Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
So, Monday I'm starting the turbo fire prep 9 week program before starting the full turbo fire. My question here is can you do other things while you're doing turbo fire?

For example is it still ok to work on kettlebells? How about Zumba? Running? Do you HAVE to rest on that Wednesday or can you do another activity to burn calories?

I want to do Turbo Fire *RIGHT* and get the results....so I just was wondering what do I do? Do turbo fire schedule and add in whatever else I want or follow turbo fire schedule and leave the rest until the program is over?

I'm all ears because like I said I want to do it the right way and not feck it up! <3 Thanks!!!


  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Bumping in the hopes of a response so I can do this properly.
  • Sia_33
    Sia_33 Posts: 36 Member
    never heard of turbo fire, but it sounds like a wicked work out.let me know how u get on. i've started the 30 day shred.
  • Jennd3098
    Jennd3098 Posts: 30
    why not!!! just listen to your body...if you are tired...take your rest day...i usually never rest on my rest days unless i am completely pooped out!

    but you'll get results if you just keep moving!

    Good luck
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Kill it!
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks!! I'm dead excited to start this I watched the video last night before bed and I was like oh man hell ya this is going to be rockin!! LOL
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    Turbo Fire is the best workout program I've ever tried in my life! I lost 28lbs by doing the 120 day program. About your questions:

    1) You have to listen to your body, if you feel you can do other workouts then do it!!. I did 30 day Shred, Butt Bible, C25K among other non-beachbody program along the way. I had great results and I did it because I felt I had extra energy left to do Turbo Fire and those workouts mentioned.
    2) I strongly emphasize the importance of taking a rest day - could be wednesay, thurs... any day you want to but REST!.

    You can add me for support or questions. Im finishing C25k and plan to start Chalean Extreme on Monday so excited!!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I started the prep program last month and it's great! I was (am) really out of shape after having my 2nd kid and it does a good job easing you in. There have been a couple days I considered going for a run, especially after the stretch workouts or strength, but haven't. Mostly because I already have enough calories to eat without burning more :) But I don't see why you couldn't.
  • kbsagely
    kbsagely Posts: 7 Member
    I add other things into my week as well, especially taekwondo and biking. My only suggestion is that if you are working on the beginning of your program, don't do the HIIT workouts two days in a row. That is why the Wednesday rest day is good in the first four weeks, so you don't do back to back HIIT workouts.

    Otherwise, do whatever feels good!
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I'm on the last 3 weeks of the 120 day calendar. My advice would be to follow the schedule (make your rest day whatever day works for you) and if you feel like you need more that day then do something else. If it's a short workout day, maybe add in some strength training.
    Good Luck! I've done a ton of different programs and this is by far my favorite ever!! It's so fun and motivating, I never ever dread this workout.
  • Sia_33
    Sia_33 Posts: 36 Member
    Started my tf prep today. Anybody want to do it with me?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    keep doing the kettles bells and weight stuff if you have the energy.

    Strength training is very important to keep up. But I agree with above posters- listen to your body. If you're super exhausted maybe skip a day or cut back a little- no harm no foul there. there are no work out police.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I did two rounds of turbofire and lost about 50 pounds! STILL love it to this day and often throw in a workout after my T-25 on some days. I would say go for it, but do listen to your body. If you feel like you are going strong then go for it, but take a rest day when you need it. Its important not to get to burnt out early on. When I was doing it, I did the workouts, then maybe went for an additional run or lifted a couple weights. I think your going to LOVE it and the energy Chalene gives off. Everytime I put the dvd in, I get so pumped haha. Good luck to you!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I LOVE Turbo Fire. Zumba was my favorite workout until I tried Turbo Fire. Yes, you can do other things. And, no you don't have to totally rest on rest days.

    Just listen to your body. If you are sore, rest the muscles that are sore, but there is nothing wrong with working other muscles. Or doing some yoga to stretch out those sore muscles. Turbo Fire does work your arms more than most cardio that I've done, but it's not strenght training, so keeping with the kettlebells is a good idea.

    Just don't push so hard that you burn out. If you need a rest day, take it.

    ETA: I just noticed that this is an old thread that was started in June, so I guess the OP has probably figured it out by now. :laugh:
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    there's not a wrong way to exercise. lol i mean you can over-do something and hurt yourself, but whatever activity you choose on any given day is better than choosing nothing at all. yes to strength training if that's what you desire. when i did turbo fire i did a little bit everything. i am way to A.D.D. to stick to one thing every single day. you will do fine
  • AniaFi
    AniaFi Posts: 18
    Hi, I'm no expert to give you any tips on how to excersise to do it the right way, but I just wanted to say that I've just finished the second week of the TF challange and I love this training program! I have the same doubts as you do, not being sure if Wednesdays should our shouldn't be completely lazy, but I do excersise on the rest days as well, but I choose lower impact excersise, like walking, Orbitrek, etc.