Low carb help...

Melissa09x Posts: 29
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Right, i've decided to go on a low carb plan now to shift that last bit of weight because nothing else is working! But i really don't know how I am going to do it because so many foods have loads of carbs in them without even realising! For example for breakfast i usually have porridge or fruit & fibre cereal & these both have about 30+ carbs in them even though they are low fat & low calorie!

I was just wondering how you low-carbers do it? What type of foods do u eat? Also what is your mfp nutritional goals set as?

Pleaseeeeee help meeeeeee people :smile:


  • wesw
    wesw Posts: 5
    I'm not currently low-carbing but I'd recommend looking at Atkins and/or the Glycemic Index for guidelines. Yes, I know that some people are down on Atkins (the whole ketosis thing) but as a guide (really, it's about maintaining an even blood sugar level), I think it's ok.

    Breakfast ideas: eggs, bacon, avocado...mmmm...omelet

    Other ideas: bun-less burgers (you don't have to ask for a lettuce-wrapped burger, just ask for more lettuce and either wrap it up or sandwich it between the lettuce; cobb salad; mashed cauliflower for mashed potatoes; melon;....
  • I have been low carbing it for over 3 years now. Breakfast is 2 soft boiled eggs and coffee/tea. Lunch, I usually eat low carb wrap with turkey, lettuce, tomato, ff cheese. Sometimes I do grilled chicken salad. Dinner is some low fat meat like chicken or fish. You could do pork. Veggies. Lots of them. I do South Beach. It is a lot healthier than Adkins. With S.B, you do 2 weeks ONLY of NO carbs at all. Then, add healthy carbs in limited quantities. Whole grains. Fruit. FF milk. Oh, and I do omlets too for any meal. It does get boring, but you do see results.
  • I've never tried Atkins, but I have done South Beach. If you do try to go low-carb my only suggestion is to be careful when you start eating carbs again. South Beach is good because you only go off carbs completely for 2 weeks. (you still eat tons of veggies) The next phase is slowly adding the right carbs back in. It was easy to follow and easy to maintain. The only thing is, its hard to count cals and fat. It will never balance out. But you do lose weight, and it won't come back if you add the right carbs back slowly. Even if you don't follow the plan, the book is an easy read. Very good info, worth it for sure.
  • I do what I call a 'healthy' version of Atkins. I do very low carb for two weeks (under 12 a day), and then began adding them back in gradually. I do anywhere between 30-50 carbs a day now and am still in weight loss mode. I eat tons of lean proteins (chicken, pork, turkey) and lots of green veggies (spinach, zucchini, and green beans). Usually have eggs or bacon for breakfast (bacon actually isn't as bad as people think!) Snacks - I live by sugar free jello and celery. Once I get to my goal weight, I'll begin adding whole grains in. I set my goals on MFP to 1200 calories a day, 50 carbs and 40g of fat. Good Luck, I hope it works for you and jump starts your weight loss!
  • I personally do not do low carb because I did not like how I felt low carb just is not for me. I have tried both atkins and south beach and to me south beach had more choices and was not as harsh. I also had more energy on the south beach diet. I had really good success on the south beach diet I just love carbs to much to stick with it. I ate lots of lean meats and veggies and you can have bacon if you like bacon, I ate turkey bacon myself. I also made stir fry dinners with chichen and different fresh veggies. One thing to remember is that everything has carbs even veggies south beach teaches the difference between good carbs and bad carbs. Good Luck, I hope you do awsome!
  • Thanks for your help everyone :) This week has been a goood week, lost 3 pounds, halfway there now, woooo :) I have stopped eating pasta, bread, rice, cakes etc but i have includes fruit & veg as i believe these are important even though they have carbs, so really it hasn't been a no-carb diet, i think that this is impossible to be honest, but i'm happy anyways as i'm now 126 lbs :smile: I have also started drinking 3-4 cups of green tea a day, not sure if this has helped aswel, anyone got an opinion on green tea & weight loss/metabolism?
    Hope everyone else has had a good week toooo :smile: :heart:

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