Night Shift Snacking!

10bri10 Posts: 16 Member
I work as a CNA and i work the occasional night shift. The problem I run into is that I have a massive sweet tooth, which gets magnified by like 1000 when I am up all night. I've tried switching to healthier options like fruit, but I want sweets worse if I do. Anyone have any suggestions?


  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    I work nights and find that taking dinner with me that I can eat throughout the night helps. I take salad, cold chicken, raw carrots, a pear, yoghurt. I don't need to eat these all in one go, but the protein, especially in the chicken, keeps me from raiding the vending machine!

    Good luck, it takes willpower, but you can do it!
  • arletpt
    arletpt Posts: 1
    when I get a sweet tooth while im working at night, which isnt that often now, I grab a fiber one bar. They taste great, chocolaty, great amount of fiber to help me feel full and low in calories. The other thing that works for me is an apple or banana slices with a teaspoon of peanut butter.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Give my latest snack obsession a try, hopefully you love it even half as much as I do. Cut up an apple (I like red delicious) and serve yourself around 150-200g of Astro Zero vanilla yogurt (it's 35 calories per 100g, lowest calorie yogurt I've ever found by far and it is tasty as all hell). Dip the apple slices in the yogurt.

    Apples have fibre and should help you feel full. Studies found that people who ate yogurt 3x a day lost more weight than those who didn't (the guess is that it's the calcium, which apparently helps your body burn/use fat, in which case any good calcium source 3x a day would do). Most importantly, it's really, really good.

    Hope you like it. :)

    Hang in there resisting the sweets. They say if you go without them you lose your taste and although it sounded like bill to me I'm finding it to be true. I used to eat ice cream or chocolate almost daily, now I don't ever think about them. Even now, writing this post, I'm craving apples and yogurt rather than a milkshake.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    eat protein, fibre, and fat to keep you fuller for longer.