Are fitbits worth it?



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I used mine for a couple of months with my HRM. I'm more interested in total calories burned in the day; couldn't care less about how many steps I take. And the FitBit doesn't count the cals burned while strength training because you aren't taking steps.
    It's a cool gadget and nice to see what your activity is like. But, if you are only going to buy one gadget, a HRM is a far better investment!

    Edit to add:
    I am pretty active every day so I don't need it to motivate me to move. If I didn't like to exercise and stay active, then yes, it would motivate me to move some. But, I still LOVE my Polar FT7 more than anything! Someone can buy my gently used FitBit if they want it! :happy:
  • FierceFeline

    Just realize that the FitBit is a fancy pedometer, not really something you would use to track your workouts, in my opinion. If you want something to track exercise (not just walking/running/jogging) then you'll probably want an HRM instead.

    I disagree. I've used it while doing various Jillian Michaels workouts and while the calorie burn is slightly underestimated because of the strengh training, I still think it's close enough.

    I agree, too. It can be a fancy pedometer if you want it too, or you can use it to motivate and make changes. Plus the sleep tracking feature is great, as well as using it to exactly time your activities - which you can then add into MFP. You would want a HRM to find out exact details of calorie burning (I'll get one soon enough in addition to my Fitbit) but on its own, the fitbit is pretty wonderful.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have a fitbit and HRM. If you can only get one I would recommend the HRM unless all you do is walk. The fitbit is really just a pedometer. It will not measure how hard you workout only how many steps/stairs you do. The calories won't be 100% accurate as again, it does not know how hard you workout.

    When I was walking a lot I loved the fitbit. Then I didn't have to strap on the HRM and go through that hassle. It is really motivational so it is definitely worth purchasing if you do most of your exercising as just walking.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I just got mine - have only had it a little over a week - so I'm still getting used to it, but I love it! I figure the calorie burn has to be closer than the guestimates I was using. I definitely like the fact that I get a calorie burn count for my weight training session - that was next to impossible to judge.

    I check it all the time, just to see where I am for the day. I have gotten to the point where I only "clock" my sleep, though... there doesn't seem to be much point to timing a spin class when the Fitbit will record your activity level anyway. And I'm not sure how the adjustment from Fitbit to MFP works - my Fitbit says one thing and MFB says something completely different. The numbers that come over to MFP tend to be (ballpark) close to the ones I was using before, so I figure my net daily calorie goal is still pretty accurate.

    Love that info from MFP migrates to Fitbit dashboard, too! They have better reporting than MFP does.

    I got mine from Amazon - and used my Discover cash-back-bonus points to pay, so as far as I'm concerned, it was practically free. :)
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    I absolutely loved mine until the dog decided to eat it. My hubbs is buying me another for my birthday. I loved that it not only did the steps and distance but the stairs and elevations (we hike a lot)

    This was awesome and a great motivator for me!!!

    Contact customer service - they will probably replace it for FREE! Their service is amazing.
    Hey! I was wondering for all of you fitbit users if you have found the fitbit to be worth it? Do you feel it has motivated you to take more steps and see what you caloric burn is for different exercises are? Is it accurate? Is there one you'd recommend over others? Have you noticed any problems with it? Is it difficult to use? Thank you for your opinions!

    Worth it? YEP, 1000 times yes!
    Motivated me? Absolutely!!!
    Accurate? Seems to do a very reasonable assessment of my activity levels.
    One I'd recommend? I haven't tried any others. I compared all the major devices online before deciding on the FitBit because of its small size and total cost of ownership (free lifetime website use over monthly fees).
    Problems? Never. Only that it's not waterproof. :)
    Difficult to use? Not at all. I have 4 other family members wearing one now and everyone is able to use it without problems.

    GET ONE!! :D
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I've had my FitBit for about 4 months now and I love it. It really motivated me to move more especially when my main exercise was walking. Now I've joined the gym and along with that am doing various classes like Zumba, Total Body, etc., and I feel the FitBit doesn't give me an accurate calorie burn as it is more step based and can't really count the calories you burn from doing weight lifting or the extra calories you burn when moving other parts of my body other than my feet. Therefore, I have ordered (just today) a HRM. I'm excited to get that as I enter another phase of my exercise regimen.

