I am FAT!

I am fat, I am disgusting! I don't know how anyone can stand to look at me. I use to love clothes but I can't stand the sight of the thought of them. Shopping, dressing up and just trying to make myself look good use to be one of my favorite things to do. Now I can't even look at myself in the mirror without feeling disgusted. I avoid mirrors at all cost. All I wear are comfy tank tops, yoga pants and basketball shorts. You know your fat when a 3X is too tight. I can't wear the cute clothes from Victoria Secret, Hollister or any of those places because they don't think of the fat girls like myself. I want new clothes but I don't think it worth buying clothes that I don't like because they don't make cute clothes in fat girl sizes. I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to cry and cry. Sorry for the vent.... I just dont know anymore


  • momof4ts
    momof4ts Posts: 118
    You can change your situation one meal at a time....... one exercise session at a time.......one day at a time! AND TODAY IS THE BEST DAY TO START,!! Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • projektai
    projektai Posts: 107 Member
    Aww, sweetie. 6 ^ 6

    Don't be so down on yourself. No one is perfect, (no matter what the media says), and we're all human. If you feel as though you've hit a place where your totally unhappy with yourself, you need to summon up the will to change it. If there's anything I know, its that the most important thing is being happy. I know how you feel. When I was in high school, I would just cry about how I looked. Heck, I even hit that a few months ago. I cried and cried and never did anything about it. I was just too depressed because I didn't feel cute anymore, and I didn't like myself anymore.

    Try to focus on what you love about yourself. A personality trait, a talent, anything. Don't judge yourself on looks alone, and strive to mold yourself into the you that you want to look like. All it takes is a little motivation and some hard work. That's why we're all here, after all. <3
  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    I feel as if I don't love anything about myself :( I have a skin disorder on my hands and feet. I live in a house that lives off of junk food...I don't how I can do it with all the temptation around me. I have no one to help me through this. My mom was always heavy and she got so bad where her Dr. told her that she would have to get the Gastric Bypass surgery or she was going to die. I don't want to end up in that boat. I am barely 20 with a beautiful 6 month old daughter.
  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    My boyfriend is a junk food junkie as well:(
  • ucpg
    ucpg Posts: 158
    do it for your baby girl!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You can do this. You can change your circumstances. It won't be easy, but anything worth having won't come easy. Start by tracking... just for a day. See where you're at. Make small changes. Smaller portions. One more vegetable. One less sauce. If you're at the mercy of someone else's cooking, just aim for portion control.

    Get out and walk with your daughter in the stroller. Every day. Just walk.

    Look through the success stories here on MFP. So many people have lost well over 100 lbs. It is completely achievable.

    If they can do it, you can too.

    (((huge hug)))
  • projektai
    projektai Posts: 107 Member
    If you're in that kind of situation, you need to develop an iron will. I was in a house where everything was junk food, so I started putting the money I made toward food for myself. Try not to be tempted, and if your boyfriend is junk food junkie then you need to either get him on board with you, or develop some sort of plan together where he won't tempt you into eating any junk food. (Such as eating it in front of you, or something along those lines).

    You see what happened to your mother, your eyes are open. Now that you see all of this, you just need to put your heart into it. Remember that food is fuel. If you eat cruddy fuel (junk food) you're pumping your body full of bad stuff. It'll clog up your temple, girl! You want to have a beautiful clean temple, fill it with the proper offerings. :)
    Stick to fresh vegetables and eat fruit when a sugar craving hits you. It's gonna be hard, but you can do it. A lot of people have similar situations to you. A lot of people fought past these situations, and that means you can do it too!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Sooooooo....what ya gonna do about it?
    Do you know the first steps to dieting?
    Whats first?

    How much do you weigh?
    Whats your body fat%?
    Any type of working out?

    Whats steps will you take to turn your life around?

    Check the link on my profile if you need help figuring this **** out.
    Its far simpler than you think and it wont require too much restriction.
  • Nicopants1314
    I am probably someone who has the least self confidence out there. Ive been bullied about my weight and all that. But chin up darling. If I can do it. You can. I work out twice a day. Take walks twice a day, and I also play with my puppy everyday. I'm not seeing the results I want quite yet, but you cant give up. That's all I wear right now too. But as I start to become active everyday, as in waking up at a normal time, and eating at least 7 portioned healthy meals a day, as well as my work outs and what not, I'm confident I can change and be the person I want to be.

    Even if it seems impossible, you have to start with having a little faith in yourself at time.

    But you have to be self motivated. You have to WANT it for yourself, because you want to look good for yourself.

    Trust me dear. Ive been there. And I am there with you. You can talk to me if you need too. My ears are open. (:
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    You are strong. You are capable. You have a firm idea of what you want, you know what you have to do to get it, and you know where to look for the help you need.

    I live with my underweight sister, and she's constantly eating pizza, burgers, chips, cookies, cake, soda, ice cream, etc. You name it, it's around me every single day. I learned to turn it down - slowly. It's very hard at first and I did cave in many a time. But after a while you will break free from the habit, and you'll even come to crave healthy foods. It doesn't matter how many times you slip up as long as you don't give up. Your desire for change is stronger than your situation. Your will to feel better about yourself is stronger than your temptation.

