A tad on the lost side

tyreesm Posts: 2 Member
Hey my name is Tyree, i'm 19 and quite frankly in lost.
I just joined this site from my ipod like a day ago because i was listening to my friend talk and i got me thinking about myself. I do not like myself physically. I have been made fun of for the good portion of the life i have lived so far and i let it get to me. The fun little fluffy joke people make are funny too but they still sit in my head and float around. I have come to find out excuses are not worth jack. I am the one who needs to make the change, and i am the only person who can do that for myself. I want to feel that confidence to go find myself the guy for me! but they see my horrid shell before me. Oh and... i have no idea where to start. I am still trying to get used to my work schedule but i wan't to figure out a system of if not this then that, if that makes any sense. I just need a jumping off point and right now i am sitting on the ledge. So if anyone can give me some pointers, or help me start that would be great. Anything at all is better then nothing. I want to make a change so i can be who i wan't to be. Not only do i wan't this but i need it!!
-mutantur omnia nos et mutamur in illis


  • dmzazueta
    dmzazueta Posts: 36
    Best place to start is tracking what you eat, so you are aware of where you need to make changes. The app is a bit tedious at first, but you will get used to it. Be patient with yourself, first and foremost!!!

    Once you get the food portion under control, you will have the confidence to make changes you probably already know you need to make.

    For me, exercise is very important. I am noticing more changes from that alone. Nice not to see my arms jiggle to much. You can do it, if you are persistent. You have already made a step in the right direction. Cheers!

  • Hi honey, first of all welcome to MyFitnessPal! What are your goals specifically? Are you just looking to get in better shape? Or do you want lo lose weight? I can see on your ticker that you're aiming for 90lbs, is that correct?

    I myself am trying to lose about 4 kgs, which is almost 9lbs. I've tried so may things before like diets (just eating very little of everything), pills and creams. The only time I succeeded was when I used MFP. It's very simple actually; you need to monitor what you eat (and stick to your goal) in order to lose weight. Also, you need to build more muscles. More muscles burn more calories, even when your body is resting. That's why fit people can eat more than others; their muscles are bigger and use more calories. So, it's 1+1=2 or decreasing the amount of calories+working out=weightloss.

    My biggest problem is that I binge-eat. I can eat large portions of very unhealthy food, sometimes because I feel sad or stressed, sometimes because I just feel like it when I'm watching tv. I need to change my lifestyle, which is very hard! But it's worth it in the end. It will give you more confidence, it will be better for your body (bloodvessels, heart, skin will be very thankfull) and make you feel much more energetic.

    If you like we can motivate each other!! I'm adding you as a friend.

    Don't feel lost; you're doing the right thing at the right time! Just go for it!!
  • tyreesm
    tyreesm Posts: 2 Member
    thank you dmzazueta :] good to know i am at least heading the right way. and jolandejuliet thanks for the welcome :] yes i would love to lose that much! i want to lose wait. right now i have no idea what my body fat percentage is but i know its to high. i am a big guy in general. what are some good things to eat? i know of some but i would like a wider variety. it would be awesome to have someone to go through this with! i shall accept the request haha.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hi Tyree,

    Sounds like you need some basic info on good nutrition for starters. If I were you, I'd find a good book on fitness and nutrition -- go to amazon.com or browse a local bookstore. Next you might want to start walking -- get some good shoes and just make yourself a schedule, adding a few minutes every day, and just get out there and start moving. Eventually you might want to start running, join a gym, get some advice from a personal trainer, etc.

    I see on your profile that one of the reasons you want to get healthy and fit is to "snag a guy." Don't do it for a guy, do it for YOU! When you're healthy, you'll start to feel better about yourself, you'll feel happy and confident....take care of YOU and the guy will come later...trust me. :)
  • mogolo
    mogolo Posts: 30
    Welcome Tyreesm to MFP, first let me say you've picked the right community to start your journey, there's so much information on this site to help you. I'd start by reading over the forums, that's what I did. I was a heavy mountain dew drinker for 10+ years. Since joining this site I have stopped drinking dew, I have drank more water in this past month of joining than I have in the previous 10 years combined. watch my calories and SODIUM intake I couldnt believe how much sodium i was consuming on a daily basis. :( I have lost 17 lbs in this month, alot of it water weight but i feel so much better not being bloated and dehydrated all the time. my skin,hair,nails look so much healthier. So my two pieces of starter advice would have to be Drink water water and more water, and to also read over the forums... specially Success Stories and Food and Nutrition. Ive got huge motivation from success stories, seeing the results and hearing what people even 2x my size are doing shows me I CAN do it, and so can you :) enjoy your journey to a healthier you!!!!!!
  • emmydawnsmom
    emmydawnsmom Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome, The best piece of advice that I ever received and probably the hardest is be patient and honest with myself. I did not get to almost 400 pounds over night so it I will certainly not get to 300 or 200 overnight. That is so true. I know I have been overweight all my life and I also knew I needed to get healtier for me and my family. I started just keeping track of what I ate. I wrote it down in a notebook to start because I did not know about MFP at that time. I did not change anything at all for one week I wrote everything I ate or drank down. The next week I wrote down everything I ate and drank and the time I ate and drank and tried to eat three meals and two snacks about the same time each and every day for a week and again wrote it all down. A friend at work said try MFP, so I did and have been here ever since. I will stray and not log in or keep track and each and everytime I do I gain or stop losing. I was not aware of how unhealthy and how much and often I was eating. I just did not know. My first month I lost almost 30pounds eating same foods just trying to stick to same times and to three meals and two snacks. It is all about steps making small lifestyle changes. No crash diets, no deprivations, changes. You can add me as a friend if you would like or email me. emmydawnsmom@yahoo.com You made the first step already in your journey.
  • DEGiltz
    DEGiltz Posts: 297 Member
    Welcome Tyree!

    Congratulations on deciding that you need to do something for you!

    You need to start with learning about good nutrition and get that body moving. The better you take care of your body, the better you will feel.

    In the beginning this might be a bit challenging especially if you haven't ever focused before on nutrition. Start reading labels and get familiar with serving sizes. You'll still be able to eat many of the same foods you've always enjoyed as long as you do so in moderation. Log everything you eat (everything!). Start cutting out "empty" calories (that's going to be your sugar and simple carbs - soda, white bread, sugar cereals, etc.) for foods with more nutritional value; yes, you're going to have to get some fruits and veggies into your day. Water is very important, so start replacing other beverages with h20. These are just some suggestions. I'm going to send you a friend request so you can look at my food diary for ideas.

    Get moving ... the easiest type of exercise you can start with is walking, and it's the least expensive fitness plan going. Work yourself up to walking longer distances. Get a pedometer to see how much you walk in a day then challenge yourself to walk further the next day.

    Read the forums, ask questions ... YOU are important so make a commitment to yourself for better health and fitness. Hugs!