Diet Coke

I am pretty much addicted to Diet Coke. It is all I drink all day. I am trying to replace a few with water as I know it cannot be good for me. It says it is calorie free but must be packed with artificial sugars etc. Does anyone know if Diet Coke can affect weight loss/gain?


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Calorie-wise? No.

    Physiologically? Too much data, not enough information. Most of the low-cal sweeteners with the exception of saccharin are too new to have a real track record. Hard to tell if something will kill you after 30 years of heavy use when it's been in use for 20. Saccharin is the only one that's truly proven safe, and it tastes like malted *kitten* to me, so there's not much point in me using it.

    Too much science, bro-science, and pseudiscience out there to really say anything, and the controlled studies are going on right now. I, as a non-diet-soda drinker, am in what is referred to as the "control group". You, as a diet soda drinker, are in what is referred to as the "experimental group". If y'all're still extolling the virtues of your various sweeteners (whether they come from a plant or a chemical plant) in 25 years, I'll think about it.

    Psychologically? I find that "sweet" taste amps up my cravings for more "sweet" taste. Some folks don't. We're all special little snowflakes who react differently to stimuli. If you have massive sugar cravings that are making donuts and pastries irresistible, you might want to try a self-experiment and give them up for a month.

    If they're caffeinated, replace the caffeine or be prepared for a really headache-filled few days as you try to shake the caf-monkey off your back.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    EDIT: Duplicate post - sorry
  • jdwor
    jdwor Posts: 3
    I know it can cause depression (or a general low feeling) so I suppose if youre willing to get through the headaches that will follow for a few days then you might come out the other end feeling on top of the world and more positive towards getting to your goal...
  • I am addicted to Diet Coke too! Some weekends I could drink more than a litre in a day. That's my only vice and I don't want to give it up. However, I am trying to limit it to 1 can/day or 2 on the weekends.