Vegetarian Diet and Vegan Diet

My wife and I stopped eating meat last August. She went completely Vegan, and I am a Pesca-Vegetarian (still eat fish so far), and the results have been incredible. My wife had been trying to talk me into this for the longest time, but I could never imagine giving up red meat, chicken, or Pork. Then I watched a video on the Empirical study based on the China Study. I am only mentioning the "Forks over Knives" video because it is what changed my mind, permanently. I believe you can find it free, borrow it from a friend, or just read about the study on-line, but after that there is nothing to buy (besides changing to a whole food and grain diet) and it is life changing. Again, I am not selling anything and have nothing to gain by telling you about this irrefutable evidence on what our body needs, and does not need. 45 pounds just fell off with little to no exercise, and my wife dropped 50 pounds. We just started an exercise program at a local gym and we feel wonderful. No more heartburn, indigestion, or blotchy skin. I am 56 and my wife is 44, and I have not felt this good in 20 years. Just wanted to share this because it is for everybody. #1 question from everyone is how do you get your protein? Answer: Beans, rice, baby spinach, green vegetables, peanut butter, legumes, quinoa, tempeh, seitan, tofu, and the list goes on. I recently posted a picture on my facebook that says it all; it is a picture of a gorilla and he is "saying", "I am a Vegan, ask me how I get my protein". It amazes me how foreign this concept is to most, even spell check cannot find seitan and tempeh. Along with Tofu (use firm) you can flavor this wheat protein however you want to work as a sub for any meat dishes you like. It has been fun learning a whole new way to cook and find our nutrition, and now we are hitting the gym to tone up and stay strong. For you skeptics and "gorillas" out there check out Body Builder Billy Simmonds and he will dispel all the myths for you. Again, I do not know Billy and there is nothing to sell. All you have to do is start changing your grocery store purchases to healthier food. Had to share because this could save your life. Still not convinced? You can watch Sanjay Gupta's "The Last Heart Attack" for free on You Tube. Find out what many doctors do not want you to know. Coronary bypass is big business! Peace and stay strong!


  • lynnmarie9189
    You can also find "Forks over Knives" on Netflix. It changed my mind too :)
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I have yet to watch Forks Over Knives, but I have seen Earthlings. Hard to watch but I recommend it. I'm a vegan of 7 months (vegetarian since 2008). I love it :)
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    My husband went Vegan because of Forks over Knives and he loves it!
  • MoolissaMuffintop
    I flirted with vegetarianism for years, and Forks Over Knives sealed the deal for me. I've actually watched it over and over again because there is so much information! I enjoy eating this way, never really was a huge meat for me, it completely makes sense. I'm gradually incorporating this way of life into my children's eating habits as well.
  • projectxreborn
    I was very leery of trying this vegan way of life...and am shocked that there are so many tasty recipes. I was dreading it and yes
    some meals have been pretty bad but there are also a lot of great ones out there. My meat and potatoes husband (and son!) like
    the meals as well. Some very good vegan cookbooks are ""Let them Eat Vegan" by Dreena Burton and "Chloe's Kitchen" by Chloe
    Coscarelli. Also there are a lot of vegan recipes on I have slowly turned to the vegan life and I don't regret it at bit.
    I have lost 35 lbs so far (most before I found this site) and my difference in energy is amazing. There are other bonuses besides
    weight disgusting pans to clean like you have to after cooking meat! When you put a glass of soymilk in the sink and don't wash it till the next morning, it doesn't turn lumpy and gross and smell just washes away. I never realized how disgusting
    dairy products and eggs smell until I quit using them for a while. Now the smell makes me sick. I love using all the colorful veggies
    and fruits each day. Yeah, it can be a pain to chop them up if you don't have a food processor, but it is really worth it. Your body
    will thank you! "Forks Over Knives" is really worth checking out.
  • ludeo
    ludeo Posts: 75
    hey i have been a vegetarian off and on for the past 5-6 years i find it hard sometime because my partner eats meat. and i find it hard to stay motivated need to make different recipes i think. dont think i could go vegan i love milk and eggs and cheese to much.i have been starting to eat more soy food as well. and liking stir frys again
    ill have to have a look into forks over knives. i did watch food inc. this year and that was really interesting.
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    Forks over Knives made me think hard about changing my habits, and watching Food Inc the next night sealed the deal! Ohh Netflix thank you for changing my life, literally!!!