Vacation + dieting = disaster



  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    just got back from florida for 8 days. Lost .4 guess its better than gaining. I snacked on fruit alot. Since I was in florida I ate alot of fish/ shrimp. Ate ice cream few times, got one scoop and left some. I didnt feel deprived and I'm glad now I did do it. I know me, if I didn't track there, then I probably would have stopped. Have fun
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I've been in Sweden for two weeks now. I think I've lost several pounds while here (I sneaked on a bathroom scale today and fully dressed in late afternoon after a huge lunch, things were looking good). The first time I gained a lot of weight (20 years ago) was while travelling - and I travel a lot for work. I have a couple suggestions I've come up with over the years.

    - If you're eating out, order (in this order, depending on availability) vegetarian, fish, chicken, other meat. Go for things without sauces - which tend to be fatty and salty. Always eat the salad first without dressing (or with vinegar or a light vinegrette). When I used to eat out on someone else's dime, I ate what was special or unusual for me - usually heavy meat with sauces or really fatty stuff. Don't do it. You can eat a lot of veggies or fish for relatively few calories, even if you're not counting.

    - Eat a big breakfast of things like muesli, yogurt, cereal with nuts, bread without butter, or lots of fruit that will give you some protein that keeps you full enough you don't overeat later in the data. Besides - breakfast is the cheapest meal to stock up on.

    - Don't snack. If you must snack, carry fruit and nuts. A few chips, cookies, or cake will sneak up on you.

    - Walk a lot. It buys you lots of extra eating.

    - Drink water, tea, or coffee instead of soda or shakes.

    - Eat anything you want - just not that much of it. I had an awesome time at a smorgesborg and dessert bar in Stockholm yesterday. But I had ONE of everything, not two, and a tablespoon of everything, not a cup.

    - Log your food so you know when to cut down. I went out today for a great roast duck lunch with potatoes and fika of delicious, rich ice cream and strawberries with whipped cream. Counted up my calories and didn't feel like a long walk so I just had an apple and some tea for dinner. If I'm hungry later, I'll have something else filling, but light. I'm under my calories for today.

    - Eat really tasty stuff. You can eat less of it and it's really satisfying.

    - If you eat too much one day, you'll probably be less hungry the next. Listen to your body.

    And don't sweat it. If you're mostly careful and just eat what you're hungry for, you'll survive - especially if you keep exercising. And walking counts.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I'm getting ready to go on vacation next week. Here are some of the things I have done to prepare: I have already google mapped the area and I found a good place for me to go for walks everyday. We will also be swimming at the beach. I'm gonna track my exercise but not my foods. I will also not be drinking any fruity drinks, although I will definitely be having some light beer when we are there. I think having a game plan in advance of your vacation will help in terms of not going overboard.
  • patkterry
    patkterry Posts: 50
    I am a teacher so I have summer's off ( sort of- I have a part time job and I been doing several workshops this summer) I have also been going out of town as well. 3 or 4 day trips. I was really good and stayed within my calories the first trip. The next 2 trips to the beach- not so much. I just tried to stay really active but enjoy within reason when eating. When I got back I fixed filling and nutritious Soups that I can eat for several days to slim back down to the pre-weight before vacation.
    I also ate fruit, and low fat Special K cereal for snacks and breakfast.And of course the gym- I have really stepped it up on the elliptical etc ....
    Im not sure what else to do... What do you do when on vacation??
  • darcygooding
    Vacation + Dieting is really hard!! I tend to give myself a free pass on eating but try and make up for it with exercise. I'll always opt for activities and site seeing that envolve tons of exercise!