A little discouraged

I am new to the message boards but figure I will jump right in :smile:

I am a little discouraged with how slow the weight seems to be coming off. I calorie count, am doing C25K, and trying to stay focused. I would say one day, every three weeks or so I will go over my calorie goal by about 500 calories. I just feel like I need to eat in the sense that I am genuinely hungry. Not necessarily eating junk food at those time.

I am averaging about a pound a week.

Is that typical weight loss for females? Should I be doing more? I don't want to crash diet either. It seems like my husband sneezes and looses two pounds. (gggrrr!!!)

Sorry if this seems a little bit scattered....just trying to stay focused. any advice, tips, etc are appreciated!


  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    A pound a week is great! You don't have much to lose so the pounds will come off slowly. Just remember that you didn't gain your extra weight over night and that slower weight loss is more likely to be permanent weight loss. Just breathe, you are doing excellent!
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    A pound a week is great because you will be able to maintain a healthy weight. I know you've heard the old sayings the quicker you lose the faster you'll gain it right back. Slow & steady wins this race. Keep doing what you are and you will see the pounds melt away. Some weeks it will be faster then others but in the end you will do it.
  • winter_vixen
    winter_vixen Posts: 27 Member
    A pound a week sounds like a good amount to me! Recommended loss is about that for women, maximum being 2 pounds, otherwise it's way too easy to stack it back on if you slip up for .5 seconds! haha. Believe me, I know all about the gruelling slow weight loss /sigh, but it's so worth it. Stick to your guns missy! You're doing well. :)
  • thenicksters
    thenicksters Posts: 31 Member
    I am going up and down the same 2 - 3 lbs since I started on here a month or so ago. I can't figure out how many calories I should eat. I only want to lose 8 more lbs. So as long as you're losing - I would not get discouraged! Just keep it up!!
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    If you make your diary public, that will help people get you feedback :) A pound a week is not bad at all!
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    I think one pound a week is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep doing what your doing.........
  • Moosical
    Moosical Posts: 23
    A pound a week isn't bad! I know how you feel about wanting it to come off quicker, but honestly, losing a steady rate is better for you than crash dieting and losing big chunks, gives your body time to adjust.

    They say 1-2lb per week is a good rate for a woman to lose.

    I mainly go for variety now, I do my zumba twice a week and try to swim twice a week then alternate what I do in between ;D
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    Men typically lose faster than we do. It SUCKS. Plus we have our time of the month and all that to deal with, too. Someone with more to lose will also [usually] lose more quickly in the beginning.

    Without being able to see your diary, I would say to make sure you're eating enough, and enough of the right things, and just keep at it. Are you doing any weight training?

    Remember, even at a pound a week, in a year you'll be down 52 pounds! It's a lifestyle change, not a diet! :)
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds like excellent progress! Great job! Congrats! There's a lot of people out there that are losing weight even more slowly, so keep up the faith in yourself. You can and are doing it!
  • fiddlefiddle19
    Hi there!
    I've been using MFP for only 10days, but I understand how you feel, 'cos I'm the type who is very impatient in seeing the results. I haven't lose much kg, but I focus on my body fat %, overall body appearance and also how toned my muscles look. I have a weighing scale that calculates my body fat %, muscle %, water % and bone. Even though I dont rlly see my weight reducing drastically, but I do notice that my body fat % has reduced,and my muscle % has also increased, not only that, I also measure my waist once in a while, it did reduce.
    So, probably, instead of focusing on your weight, try investing on a weighing scale that measures body fat. :D hope this helps!