    You can do whatever you set your mind to. It will take time. You will trip up every so often. Some days you will want to quit. But if you stick with it, you will succeed. Because you are strong. Because you are capable.

    You're here. You've taken the first step. Now take the next one. Don't worry about where the steps are taking you, or how fast they're taking you there, just take them - one at a time. :flowerforyou:

    You can add me if you want some help with cheap meals or healthy ways to satisfy your cravings or just want someone to rant to every now and then - I started taking my steps around your age and size, and I know how hard it is to break free of the routine when everyone around you still wants to live by it.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    Sooooooo....what ya gonna do about it?
    Do you know the first steps to dieting?
    Whats first?

    How much do you weigh?
    Whats your body fat%?
    Any type of working out?

    Whats steps will you take to turn your life around?

    Check the link on my profile if you need help figuring this **** out.
    Its far simpler than you think and it wont require too much restriction.

  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Just start taking baby steps and before you know it you WILL be comfortable in your body and with yourself. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't just melt away and you have weak days. That is all part of the process. Just take each day at a time and it is okay to slowly release yourself from bad habits till those are gone and all the habits that are left are good, healthy habits!

    I know it is easy to say these things and hard to put them into practice but believe me, you can do it and you deserve to do it!
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    Show your kid that you can change and do it for yourself. Of course it's going to be a tough road, you just have to give you a chance.

    Start small, do baby steps. Slowly push away from junk foods, fast foods and things you know are just not that healthy. You don't need to rush it, but just do little changes to what your eating. If possible, I would even see about seeing a Nutritionist and get a nice weekly meal plan structure of the foods you like to eat. If that's out of the question, there are a bunch of nutritionist sites online that can give you some ideas of meals to try and you can change up your foods to your liking.

    One of my favorite Nutrition health sites.

    http://www.dietitian.com/calchelp.php , you can put some info in and it can give you meal plan options throughout your day. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack.

    I'm fat and I have a spinal stenosis and it's a horrible pain in my spine that I have to wake up to everyday, but even with it, I'm still trying what I can to get to my goal. I don't have the support from my best friends or family, I have myself and my MFP friends to help push me.

    Just give yourself a chance, take a leap out of your uncomfortable comfort zone and just push it away the best you can. You may be surrounded in it, but it doesn't mean you have to be it. It's your time to make a stand , to take charge, it's going to be bumpy and challenging, but you have this site and hopefully some other people in your life that believe in you and will be there all the way.
  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    do it for your baby girl!

    This is who I will do this for!
  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    You all have motivated me so much already, but where do I start. Do I start tomorrow or next week? I know the decision is mine. I love food and this is what is going to make it hard. Every since I got pregnant I love my Cherry Coke and I am not sure if I can cut that out....
  • projektai
    projektai Posts: 107 Member
    I love food too. But you can still love food and eat healthier.

    For example, giving up soda usually helps a lot of people cut off easy weight. However, if you really don't want to give up your cherry coke, you can try to work it into your diet. Have just a little bit, like 1 cup, with dinner or something. Make cherry coke your treat, or your reward for a really good workout.
    Moderation. I still get to have cookies even though I'm working on losing weight. I just get cookies that have a lower calorie count and a little more vitamins in them. And I watch how many I eat.

    It's all about control and moderation. You can do it. :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Start right away. Don't wait.

    Start logging what you eat. Look it up. If you have an iPhone, get the phone app... scan the barcode! It's fun :D

    Ask yourself why you love food and be honest about the answers. Find new loves. Love yourself more than the Cherry Coke. It doesn't love you back.
  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    Start right away. Don't wait.

    Start logging what you eat. Look it up. If you have an iPhone, get the phone app... scan the barcode! It's fun :D

    Ask yourself why you love food and be honest about the answers. Find new loves. Love yourself more than the Cherry Coke. It doesn't love you back.

    How do you log casseroles or stuff like that?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    That is harder. Especially if you don't know what's in it. Did you make it? If you make things, use the recipe thing... it will calculate it all out for you. If someone else made it, just search by whatever you'd call it and see if there's something similar.

    Get a food scale and weigh everything you eat.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    The tools are here.
    Just do it!

    Whats a casserole made from?!
    Search Cherry coke in the food.
    Sounds like we have 1 of 2 things here...

    1) Forum Troll.
    2) Someone who makes mountains out of mole hills.

    Describe your upbringing.

    Would you say you became overweight because:

    1) You couldnt help it.
    2) Upbringing.
    3) Genetics.

    I'm guessing upbringing.

    I'm not saying this to be mean but its hard to complicate this very simple tool.

    You set it up after reading all the stickies.
    You log everything that passes between your lips and is ingested.
    At the end of the day you are either over calories or under calories.
    You add in your water if you drank any.
    BTW drink about a gallon a day and for the first 2 weeks ditch the soda.
    You add in any time spent on your feet.

    This is only as complicated as you make it.