can you really loose.....

krystaal870 Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
15lbs in one month. That is whatI want to do. Im currently 130 and want to get down to 115. How much cardio should I do and what foods should I eat? Should I do a 2-week clense to help out. Any suggestions would be great!!


  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Ooofff just be careful. It takes 3500 calories to burn one pound of fat. You are vitually trying to get rid of a half a pound a day. If you naturally burn 2100 cal a day, then you want to create a 1750 deficit a day. Eating the minimum of 1250 calories a day gives you a 850 deficit. You would work out enough to burn another 900 calories everyday. I mean, I'm not factoring in water weight or anything, but you goal is pretty crazy.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Well lets do the math:

    To lose 15 lbs you need to create a caloric deficit of 52,500 calories. That means a deficit of 13,125 calories a week. (So you can lose 3.75 lbs a week)

    That means you will need to have a daily caloric deficit of 1875 calories a day. Which is of course possible but not very healthy. With that kind of caloric deficit you would not be getting the nutrients you need so you'd lose a lot of bone and muscle mass too.
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    Wow,,,, 15lbs is ok for someone who is much heavier like when I was 270lbs. You can go for it but it is a very big goal. I have done some cleanses and it may help. Main thing is to eat good foods watch the cals and do a lot of cardio.

    Good luck
  • thanks! I just see it on covers of magazines and really wanted to know more about. Maybe atleast 2lbs a week would be better.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Sorry, but you're not going to go from 130 to 115 in a month. If by some miracle you did starve yourself and drop 15 pounds in one month, as soon as you ate a normal amount of food again, the weight would be back in about a minute. You can do serious damage to your body with goals like that.

    At 130, you should have a goal of 1/2 pound or maximum 1 pound per week weight loss. That would be 2-4 pounds/ month. Seriously, what's more important than being health? If your goal is to look better- no one who starves themselves looks good OR feels good.

    If you want to get serious about dropping 15 pounds, follow the guidelines here at MFP, and do it the healthy, smart way.
  • my biggest concern is my stomach. I had twins and thats where all of my weight is. To be honest im not even sure if its fat or skin. I beleive its fat and I really need help with that. It jus feels like crunaches aint doing it because i have so much there.
  • Not to be a downer, but...

    I think even 2lbs a week is pretty aggressive for someone your size. You don't want to slow your metabolism down, in which case you could end up not losing the weight, AND have a slower metabolism!

    I've had two babies, so I know how the stomach needs a little extra kick to get back to being flat and toned. It does take time.

    There was discussion on another thread about losing muscle mass during pregnancy (as much as 10 lbs of muscle) so you might want to look into heavier strength training, to build that muscle back.

    Good luck!
  • my biggest concern is my stomach. I had twins and thats where all of my weight is. To be honest im not even sure if its fat or skin. I beleive its fat and I really need help with that. It jus feels like crunaches aint doing it because i have so much there.

    I think you may have hit the nail on the head.... think of how far out your abdominal area was stretched at the end of your pregnancy. Often, women who have twins, have difficulty with skin retraction. It might not be fat at all (your profile pic looks quite svelt). A friend of mine had twins, while I had a singleton birth, and we have both lost almost all of our weight, but her tummy has hanging skin, while mine went back. I think twins are definitely harder on the skin.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Good a goal of 8 pounds is much better
  • my biggest concern is my stomach. I had twins and thats where all of my weight is. To be honest im not even sure if its fat or skin. I beleive its fat and I really need help with that. It jus feels like crunaches aint doing it because i have so much there.

    I think you may have hit the nail on the head.... think of how far out your abdominal area was stretched at the end of your pregnancy. Often, women who have twins, have difficulty with skin retraction. It might not be fat at all (your profile pic looks quite svelt). A friend of mine had twins, while I had a singleton birth, and we have both lost almost all of our weight, but her tummy has hanging skin, while mine went back. I think twins are definitely harder on the skin.

    i was 120 before i had got preggos then at the end i was about 160 so i really didnt gain that much. i would post a pic, but i really dont want too.
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    If you did happen to get what you want and loose that pesky 15 lbs in one month - there is a serious down side: Most of what you lost is water weight and muscle. Which means that when you gain it back (and you most likely will to loose it that fast) it will be harder to loose it again due to having less muscle mass than what you started with.

    Loosing weight slowly, though it can be discouraging since most of us love instant gratification, will be best in the long run so you learn and adapt to healthier eating habbits that will ultimately prevent you from gaining back the weight you've worked so hard to loose. Don't be self defeating. Be patient. And 130 lbs is a healthy weight, even if you prefer yourself to be smaller :)

    Take care
  • Hi krytaal870 it's good u wanna lose 15lbs but i think ur going to over do it but u've done good so far and keep doing what ur doing. And i know u want ur stomach flat but it's going to take time i was big all my life and when i had my son i got bigger i was 268 by the time i had him but i was already 223 before i got prenant. And that was 5yrs. ago and when i finlly made up my mind last june08 i was 261 and by dec08 i was 200 and then i lost 6more lbs cause of my galla bladder sugery. so now al i'm left with now is fat and skin so i do cardio and strengh training for an hour and a half to get my stomach back tight and flatter. and thats all u can do .oh p.s. now i'm glad my hubby has his own gym and he takes noe mercy on my lol it's the price u pay to get a flatter stomach. so go luck and 15lbs is a steping stone:smile:
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Be careful if you choose to lose more than 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. There are risk an it is not the safest amount. I know this because it happeneed to me and I had some serious issues until I found that it was too much. Like I said 1 to 1.5 pounds a week is good. Be patient you will lose it. God Bless, brenda
  • thanks for all of the comments!! :))
  • Hi, I also had twins 10 months ago. I am trying to loose more weight and get my tummy back. I have loose skin and too much fat. I also have stretcvh marks. But I have wonderful B/G twins. I only gained 35 lbs, but I was 15 pounds too heavy to begin with. All of my pregnancy weight is off, but not the old. 15. I am not sure if it is possible to regain my shape without a tummy tuck. But I will try.
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