Family is making it hard!



  • tweakz20
    tweakz20 Posts: 152 Member
    Use it as motivation, drop the weight and prove them wrong.

    My family still doesn't support me being vegetarian and make fun of me. Their opinions are annoying and can't be swayed with reason. So I stopped caring what they say.
  • kekpron
    kekpron Posts: 38 Member
    thanks everyone. I want to prove them all wrong. I wish I had results now haha!

    The good news is, when you lose it through exercise you are adding lean muscle mass which will make it easier to keep it off. In a couple years you will likely be able to chuckle at their weight gain and say, 'Who had it right now!' :).

    Like others have said though, just keep in your calories and do your workouts and then they get to eat a fine diet of crow!.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    It's weird that they make fun of you for exercising, because WW has recently been promoting exercise in a big way. You can earn points back for exercise (the same as eating your workout calories). Every other time I have had to lose weight in my life, I did it with WW...but they changed the system, and I don't really like the new one. So here I am on MFP. But I think it is odd that your family would make fun about exercise when it is a part of the WW program too.

    Yeah none of them work out or anything. I used to ask them to go on walks with me and things like that and they'd be like...we have to lose weight before we exercise. Which is ridiculous! Exercise is how you lose the weight!

    They are insane- I don't like the new system at all- the old point system was easier- but I also found that tracking points for working out was a nightmare-
    Losing weight before you exercise? What is this? This sounds like the philosophy from the 70's- good LORD!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    just smile and nod....and keep going with what you are doing. At some point your weight and fitness progress will surpass the smaller goals they have had, and they will "get it"

    I told hubby for 2 years that I would be able to lose weight if I had a Y membership. finally he grudgingly gave in in February. I have been there 3-4x a week for the last 5 months...the first few months the weight did not come off very fast. I changed my diet 2 months ago, and the weight started melting off. I think he was hooked the night he *found* my hip bone...and last night before we went to sleep we were laying there in bed talking, I said I wondered how much I could lose and if I would ever find my abs. Hubby told me "keep going, I KNOW you can do it"
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    My mum and sis are both on Slimming World but it holds no appeal for me at all so I know where you're coming from. Admittedly I had more to lose but I have lost more weight in six months on MFP than either of them has in a year on SW. Each to their own - just keep doing what works for you :)
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    They may be losing weight - but part of their weight loss may be from muscle loss and what good is that? Exercise is healthy for you for so many reasons. You know what's best for you, just keep at it and results will follow :)
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    weight watchers made you feel guilty for eating your exercise points. Every leader I had said not to eat them- which was stupid- I ate them and lost a lot of weight- if you don't eat them, you will be super hungry. They have these lame videos but they really don't stress it like they should which is a shame.
    Muscle mass will burn fat.
    You will find the family and people who laugh at you for working out will also end up being "skinny - fat" meaning they will llose weight but will have no definition whatsoever- and will be more likely to gain back
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    See it as a blessing in disguise to help you reach your goal faster. Use their negativity as motivation to keep you going. ;)
  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    I'd explain to them that aside from working towards a healthy weight, exercising helps you in other ways too: lowers stress, gets you out of the house, you have friends at the gym, etc. Maybe making them realize that its more than just "torture", they'll see other benefits that exercise offers and might eventually want to join you!
  • VickieZureich
    VickieZureich Posts: 37 Member
    I understand exactly where you are coming from...My husband has lost lots of weight many times on Weight Watchers but always gains it all back...why, not enough exercise and since their products are laden with sugar! My daughter and I have switched and are on a whole grain and no sugar and as least amount of salt as possible and are finally seeing the biggest success we have ever had...and we are becoming exercise really does work to increase your exercise...I am 61 and it takes longer for me to lose now, but when I reeve it up, it starts to come off....Keep up the good workouts!
  • plzlbsbegone
    plzlbsbegone Posts: 233
    I would tell them that doing weight watchers may make the fat come off, but if they are not working out they will not get the cardio and muscle health! Good for you, stick to what you are doing, when you are finished, you will be scultped, they will be "squishy" and soft!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    foiled again! totally thought this was an incest thread....dang.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    It's weird that they make fun of you for exercising, because WW has recently been promoting exercise in a big way. You can earn points back for exercise (the same as eating your workout calories). Every other time I have had to lose weight in my life, I did it with WW...but they changed the system, and I don't really like the new one. So here I am on MFP. But I think it is odd that your family would make fun about exercise when it is a part of the WW program too.

    Yeah none of them work out or anything. I used to ask them to go on walks with me and things like that and they'd be like...we have to lose weight before we exercise. Which is ridiculous! Exercise is how you lose the weight!

    They are insane- I don't like the new system at all- the old point system was easier- but I also found that tracking points for working out was a nightmare-
    Losing weight before you exercise? What is this? This sounds like the philosophy from the 70's- good LORD!

    exactly haha! and theyve been in this dieting before exercising phase for about 3 years!
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    foiled again! totally thought this was an incest thread....dang.

    hahaha sorry to disappoint!
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Good luck with everything, like many replies you have gotten so far. I too can relate you your story, almost my entire family is overweight they make poor food choices and don't exercise and they are completely happy with being fat.
    I on the other hand am trying to make healthy choices and excercise and it is very hard in a home that is not supportive or has no interest.
  • rhinolover21
    rhinolover21 Posts: 4 Member
    Most people often confuse just losing weight and losing weight while being healthy. It is one thing to just cut back on calories or follow a program, but without any physical activity you aren't going to be healthy. They may be losing weight but aren't going to be healthy by sitting on their butts all the time!
  • sistasledge101
    Some people dont see the value in exercise, which is sad. Whats good about being thinner if someday you will be frail? Exercise is good for us regardless of weight loss goals. Your body is going to thank you for the perseverance.
    Don't forget, exercise can rev your metabolism up, meaning you can eat more :)
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    Most people often confuse just losing weight and losing weight while being healthy. It is one thing to just cut back on calories or follow a program, but without any physical activity you aren't going to be healthy. They may be losing weight but aren't going to be healthy by sitting on their butts all the time!

    I try to explain this to them all of the time but they just don't listen! My mom thinks it's a work out to walk from the kitchen to her bedroom!
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I'm not sure that this will offer much help for the OP (sorry, OP!), but there are some ideas for other unsupportive family situations here : Good luck.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Most people often confuse just losing weight and losing weight while being healthy. It is one thing to just cut back on calories or follow a program, but without any physical activity you aren't going to be healthy. They may be losing weight but aren't going to be healthy by sitting on their butts all the time!

    I try to explain this to them all of the time but they just don't listen! My mom thinks it's a work out to walk from the kitchen to her bedroom!

    Show your mom proof that working out revs up your metabolisms- show her studies and then tell her the reality! :)