    If you walk or jog or do more step type exercise, then the FitBit is for you! It really is a great gadget.
  • ShelfRelianceMom
    This helps so much! Thank you everyone. I have never even heard of the HRM and forgot about the body bug so I guess I should look at the costs of those as well but was excited about the idea of spending about for this product if it gets me more motivated. I figure it will really help when I have family visiting and I can't work out as much. It will help me to start moving a little more :) Thanks again.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    Is there an HRM that syncs with MFP like the fitbit does?
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Is there an HRM that syncs with MFP like the fitbit does?

    That is a GREAT question - and I don't think so. Definitely something to recommend to the MFP Gods.
  • ShelfRelianceMom
    I would love to buy it if its not already been purchased!!!!
  • ShelfRelianceMom
    I've had my FitBit for about 4 months now and I love it. It really motivated me to move more especially when my main exercise was walking. Now I've joined the gym and along with that am doing various classes like Zumba, Total Body, etc., and I feel the FitBit doesn't give me an accurate calorie burn as it is more step based and can't really count the calories you burn from doing weight lifting or the extra calories you burn when moving other parts of my body other than my feet. Therefore, I have ordered (just today) a HRM. I'm excited to get that as I enter another phase of my exercise regimen.

    If you walk or jog or do more step type exercise, then the FitBit is for you! It really is a great gadget.

    What HRM is the best? I've forgotten that was an option. Think I'll start out with a fitbit then earn my way there!
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    I have had mine since Tuesday. I do love it. I log my food on MFP and then let it integrate to the Fitbit website (the fitbit food database is not very expansive). Then I allow the Fitbit site to track my exercise calories (I log certain activities with my HRM - but the calorie estimate from fitbit was pretty close). I have also been tracking my sleep patterns. I wake up 15-20 times a night.. crazy! It does motivate me to walk the stairs in my apartment to get the floors badges too.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    My FitBit has been one of the best investments I made in my weight loss journey. And it syncs up with MFP ever so nicely. It's a win all around.

    Highly recommend it.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    A hrm is best for work outs. I have a polar ft4 most people I know have a polar. Love mine. It was $63 including shipping from amazon.

    I've been thinking about getting a fitbit in addition tough because they sound helpful!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    So, the fitbit only tracks steps?

    I guess I'd have to go with an HRM since I do a lot of cardio exercises and need the total calories burned vs. steps taken.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I love my Fitbit and it never leaves me, except when I shower. I am also getting a Polar Ft4 to go with it. But, I would never get rid of my Fitbit.

    Edit to add: Fitbit also synchs up with You earn points for activity. You can then donate your points toward charities. I donate all mine to sending Care Packages to our troops, every time I have 500 total. Check it out. There are several charities. It costs nothing and you're doing the walking/activities anyway!
  • TigressStripes
    TigressStripes Posts: 33 Member
    Purchased mine when 24HourFitness had a sale back at the end of April.

    I can personally attest to the awesomeness of their customer service people - mine started to malfunction after an excessive sweat issue (they caution against direct skin contact with the device when you're working out), and after working through some troubleshooting with me (to no avail), they have shipped a new device out to me, at no cost to me. THAT is awesome service.

    With regards to the device itself, I find it a perfect companion to MFP, and I can say that it has certainly helped in my weight loss journey.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Go to this link to see a screenshot of the "dashboard". This is what I see when I log in.

    Can also see my profile if you want and see (kind of) what the dashboard is similar to.
  • priepen
    priepen Posts: 37 Member
    I love my fitbit it helps keep me motivated I am always trying to break my previous achievements. I love that it sync with mfp I think it is totally worth the money I am alway recomending it to everyone that is interested in getting back into fitness. I even bought one for my mother-in-law for mothers day and she totally loves her. I don't go anywhere without my fitbit.
  • karynh74
    karynh74 Posts: 1
    Can I buy your fitbit? My hubby has lost 20 kilo's with his but he lost it last week. So Sad...