How Do I Prevent Sweating Under My Belly During Exercise?

I had a baby last year and was overweight (255 lbs) and now I am 297 lbs and my belly is hanging over, AKA "done lapped over my belt". Well, when i clean or dance, I sweat a ton in the crease there, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to prevent this from happening so much? Thanks!


  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Have you tried a strong antiperspirant just in that area? Avoid them otherwise when exercising, it's important to sweat as much as your body needs to but if it's causing irritation that damages the skin or prevents you doing as much as you want to then it might be worth a try.
    If it's just unpleasant but not causing pain or skin damage I'd say try to just ignore it until you're done exercising and can have a good shower. It'll get better as you do more of course.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    As a formerly obese runner, I can recommend getting some fitted running shorts or tights made from a breathable material (like Nike Dri-Fit or Adidas Climacool). Though your first instinct may be to go baggy, fitted gear prevents flesh rubbing on flesh and is far more flattering than you'd think.
  • beatingobesityforlife
    beatingobesityforlife Posts: 121 Member
    I have tried dove, but it makes it stink really bad.
    But when i don't put D.O. on it, i sweat a lot and my skin rubs together. and whats worse is that I have stretch marks under there from my pregnancy and I am worried it'll make them bigger.
  • beatingobesityforlife
    beatingobesityforlife Posts: 121 Member
    I also itch a lot there when i sweat =(
  • Blondehelmet
    Blondehelmet Posts: 32 Member
    What about putting talc there? It's meant to absorb moisture? Also my partner gets chafing brough on by exessive sweating and he swears by merino wool undergarments, they're designed to draw sweat away from the body and help it breathe better. Maybe ones with a higher waist? You can get them from Kathmandu, they're a bit pricey but worth it if they work. Maybe a combination of the two? Hope this helps, Bec
  • Blondehelmet
    Blondehelmet Posts: 32 Member
    sorry I'm new posted twice by accident
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Hi there,
    You can get anti chaffing creams (I use Neat 3B) but canisten do
    1 as well. It has aluminium in it and is stronger than normal
    deoderant. If not availalbe where you are, just do an internet search
    for sites that deliver.
    Good luck.
    Nicola xxx
  • hungrybunni
    hungrybunni Posts: 66 Member
    I have the same problem. I asked at the doctor's surgery about it because my Caesarean scar is there too. He gave me some fab cream called TIMODINE. It has an odd smell at first but it is brilliant. Takes away the red soreness too. I also use it under my boobs!!!