Thursday check in group - November 26th

magglett Posts: 2,000
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi all ... sorry I'm a bit late this morning ... swamped at work again ... I'm the same ... again ...

YEAR END GOAL: I would like to be 20 lbs. lighter by then ... that would bring me to 169 lbs.
July 16 - 189 lbs.
July 23 - 187.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs.)
July 30 - 186 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-3 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 6 - 184.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-4.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 13 - 185 lbs (+.5 lbs. this week) (-4 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 20 - 183 lbs (-2 lbs. this week) (-6 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 27 - 180.5 lbs (-2.5 lbs. this week) (-8.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 3 - 181.5 lbs (+1 lb. this week) (-7.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 10 - 179.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-9.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 17 - 176.5 (-3 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 24 - 174.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-15 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 1 - 176 (+1.5 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 8 - 177 (+1 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 15 - 176 (-1 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 22 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
Oct 29 - 174 (-2 lb. this week) (-15.5 lbs total)
Nov 5 - 173½ (-½ lb. this week) (-16 lbs. total)
Nov 12 - 176 (+2½ lbs. this week) (-13.5 lbs. total)
Nov 19 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
Nov 26
Dec 3
Dec 10
Dec 17


  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! I lost a pound from last week but we'll see what will happen with Thanksgiving today. My Thanksgiving is'nt going to be great though, my daughter got sick, she may have the flu and we spend Thanksgiving at my parents every year, it has become a tradition but this year cause she is sick, we will be home. I just want her to get better. She is miserable right now.

    Talk soon,

    July 30th - 154 pounds
    August 6th - 150 pounds
    August 13th- 150 pounds
    August 20th - 147 pounds
    August 27th - 144 pounds
    September 3rd - 144 pounds
    September 10th - 144 pounds
    September 17th - 144 pounds
    September 24th - 142 pounds
    October 1st - 143 pounds
    October 8th - 141 pounds
    October 15th - 140 pounds
    October 22th - 139 pounds
    October 29th - 137 pounds
    November 5th - 140 pounds
    November 12th - 137 pounds
    November 19th - 136 pounds
    November 26th - 135 pounds
  • Hi All!

    Love the measurement idea. It is a great idea, especially when you are not getting that gratification from the scales.

    I lost 4 this week. I am happy, but for some reason questioning it. weighed myself 3 times. Is anyone like this...sees good results but on some level doesn't believe them ,basically 'sabbotaging' their hard work??? Hoping someone says yes{!!} If not then I sound like a freak, but if someone feels /does this.....what the heck is that??!!!

    Oct 8 - 201
    Oct 15 - 197
    Oct 22-198
    Oct 29-196
    Nov 5-195
    Nov 12-193
    Nov 19-189
    Nov 26
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31
  • Man, to make it worse, I posted it like 3 times by mistake,...where are those little happy/sad/Frustrated faces..I need one.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi again everyone, I'm just re-posting my schedule because I didn't put in my weight in my first post.

    Lisa, you're not a freak (except for maybe the good kind of fun freak), I too doubt when the scale says something positive. I think its some kind of defence thing ... if I don't expect a loss then I didn't fail at anything so when a loss shows up I'm like "Really?" In the beginning I was losing big a lot ... lately, not so much. I really have to change my mind set if I want to move on. I think that's my goal for this week ... I have to change my frame of mind ...

    Tanya: Sorry to hear about your little one ... I hope she feels better soon. Happy Thanksgiving anyway, I'm sure we all have things to be thankful for right. Take care of you and yours.

    YEAR END GOAL: I would like to be 20 lbs. lighter by then ... that would bring me to 169 lbs.
    July 16 - 189 lbs.
    July 23 - 187.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs.)
    July 30 - 186 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-3 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 6 - 184.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-4.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 13 - 185 lbs (+.5 lbs. this week) (-4 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 20 - 183 lbs (-2 lbs. this week) (-6 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 27 - 180.5 lbs (-2.5 lbs. this week) (-8.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 3 - 181.5 lbs (+1 lb. this week) (-7.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 10 - 179.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-9.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 17 - 176.5 (-3 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 24 - 174.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-15 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 1 - 176 (+1.5 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 8 - 177 (+1 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 15 - 176 (-1 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 22 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
    Oct 29 - 174 (-2 lb. this week) (-15.5 lbs total)
    Nov 5 - 173½ (-½ lb. this week) (-16 lbs. total)
    Nov 12 - 176 (+2½ lbs. this week) (-13.5 lbs. total)
    Nov 19 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
    Nov 26 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
  • Hey All,

    SOmehow I posted last weeks message here and this weeks numbers on last weeks thread....
    Not having a good week,
    SO here it is again...

