How can i keep this from happening again?

vitabella Posts: 34 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Yesterday i ate great, & i worked out last night for an hour. But once i got home and got ready for bed i just kept thinking to myself, "Im never going to have a beautiful body", so i completely just let loose and "binged". Im 22 5'3'' 137Ibs. and i feel like i will never be beautiful so why even try anymore? there is no point in working out if im gonna stuff my face at night, even if i do lose weight i still will never look the way i wish i could. So yeah my question is, how do i get out of this rotten thinking?!


  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    I think we've all been there....this past year has been a bad one for me stress wise, and I've binged more times that I care to admit.....but I just tell myself today is a new day, a fresh start, I keep exercising, keep trying to eat right. I try to find other ways to relieve my stress. Taking a walk, doing some cleaning, looking at photos, surfing the internet. But I still have my days of failure. Hang in there! Don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    But you are beautiful! Even when you don't eat right, have an off day, don't exercise, etc. your body is still there for you, keeping you warm, getting you from place to place, processing all the sights you see, things you feel and that is beautiful! When we eat the way we should, exercise and take care of our body, we are thanking it for all it's done and will keep doing for us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think we are all beautiful.
    I've been heavy all my life. I've lost weight numerous times, all the time thinking that when I got to my goal weight I would be happier. It didn't happen that way. I didn't loose weight to be good to my body and to help it, I lost weight so I would get compliments from others, so I would look "sexy". Well, I did get the compliments, maybe I looked hot now and then, but the weight came back and more of it. And I think the reason was I was doing it for the wrong reasons. I'm changing that now. Yes, I want to look nice at my son's wedding, but most of all, I want to give my body back something for all it's given to me. I want to take care of it as it has taken care of me!
    You can do this! I know it all sounds so trite, but beauty really is only skin deep and who you are on the inside is really all that matters. So take care of you body, help it to do the job it's already doing better and easier. Try some yoga, sometimes that's what you need to really get in touch with yourself. You are beautiful and don't you forget that!!!!
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    if you tell yourself you never will have a beautiful body, you never will. see, you told yourself and whatever is your reality will happen- you overate after telling yourself that, so you will always be right if you do that. its a self fulfilling prophecy

    make a new prophecy
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,013 Member
    But you are beautiful! Even when you don't eat right, have an off day, don't exercise, etc. your body is still there for you, keeping you warm, getting you from place to place, processing all the sights you see, things you feel and that is beautiful! When we eat the way we should, exercise and take care of our body, we are thanking it for all it's done and will keep doing for us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think we are all beautiful.
    I've been heavy all my life. I've lost weight numerous times, all the time thinking that when I got to my goal weight I would be happier. It didn't happen that way. I didn't loose weight to be good to my body and to help it, I lost weight so I would get compliments from others, so I would look "sexy". Well, I did get the compliments, maybe I looked hot now and then, but the weight came back and more of it. And I think the reason was I was doing it for the wrong reasons. I'm changing that now. Yes, I want to look nice at my son's wedding, but most of all, I want to give my body back something for all it's given to me. I want to take care of it as it has taken care of me!
    You can do this! I know it all sounds so trite, but beauty really is only skin deep and who you are on the inside is really all that matters. So take care of you body, help it to do the job it's already doing better and easier. Try some yoga, sometimes that's what you need to really get in touch with yourself. You are beautiful and don't you forget that!!!!
    What you wrote is beautiful too, Mommabee!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Every day is a new day to start over! Sometimes we can't see the beauty that other people see! You don't like what you see in the mirror, but I bet out there there are people who think you are incredibly beautiful! You don't need to be thin and perfect to be beautiful!
  • Define beatiful. If it's a 5'10" cat walk model...then 99% of us are never going to look like that. But don't fall for that. Teenage girls struggle with that but we shouldn't. Like the other poster said, you're ALREADY beautiful, you just can't see it.

    Here's an example, I have a friend who had a baby. Afterwards, like all moms, she struggled with her weight. I'd see her once a month at book club and she was always talking bad about herself. I always thought she looked great. Then one month she comes in and announces that she now fit into her size 10 jeans! I worked to be very happy for her...but I couldn't see any difference. To her, and to most of us, a jean size is a HUGE thing and fitting into that size 10 made her feel great. But, honestly, I never would've noticed any difference. She was beautiful before and she was beautiful after...

    Don't let your life be ruled by a jean size. Be happy you're eat healthy and taking care of yourself NOW. Don't wait for a stupid size on a pair of jeans. They lie anyway! ( ;

  • Your battle is in your mind and I think that it's not about food but about not liking yourself enough. You are who you are, you can not make yourself taller but you can work at being the healthiest you can be and the fittest you can be. You can make the body you have the best you can, by eating right and by exercising. Then you need to like yourself and recognize your value as a beautiful human being, remember that God does not make junk. If you like yourself, you'll glow with confidence and sweetness that will attract people to you. Extremely beautiful people may attract others quickly and at first sight, but the attraction ususally does not last unless there is also something beautiful inside the soul, heart and mind. Work on every part of you, not only your body, to make you the best you can be: soul, heart, body and mind and truly like yourself because you ARE beautiful as a precious person.
  • breezysoul
    breezysoul Posts: 159 Member
    You have to work on your mind right now even more than your body. Use affirmations like "I am beautiful" and "I am perfect right now" and "I love myself". Keep finding things in your life to be grateful for and list them everyday - several times a day if you can. The only way to re-train your brain's stinkin' thinkin' is to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones - even if you don't feel positive at the time. You may also want to start a gratitude or positive affirmation journal and get in the habit of writing positive things down every day. Good luck to you and know that your life is beautiful!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I love this video, it shows start to finish what happens with models and photo shoots. Whatever we are looking at, print ads or video none of them are real, all have been photo shopped/airbrushed. Don't compare yourself to what is not real. Be yourself, none of us are "perfect" we all have an area of our bodies that we probably won't ever be comfortable or happy with. Find the area that you like and accentuate that, whether it's pretty eyes, great arms, nice hair.

    I exercise and eat healthier than I use to so I will be able to be healthy and enjoy life. I hope that you will find that joy also.:flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    This is a great thread, you all have given such loving answers. Thank you. :flowerforyou:
    Just bumpin it up
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    This is a great thread, you all have given such loving answers. Thank you. :flowerforyou:
    Just bumpin it up

    and keiko, that video is awesome.....
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