collard greens and fresh beets

wo1wendy Posts: 40 Member
I am making these tomorrow night and I really dont want to use the bacon fat :( any good ideas out there? I am also cookinb fresh beets. I dont like the canned ones and thought I would try something new. I could use some ideas about these too? thanks :wink:


  • angagc
    angagc Posts: 8
    For the collards use a tablespoon of olive oil, then once you've let them sautee/cook down for a few minutes, add your liquid and add a tablespoon or two of balsamic vinegar then let cook down. I love southern style greens but this is a yummy change too. But if you decide to use bacon remember you are making more than one serving of greens and a little bacon will go a long way for a few calories.
  • wo1wendy
    wo1wendy Posts: 40 Member
    I used chicken stock with water and 3 tbsp of olive oil mixing in some minced garlic. when it boiled I put in a half a tsp of sugar and boiled until tender. it was wonderful and melted in my mouth. I will do this again for sure
  • wo1wendy
    wo1wendy Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for your recipe I will try that one next