dead. Why should I continue to let him hurt me?

    This is my life and I am taking it back!

    I'm sorry to hear that... but like you said "I am tired of letting that define me". That isn't who you are... who you are is a strong, independent, beautiful person. Keep on being strong and you will get everything you want out of life!

    I started out at 274 pounds, and slowly have managed to get down to 239, by setting smaller goals like "OK. I'm going to lose 10 more pounds and see where I will go from there". It really helps. And just remember, there is a huge group of people who would be more than willing to help you in your journey here on MFP, providing you with the encouragement everyone needs to succeed. Feel free to add me if you would like for some encouragement (I'm always looking for more people to help me along with my journey as well).

    You deserve a LONG, HAPPY, LOVING life! Best of luck to you :)
  • shannonmch
    shannonmch Posts: 194 Member
    Jennfrye- I think that is awesome that you set a monthly goal!!! I have never thought of that. I may try to incorporate that into my workout mindset!
  • Cmh1211
    Cmh1211 Posts: 104
    what works for me...

    being healthy is a life style, not a life change.

    just make it a part of ur life and weight loss, body change, clothes fitting too big and everything else tht involves being healthy just falls into place. lie to urself if u have to. say, im doing this just to be healthy. forget about the scale. gl
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    Jennfrye- I think that is awesome that you set a monthly goal!!! I have never thought of that. I may try to incorporate that into my workout mindset!

    I have to change things and keep them interesting or I quit... also I am a big numbers person... I started using cardio trainer on my phone to get details about individual workouts and I noticed it kept track with a monthly tally... so I just kept trying to increase that :)
  • BreanneMG
    BreanneMG Posts: 42
    Rather than saying OMG how am I going to lose 200lbs, why not say I am goin gto loose 10lbs, that after that 10, say Im going to loose another 10lbs and so one, Make multiple smaller goals in order to reach the big one.
    The best thing you can do is stay possitive and dont give up.

    Good luck my dear :)
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    Everyone ahead of me has offered stellar advice, but I will reiterate that you should focus on mini goals. That is key. One HUGE goal can be very overwhelming and, in the end, leave you frustrated and burnt out when it isn't accomplished in the time frame that you think it should be. Focus on smaller goals. Accomplish them one at a time and you'll be amazed at how much smoother the process becomes. Best of luck!