Anyone know any good swimming excerises?

Other than just laps, any good water things to do?


  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    Find a good water aerobics class! (Or some good books or web sites, of course.) The water provides resistance and can completely change how exercises feel and how much effort they take. You can rinse out milk or juice jugs and use them like weights to increase resistance -- empty for under water or full for lifting above, or halfway full for a combination.
  • Oooooo! I love swimming from one end of the pool using only my arms and on the way back only using my legs! It looks funny but it burns the goo!
  • alana - I do that all the time! haha, Its so fun!
  • jennaryan1205
    jennaryan1205 Posts: 43 Member
    My friend water jogs. She runs in circles around her pool for 30 minutes and then treads water against the current. Really great workout!
  • I bet! Running in water is SO hard!