How many grams = 1 cup

How many grams = 1 cup


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    How many grams = 1 cup
    Grams of what ? A cup is a volume, a gram is a weight. A cup of water would weigh about 240g (depending on precisely which definition of cup) but a cup of lead would be more and a cup of popcorn a lot less
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    Depends what is in the cup - butter would have a different mass to 1 cup flour, for example. But one standard ( mine are canadian) cup is 237ml, so you should be able to do some maths from that - or tell me what you're measuring in cups and I'd be happy to help.

    - Avid baker.
  • meredicar
    meredicar Posts: 6
    150 grams
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    How many grams = 1 cup

    Depends what's in the cup! I do actually have a set of US measuring cups, but always prefer recipes in grams
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Oh Lawd.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Absolutely...what everyone is saying.

    The item you are measuring will definitely have a different result.

    While water is 8oz worth in that 1-cup measurement, you will definitely see a different result if you were to use - say BBQ sauce. That is heavier thus will be more in that 1-cup measurement.

    Here is a great free online tool for conversions!