Baby Daddy Sympathy Weight

Who's with me?


  • bbbsmama
    bbbsmama Posts: 96
  • I know there has to be more men out there who are in my position. I tried to get my wife to use this site with me but she is doing Weight Watchers. Props to her but I need some buddies.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Went through that 12 years ago. Got rid of it.

    What I'm getting rid of now is getting-used-to-working-at-a-desk-all-day weight.
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    And then some, I'm sure! I wasn't tracking back in the day (you know because '08 was such a long time ago...) so I have no idea how much weight I packed on, but I'm sure it was more than a couple of lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    When my wife was pregnant I didn't gain weight but then 3-4 lbs when the baby was born, as I didn't eat as well, sleep as well or make it to the gym as often. Once my son started sleeping though the nights and was able to do more self play I concentrated on my diet and hit the gym hard and dropped 7 lbs, and became the most fit I was in my life (first time having a 6 pack) At this time my son was just 19.5 months old
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Sorry this isn't helpful, but my husb. gained the same weight I did when I was pregnant! lol (30 lbs) Once the baby was born he pretty much dropped it within 2 months. Just from getting into a routine and eating better.

    you can do it! :D
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    My husband gained 20 pounds during my first pregnancy... every time I had a late-night craving, he'd join me. And I had them a lot the first time around.

    BTW, your picture is adorable. Congratulations!
  • aw. lol this is cute. my first babys daddy gained a little when i was prego. haha. GL.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    Nobody told me I'd gain 15 pounds when my wife was pregnant.

    Or another 40 after she wasn't anymore.

  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    people laughed when i brought it up but usually men are eating most of the same meals as the mom to be and dont have the natural ways to shed some of the lbs built in to the process like they do.,

    then you have a kid and you dont get enough sleep for a while which has been shown over and over again to have a huge affect on your body.

    for me it was a big deal to start eating with the newborn instead of later after my workout. i had been feeding her, putting her down then working out and eating after then collapsing and going to bed, moving up my dinner to earlier helped me drop 15-20 lbs when my first child was a few months old without changing anything else in my diet, our routine.