    Hi All,
    Not sure how this happened, feeling a bit ashamed..
    Gained 7 pounds this week.
    Clothes feel better on me,my boobs aren't falling out of my bra and the waistband of my pants is not gouging me...Do not know how this happened. thought I had a good week..
    But i gotta swallow it I guess

    Next time i want to question losing 4 pounds in a week, please remind me of this humbling experience.

    Oct 8 - 201
    Oct 15 - 197
    Oct 22-198
    Oct 29-196
    Nov 5-195
    Nov 12-193
    Nov 19-189
    Nov 26-196
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Everyone:flowerforyou:

    Lisaaan, you should take your measurments, even though you gained weight you might be pleasantly surprised with your measurments. I took my measurments today after not taking them for over a month and I could'nt believe how much I lost in my waist. So even though my weight loss is slow, the results in my measurements was pretty huge.

    So my daughter is doing a lot better and her fever broke, I think she just had a bad virul infection. Alright everyone, gotta run. Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • Tanya7712, so glad your daughter is on the mend!!!
    I will take my measurements thanks for the idea.
    Happy Thanksgiving/ to all of my american friends/and have a great shopping weekend!
  • Hi all! Happy late Thanksgiving. Didn't get the chance to check-in until today. Did weigh-in on turkey day and I am down another lb this week. I tried to control myself on Thanksgiving but did taste a little of this and that. Have to buy a new scale before weigh-in next week. I was going to weigh myself this morning to see if T-Day got me. Well scale is fried.

    I was able to find an old pic of me when I was at my heaviest weight of 263, I can not figure out how to post it on boards but everyone take a look at profile pics if you would like. I can not believe how big I really was. I never thought that I was that big at the time. I need to stick a copy of it on the fridge to remind me of how I looked so that way I won't be so tempted to eat the junk that got me to that weight before,

    Hope everyone had a great holiday. Tanya glad to hear your little girl is doing better. I have been sick with a sinus infection all weekend myself. Not fun! Doing better today though. Hope everyone has a great week. I know its hard to kick back into gear after a holiday weekend. Take-care all. ~Tonya
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Rdy2Lose128 - I checked out the pictures on your profile ... what a great idea. You must be so proud of yourself. I'm going to go find a pre-diet picture just to remind myself how far this journey has brought me so far. I've been on quite a plateau ... but who cares!! I was 230 lbs a couple of years ago ... it's time to be proud again. Thanks for reminding me of that.

    Tanya; I'm glad to hear your daughter is feeling better.

    Lisa: I love your attitude ... we all go through the ups and the downs on this journey. Tanya is right ... there are other ways to measure our success ... don't let that silly scale always be the measurement.

    I just got back from the gym ... my trainer gave me a good workout. I really needed it ...big stress in my life lately and working out is a great way to deal with it. I'm going back for a boxing session on Tuesday ... nothing like punching stuff to get out the frustrations. Take care all ... talk to you soon. I'm off to find a pre-diet picture and see if I can post it somehow.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks everyone:flowerforyou:

    Yeah, my daughter is a lot better and at day care already today. I keep saying that I should start working out but have'nt done it yet. Plus, now I am going to be ven busyier sp? beacause starting tomorrow I will open up my own business and I will be doing that part time apart from my regular job so I will definatly be a busy bee. I need to make some extra income and I think that this business will make it happen if I devote some time. Hope you guys have a great week and I'll speak to everyone soon.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning my Thursday threaders. Thought I'd jump in here to check on things. Life's still quite busy for me and I'm really feeling it. I'm wiped out ... so tired. Last night was rough ... insomnia ... I haven't had trouble sleeping in years ... but last night it just wouldn't come. Oh well ... I'll get through my work day ... then at 5 pm I meet with my trainer for a boxercise session ... and if that doesn't wake me up ... then I'll just go to bed early. I hope all is well with you my friends.

  • Good morning all! A very cold morning here in Louisville. I thought about going for a walk this morning, well a thought was as far as it got. This time a year I feel so bad for my hubby. He works outside. I don't know how he does it. I can not stand outside for more than a few minutes without nearly freezing to death.

    I was just wondering if anyone knows what site has those computer images of before and after. I have seen a lot of posts with them as their pic. Thought it would be neat to check out.

    Hope everyone has a great day! Take-care. ~Tonya
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