Is anyone else hungry?

I've been watching my calorie intake for the past week and somedays I'm starving between breakfast and lunch. Lately, the hunger pains are not as bad most likely b/c I have started to drink one cup of coffee every morning. I think the caffeine suppresses my appetite.

Has anyone else felt hungry during their first/second week? Does it go away? Am I not eating enough protein?


  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I ALWAYS feel hungry inbetween breakfast and lunch. I usually have breakfast around 8:30am and I don't take a lunch until 3pm on the weekdays. I usually have a nice juicy apple around 11-12 just to help me get through and plenty of water.
  • majac10
    majac10 Posts: 51
    I try to eat small servings 5 times a day...good for avoiding hunger, but still, I often fight with craviings, especially when I go to bed ;)
  • Serenajeans
    Serenajeans Posts: 49 Member
    when I start to get hungry between meals I just look for a high in fiber snack and drink it with a cup of water or two.
    The fiber tells your stomach that it is full.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Water water water, most of the time your body is really dehydrated than it is hungry. I was in the same boat as you like 2 month ago, I would get headaches because I thought I was starving.

    Now I drink water and wait like 10-15 minutes before I decide if I want to snack or not. Also I have at least 2 glasses of water with every meal, and it makes a huge difference. I'm a big dude I have no issues sticking to 1500 cal and under most days. since I joined MFP I have been able to shed 23 lbs.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I just wrote on my blog about getting hungry between breakfast and lunch. Turns out there's some science behind it!

    And here's the (lengthy) article where I found my info:
  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    I've been watching calories for two weeks and am having the same problem. I've been trying to eat five times a day, but the quantity of food I can have at each one is so small relative to what I used to eat that I'm hungry all the time. Finding healthy--and filling--foods has been a real challenge coming from my old eating habits, and I find that I've been spending a lot of time thinking about food: how long until I can have my next snack, whether it will be enough to prevent being hungry, whether it will be healthy enough to not kill my numbers for the day. Adding in lots of water this week hasn't really helped. This week I'm going to try cutting out the snacks and preparing three full meals that I can enjoy without all the fuss in between. I want food to be satisfying and fun, not stressful.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I know when to expect my hunger.....around 10:30am and then I'm ravenous at 3pm. So, I plan for it. I eat a ton of snack calories every day. I pack healthy snacks to take to work - almonds, cheese cubes, fruit, yogurt, etc.

    You don't need to try to suffer through it, just plan your calories around it.
  • heatgal976
    heatgal976 Posts: 53 Member
    Today I started something new with my eating plan. I upped my protein, but not going too overboard. I ate 4 meals today with protein at every meal and right now I am satisfied. I even did cardio for 40 mins and strength training for 20 minutes. I don't know if the added protein will help, but today has gone well.
  • Night3
    Night3 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the input. I will definitely make a point to drink more water and perhaps eat breakfast a little later rather than right after I wake up. I'm also glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is hungry trying to decrease their calorie intake. Losing weight is a serious fight and I'm glad I'm not doing it alone...