Festival fear!

Going to a big music festival tomorrow and am binge eater. I am really scared that due to the fact I cannot plan or will be drinking I will have a binge and ruin my weekend. I know that I wont be eating particularly healthy but i dont want to go into uncontrollable binge mode... i need tips and advice to help me! thanks in advance!


  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Can you take a few healthy things to eat with you, such as some breakfast foods or fruit so you at least start the day healthily. I find if I start the day eating rubbish I continue. Depending on what festival you are going to there can be healthy options. Maybe have a good look around before you choose what t o eat and decide roughly where you want to eat each day at the start of the weekend. I find the cost of food at festivals puts me off eating too much but that may only be in the Uk! I do tend to be in the holiday mood though and stuff my face like there is no tomorrow with food we take with us. Good luck! Maybe still try to jot down what you eat and guess the cals to try and make you a little accountable still.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Eeeek! Festival are always my downfall, the food stalls, the beer....mmmm.

    Not sure I've ever been to one when I have been watching what I eat, so not sure what advice I can give aside from the sensible stuff!

    Are you taking food with you or just buying there?

    Keep yourself busy - so much to see and do that you can manage this!
    Plenty of dancing!
    Try to eat breakfast - means you are less likely to binge midday.
    Try not to eat when you are drunk - all the wrong choices will be made then!

    However, I think I would probably say, just enjoy yourself - it's one weekend, you can get back on track next week and you shouldn't need to spend all weekend beating yourself up because you are eating too many calories!

    Have fun!!!
  • DebbsBee
    DebbsBee Posts: 13
    I can only think of one solution. Dance! :-)

    Seriously though, I know it's scary, I'm going to a festival in a months time for four days and I know that it'll probably be unhealthy food and booze all the way. The way I'm looking at it is to excercise leading up to it (bit late for you as it's tomorrow I know) and excercise A LOT after! I refuse to let it ruin my experience and you shouldn't either. If we don't allow ourselves a treat and some fun every now and again whats the point of anything?

    All joking aside dancing burns loads of calories, so relax, eat, drink, be merry and get your boogie on! Have some fun, I'm sure you deserve it.
  • abbielle
    abbielle Posts: 17 Member
    Whenever I go to a festival I eat about half as much as usual because I'm having fun. Just jump about and dance and have a laugh. Don't stress over it too much. Enjoy it :)
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    It's a festie.
    Don't worry about the food & drink. Just don't go mad. I give myself a budget for food & drink for each day & don't let myself go over.
    But most of all.