How much iron is enough?

sacorner Posts: 45 Member
So, prior to my weight loss journey beginning I had a miscarriage leading to anemia. I have been advised by the doctor to take three 300 mg tablets of iron supplement and to incorporate iron into my diet as often as possible. Now being newer to MFP I was playing with my settings and realized I could track my iron intake along side my calories, etc when tracking food. However, now I must admit, I am confused. From my research I have determined that I should be getting a minimum of 18 mg per day. MFP has is preset with a goal of 100 mg. The doctor has me on 900 mg of iron supplement (I am aware some of this is never obsorbed)... why is there such a big difference in the numbers and what should I truly be aiming for with regards to iron in my diet?? Taking into consideration I am rebuilding my iron stores and hope to become pregnant in a few months.

Any help would be appreciate!!! So confused!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    MFP's 100 is 100% of RDA, whatever that may be. It is not 100 mg.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You are correct minimum iron RDA for your age is 18mg much

    I'm guessing your doc doesn't actually have you taking 900mg a day of IRON. He's probably got you on 3 ferrous sulfate tablets a day - which is about 900mg but the actual iron content of that is something like 150mg. Still, this seems high, but it's a short term medical treatment for anemia, not something you should be taking for the rest of your life.

    Here's the ODS fact sheet on iron supplements that should help you figure things out. And if at all concerned about the amount of iron, definitely bring it up to your doc and have them explain it to you to your satisfaction. They're not always infallible.
  • sacorner
    sacorner Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks! Much appreciated!