Eating all my calories is hard!



  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    Girl, pick up a spoon and peanut butter jar and start scoopin'. Or eat some nuts, avocado or cook food in evoo. Or get a protein shake like muscle milk which is 300 calories per two scoops.

    I used to love peanut butter but then i read somewhere that almost every jar has some rodent hair in it and it totally put me off it!! I got some whey protien so i might start using that, i just really dont like the taste of it much! lol

    Just about *EVERY* commercially produced food product has traces of rodent hair/feces, insect parts, etc. Check out the FDA's website for the list of "acceptable" contaminants -- althought reading through that just make make it even more difficult to eat.

    If it's any consolation, you've been eating this stuff for YEARS with no ill effects... :smile:

    Is this the same here in the U.K.?
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    It can be hard! But I have a few strategies I use just about daily....

    I am eater lower carb (about 100g net) as I have found it works better for me, so not only do I need calorie rich, I need lower carb too. I buy 2-3 boxes of Atkins meal bars when I go shopping. They have yummy "treat" flavors, and most only have 2-3 net carbs. Most days I will have one as an afternoon snack (150-240 calories). I also have a box of atkins indulge brownies, and a box of FiberOne brownies...either one of those with 2T of peanut butter on top is 300-400 calories!
  • astraldream
    astraldream Posts: 39 Member
    To exercise and eat your calories back, im sorry but its practically impossible.

    After adding what i will have for Dinner here is what i have left after exercise..
    Totals 1,691 314 20 46
    Your Daily Goal 4,489 617 150 168
    Remaining 2,798 303 130 122
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein

    How is someone supposed to eat 4.489 calories???
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    seeds, nuts, and dried fruit ... the following is a small bowl

    Cashew, 10 g 58cals
    Pistachio, 10 g 58cals
    Pumpkin seeds, 3 g 18cals
    Sesame seeds, 3 g 19cals
    Sunflower seeds, 3 g 18cals
    Sultanas, 20 g 59cals
    Island Mix, 30 g 98cals
    Walnuts, 10 g 71cals

    Total: 399 cals
  • Are you all talking about the DVD from Jillian Michaels, 30 day weight shed?

    About the calories, I'm having the same problem. It's harder to eat at home because I have 4 kids and a fiance so i cook for all of them and I do not eat what they do because it's so fatting. I'm trying to get all of them to eat what i do but they won't and I don't want to cook 2 seperate meals.

    Any ideas for at home dinners that don't have a bunch of calories?
  • svepps
    svepps Posts: 2
    I am set at 1200 calories and I eat around that amount but my workout burns about 300+ calories. I don't want to eat another 300 calories. What is the problem with that? Do I have to eat 1500 calories?
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    I am set at 1200 calories and I eat around that amount but my workout burns about 300+ calories. I don't want to eat another 300 calories. What is the problem with that? Do I have to eat 1500 calories?

    Personally for me i started on 1200 and i wasnt loosing anything at all, bumped it up to 1470 and slowly started loosing so i know i need to stay at that zone, but sometimes i find it hard to get up to that because im so used to eating 1200 and sometimes even less!! I cant STAND avodaco, which sucks because i know its a super food!

    Im definatly going to try and up the amount of fruit and nuts i eat, but sometimes i get so busy at work i completely forget to eat them they jus sit there on my desk untouched! thats the problem when you have a 8.30-6pm job and u have clients booked in literally EVERY half hour non stop.. hence why im trying to find things i could possibly eat on the way home or before a work out or something!
  • emisu2
    emisu2 Posts: 53 Member
    I think if you are eating when you are not hungry, then you are crazy. Do not eat more than your body is telling you to. You will not go into "starvation mode." Trust me, you will know "starvation mode" when it happens. It is not something you want to experience. You will have NO energy. As long as you have energy, you are good. Only eat as much as you're hungry for.
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    I always wonder why people who struggle to eat 1700 calories a day ended up on this website anyway...
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I am beginning to wonder if people who claim they forgot how to eat are not just seeking attention.
    Go eat a McD cheeseburger or two.
    Problem solved....:smokin:
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Eat more calorie dense foods. Instead of the egg white eat the whole damn egg. Instead of light cheese have a normal piece. Instead of skim milk drink 2%. Your diary is private so I am unsure as to what you are eating but if you are having trouble getting your calories in then you probably don't need to be cutting them in the first place (unless of course you are on this site to be "healthier" as opposed to "skinnier"). Good luck!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I think if you are eating when you are not hungry, then you are crazy. Do not eat more than your body is telling you to. You will not go into "starvation mode." Trust me, you will know "starvation mode" when it happens. It is not something you want to experience. You will have NO energy. As long as you have energy, you are good. Only eat as much as you're hungry for.
    That's just the kind of thinking that got me fat - eating what I was hungry for.
    No, set a goal and just stick to it without excuse or complaint.
    Simple deal.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Eat more calorie dense foods. Instead of the egg white eat the whole damn egg. Instead of light cheese have a normal piece. Instead of skim milk drink 2%. Your diary is private so I am unsure as to what you are eating but if you are having trouble getting your calories in then you probably don't need to be cutting them in the first place (unless of course you are on this site to be "healthier" as opposed to "skinnier"). Good luck!

    this. no need to choose the fat free / low fat options if you have the calories for them. Fat is good.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Girl, pick up a spoon and peanut butter jar and start scoopin'. Or eat some nuts, avocado or cook food in evoo. Or get a protein shake like muscle milk which is 300 calories per two scoops.

    I used to love peanut butter but then i read somewhere that almost every jar has some rodent hair in it and it totally put me off it!! I got some whey protien so i might start using that, i just really dont like the taste of it much! lol

    Just about *EVERY* commercially produced food product has traces of rodent hair/feces, insect parts, etc. Check out the FDA's website for the list of "acceptable" contaminants -- althought reading through that just make make it even more difficult to eat.

    If it's any consolation, you've been eating this stuff for YEARS with no ill effects... :smile:

    Is this the same here in the U.K.?
    It is almost certainly the same, if by the same you mean "contaminated below a certain acceptable threshold."
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    I have, more than once, resorted to ice cream. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I eat (healthy, low meat, high veg, almost no carb) food, because that's what I LIKE eating, and it makes me feel healthy. More carbs and I bloat. More meat and I feel like I've eaten a lead weight.

    Of course these are discoveries made in the last 3 weeks since I started this adventure. But since then? Ugh. I'd rather be under and deal with THOSE consequences than feel like a lead-weighted bloat-machine when I'm trying to defeat my elliptical demons!
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member

    I used to love peanut butter but then i read somewhere that almost every jar has some rodent hair in it and it totally put me off it!! I got some whey protien so i might start using that, i just really dont like the taste of it much! lol

    Oh WHY did you say that??? I love love love peanut butter. I hope I forget your comment by tomorrow! ;)
  • svepps
    svepps Posts: 2
    Thanks for sharing!
  • cherylfromboji
    cherylfromboji Posts: 9 Member
    I'm set at 1200 plus I do workout - so I post an additional 300-400 calories....but I'm always hungry....I lost about 10 lbs January-February and then haven't lost another ounce. So, do I eat more? I'm so confused.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    A lot of good suggestions already - peanut butter (around 190 calories in 2 tablespoons), almonds, avocados, protein shakes (the one I use is chocolate peanut butter flavor and has 280 calories, 52g of protein). Cottage cheese is another suggestion that I don't think has been mentioned yet. Even a couple tablespoons of olive oil on your salad/vegetables will pump up the calories without being a nutritional disaster.