My Mini-Epiphany



  • Reward yourself with your next smaller size jeans!!
  • nice quote. I'll use that one!
  • The quote that broke me of this habit was "Stop rewarding yourself with food, you aren't a dog."

    It was such a common sense statement but it really broke me of that habit. Although I will still eat a Dove Dark Chocolate square to relax after a long day.

    Nice quiote, I'll use that one!
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    Reward yourself with your next smaller size jeans!!

    oooohhh. Good one!!! :happy:
  • chikkenlikken
    chikkenlikken Posts: 24 Member
    "Discipline is remembering what you want." --David Campbell

    Just thought I would send you an inspirational quote that helps me when I'm feeling like giving in! I'm right there with ya!
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I have a sweet tooth from hell and often convince myself that I deserve this cake/cookie/entire box of Little Debbies :-( because I've "earned" it. The list of justifications are convincing & lengthy: I had a bad day. I had a good day. I got a promotion. It's Friday! It's Tuesday. I'm stressed. I'm happy. I'm hungry. I'm PMSing. I'm done PMSing. Anyway, you get the idea. SO - I've decided that this will no longer work for me! If I choose to eat a sweet every once in a while - that's my business but i will not justify it to myself as something I've earned.

    I will limit these sweets and tell myself that I DESERVE to limit them because what I truly DESERVE is to be a hottie mamma who rocks her skinny jeans and turns heads wherever she goes! So TAKE THAT Little Debbies!

    Love your attitude, feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    "Discipline is remembering what you want." --David Campbell

    Just thought I would send you an inspirational quote that helps me when I'm feeling like giving in! I'm right there with ya!

    Thanks! I love this! (and needed it)