Hit A Plateau - Need Some Help

Hey there MFPs!

Hope you are all have a fabulous Friday.

I wanted to reach out to some of the more experienced folks for some help. I'm in month 4 of MFP and hit a plateau over the last 4-6 weeks. I'm up 2 lbs from this same time last month. In the last 4 weeks, I've lost about 1 inch on each thigh which is pretty sad considering my thighs are already the smallest part of my body. All other measurements are the same.

Other than weekend of my daughter's graduation party on 6/21, things have been pretty steady state as far as diet goes. I supplement with protien shakes and fresh veggie juice for 2-3 meals/snacks daily. I had 4 teeth extracted for my braces so my choices are limited to soft foods until these hillbilly gaps close lol but its a good thing cause it keeps me on track.

I started out using wrist heart rate monitor then switched to the Fitbit in early May because I thought my hrm was possessed. Now, I only use my hrm for my Insanity workouts because Fitbit totally underestimates the burn. I'm on day 10 of Insanity and before that I was walking 4-5 miles per day with Zumba/jogging/30DS sprinkled in 2-3x per week. Right now I'm just walking 1-3 miles daily and doing Insanity as scheduled.

My food diary is open, could definitely use some help. I was stuck at this weight (high-mid 180's) for most of last year but I was in the high-mid 160's 3 years ago which is my goal weight.


  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    BTW - I'm 5'4.5 (yes, i take credit for the .5) and about to turn 35 next month - today's weight in was 186.6 lbs
  • MargaretWalks
    MargaretWalks Posts: 38 Member
    I use a Fitbit too and have found that if you wait long enough (through the day) it will add the extra calories burned that you had not entered. Mine gave me an extra 100 this morning.

    I know about plateaus!! At age 64 weight comes off slowly so sometimes I get discouraged. The first year I was counting calories I lost over 40 pounds, since then it's been about 10 pounds a YEAR!! Seems I was stuck at 204 for months. I got past that and now I'm "stuck" at 191.

    Make sure you are eating enough food. You probably are (I haven't looked at your diary.) But I do know that sometimes that is a problem for people.

    People on MFP have been so encouraging to me when I've expressed my frustrations. I hope I can encourage you to stay the course and the weight will come off.
  • angellmoore
    angellmoore Posts: 72 Member
    Try a change in your routine, even for just one day. I have read that when you hit a plateau you should (for one day only) eat about 500 calories more. Sometimes that is enough of a shock to your system to kickstart weight loss again. Also mix up exercises. Don't do the same ones all the time. I haven't hit a plateau yet (hopefully that is a long way off) but when I do I will try these tips. :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I hit 'mini-plateau's about once a fortnight :( I find eating over my calories then back to normal helps.
  • kaubin97
    kaubin97 Posts: 56 Member
    I agree with Angelmoore, I've heard that your body adapts to the routine and you need to change it up just a little to catch it off guard and get it re-started.
    Kuddos on the braces. :bigsmile: I'm 38 (39 on Sunday) and I get mine off on Tuesday!!! It's honestly been the fast 2 yrs ever.
    Good Luck and stick with it, it'll happen.
  • Deeranged1
    Deeranged1 Posts: 46 Member
    I agree change up your routine! If you wanna break through your plateau and not wait for it to happen naturally then shock your system with high cardio 700-1000 calorie burn and all natural diet no processed foods=100% pure form! But be sure to eat back your calories TDEE! Good luck!
  • charliecat39
    I'm not an expert, but having a quick look at your diary, your sodium levels are pretty high and over - could it be related to that?

    It's very annoying when you don't loose weight, but you don't know why - I hope it works soon for you :)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I think you need to change up your routine (as others have suggested). Maybe switch to maintenance calories for a week or two. Stop exercising for a week. Just basically take a week off. Then get back on track the next week.

    Good luck!
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    Try a change in your routine, even for just one day. I have read that when you hit a plateau you should (for one day only) eat about 500 calories more. Sometimes that is enough of a shock to your system to kickstart weight loss again. Also mix up exercises. Don't do the same ones all the time. I haven't hit a plateau yet (hopefully that is a long way off) but when I do I will try these tips. :)

    I tried that last night. I ate exactly an extra 500 calories. Thanks for the tip.
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    I think you need to change up your routine (as others have suggested). Maybe switch to maintenance calories for a week or two. Stop exercising for a week. Just basically take a week off. Then get back on track the next week.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the tip. I'm in the middle of Insanity right now and determined to get my 30 days done before a 9 day vacation. I will definitely take your advice when I go on vacation later this month and give me body a break.
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    I think you need to change up your routine (as others have suggested). Maybe switch to maintenance calories for a week or two. Stop exercising for a week. Just basically take a week off. Then get back on track the next week.

    Good luck!

    thank you. I appreciate the feedback.
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    I'm not an expert, but having a quick look at your diary, your sodium levels are pretty high and over - could it be related to that?

    It's very annoying when you don't loose weight, but you don't know why - I hope it works soon for you :)

    That might just be it. I'll pay more attention to that point and start cutting back. Although I track it, I've never really paid much attention to it.
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    I use a Fitbit too and have found that if you wait long enough (through the day) it will add the extra calories burned that you had not entered. Mine gave me an extra 100 this morning.

    I know about plateaus!! At age 64 weight comes off slowly so sometimes I get discouraged. The first year I was counting calories I lost over 40 pounds, since then it's been about 10 pounds a YEAR!! Seems I was stuck at 204 for months. I got past that and now I'm "stuck" at 191.

    Make sure you are eating enough food. You probably are (I haven't looked at your diary.) But I do know that sometimes that is a problem for people.

    People on MFP have been so encouraging to me when I've expressed my frustrations. I hope I can encourage you to stay the course and the weight will come off.

    Thanks - I'm a little concerned that my Fitbit may be giving me too much credit. I usually eat back some (not all) of my exercise calories adn this may be screwing with my mind if nothing else. I'm thinking about taking a break from Fitbit while I finish Insanity, it's just hard to put my little buddy down :)