Runkeeper vs. nike+GPS

jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
Well, I have both Apps on my IPhone. I used them both at the same time today.

I stopped the Nike one after 10 minutes, and kept going with the Runkeeper. I am very impressed with both, but I think I like runkeeper a tad bit better. I like how the lady tells me my pace and such every 5 minutes.

Now on the nike, I LOVED how they have your route highlighted with how fast you were on each section of the walk. super cool.

I didn't think to compare both on calories and I forgot my HRM for the 1st 10 minutes of my walk I had to go back home to get it. So, I am not sure the comparison there. But next time I will use my HRM and both Apps together to compare calories.

What app do you like better if you have both and why?

Just curious. and if anyone has something else, I would love to hear the "perks"



  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Anyone, Anyone???
  • 01elizabeth59
    I don't have an i-phone. Sorry!
  • lschramm
    lschramm Posts: 22 Member
    I've been using runkeeper, but i did just download the nike one (cuz they made it free!). I agree, I do like the runkeeper's voice coming on telling me how far I've gone. I have yet to try nike+, but it already seems like there is too many things to "log onto" to make it work...
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    The Nike+ gps app gives you audio feedback also. It's a setting that you can turn on and off.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I've never used the Nike app but I love the Runkeeper app. I like that you can setup custom programs in it. I have one setup to give me my pace every 5 minutes and notify me of every .5 mile interval so I can keep my pace.
  • Vadana
    Vadana Posts: 2
    I have Nike+ GPS, RunKeeper and iMapMyRun on my iPhone. I have never tried RunKeeper but I like the two others. I played around with Nike+ GPS quite a bit in the last several days (since it became a free app) and was disappointed at first (GPS didn't work -> turned out to be my mistake) but I'm hooked now. I actually like all the corny features on the website that the app syncs to automatically (e.g. tracking my miles and advancing through different colors depending on how many total miles I've run, setting goals & getting awards and the social aspects of it - though I don't have any friends on their yet). You can set-up audio feedback the way you like (I prefer to only get mine after my run because I'm using a C25K app at the same time & want to be able to hear the running/walking intervals). With the Nike app you can pre-program "power songs" (your favorite songs from your music library that help to motivate you to keep running), enable to hear cheers if you post your run to facebook or twitter and people like the status (haven't tried that feature yet).

    iMapMyRun (I have the free version) is a straight-forward, reliable app and overall less "playful" than the Nike one.

    I only just started running again so the colorful Nike+ GPS app seems more motivating to me at this point.
    I will try RunKeeper during my next run as I've heard a lot of positive things about it.

    BTW if anyone is looking for friends on the Nike+ network ( feel free to add me (my username is Vadana)!
  • lschramm
    lschramm Posts: 22 Member
    Well, I finally tried out the nike+gps today, and I'm in love. i like seeing the different colours on the map, and I really like the fact the Lance Armstrong gave me kudos! lol
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    I didn't know you could run 2 apps together on the iPhone. I have run keeper which I really like but I also have the c25k app. It would be great if I could run them both simultaneously.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    I like imapmyfitness because it incorporates all the different flavors of activity--running walking biking, etc. Found it to be almost perfectly in sync with my polar ft60g1.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I didn't know you could run 2 apps together on the iPhone. I have run keeper which I really like but I also have the c25k app. It would be great if I could run them both simultaneously.

    LOL at 1 time I had my runkeeper, nike, Pandora and my C25K running all at the same time on my IPhone. lol I jept it on the C25K so I could see it, but they all worked just fine!
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I've used iMapMyRun quite a bit just to plan my routes before I go out so I know where to run for the distance I want, It's great when you travel and I have the app on my Blackberry. I'm sure there is one for iPhone.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I've been using Runkeeper since last spring and I love it! Never knew I could get audio prompts.. how do I set that up??? Do I need the full version.. I think I have the lite.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I found out that there was a newer version of RunKeeper that I didn't have, so I thank you for pointing out the coaching! I downloaded it (still free) and used it today.. it was awesome! Kept me on track during my speedwork!!!!
  • blue_sunset143
    You Can! :) i have just recently started doing this and love it! **Edit: @Tarah40