I am FAT!



  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    Okay I am starting tomorrow. I am going to ask my mom to pick me up some veggies. Which I love. I eat tomatoes by themselves like they are going out of style. Cucumbers too. You know, today was my birthday and my mom bought me a cake and I had a piece but it doesn't taste good like it use too. I was just drinking some bottled water and was thinking to myself I really do love water...but it has to be ice cold water. Warm water I hate or water thats just not ice cold.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Okay I am starting tomorrow. I am going to ask my mom to pick me up some veggies. Which I love. I eat tomatoes by themselves like they are going out of style. Cucumbers too. You know, today was my birthday and my mom bought me a cake and I had a piece but it doesn't taste good like it use too. I was just drinking some bottled water and was thinking to myself I really do love water...but it has to be ice cold water. Warm water I hate or water thats just not ice cold.

    I think I have pinpointed part of your problem. You are 20 with a child and your mother is doing your shopping? I thought you said you have no one to help you out? Sounds like your mom is helping but not in the way you wish she would. Let her help with baby and you do the cooking and shopping. Life is what it is, we can only get out of it what we put in.
    I'm not dumping on you... just trying to share some lessons learned. :flowerforyou:
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Just a note about the soda-i love my lemonade iced tea, and i hate the way the diet version tastes. So i drink water all day, then at dinner i have a nice tall glass of iced tea.nyes, its 190 cals, but its worth it to me. I sip it during dinner and usually have a bit leftover after. I drink it slowly and savor it. When its gone, i go back to water for the rest of the night. Without it, id feel too deprived. I know its a little thing-just a glass of iced tea-but sometimes little things really help. Lately, ive been finding that a little more than half a tall glass seems to be enough for me. In a few days, im going to start having a regular sized glass instead of a tall one, and see if im ok with that-thats 90 extra cals towards dinner or a snack :)

    Try drinking water during the day, and having a glass of cherry coke for dinner. You might even enjoy it even more that wy. I know on warm days, by night time when i sit down with my iced tea and take a nice long sip, im like, goddamn that's good :>

    you can do this.
  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    Just a note about the soda-i love my lemonade iced tea, and i hate the way the diet version tastes. So i drink water all day, then at dinner i have a nice tall glass of iced tea.nyes, its 190 cals, but its worth it to me. I sip it during dinner and usually have a bit leftover after. I drink it slowly and savor it. When its gone, i go back to water for the rest of the night. Without it, id feel too deprived. I know its a little thing-just a glass of iced tea-but sometimes little things really help. Lately, ive been finding that a little more than half a tall glass seems to be enough for me. In a few days, im going to start having a regular sized glass instead of a tall one, and see if im ok with that-thats 90 extra cals towards dinner or a snack :)

    Try drinking water during the day, and having a glass of cherry coke for dinner. You might even enjoy it even more that wy. I know on warm days, by night time when i sit down with my iced tea and take a nice long sip, im like, goddamn that's good :>

    you can do this.

    That is a really good idea. Now on the water how do you measure it. like I mean I just drank a bottle of water. Would that just be a cup or more? Do you want to use as few calories as possible? Or the most? Does it decrease as you lose weight?
  • sarahhhnicole
    sarahhhnicole Posts: 12 Member
    Okay I am starting tomorrow. I am going to ask my mom to pick me up some veggies. Which I love. I eat tomatoes by themselves like they are going out of style. Cucumbers too. You know, today was my birthday and my mom bought me a cake and I had a piece but it doesn't taste good like it use too. I was just drinking some bottled water and was thinking to myself I really do love water...but it has to be ice cold water. Warm water I hate or water thats just not ice cold.

    I think I have pinpointed part of your problem. You are 20 with a child and your mother is doing your shopping? I thought you said you have no one to help you out? Sounds like your mom is helping but not in the way you wish she would. Let her help with baby and you do the cooking and shopping. Life is what it is, we can only get out of it what we put in.
    I'm not dumping on you... just trying to share some lessons learned. :flowerforyou:

    I just moved back in with my parents because my bf and I were having financial problems. I have only been living with her for like 2 weeks now. She doesn't allow me to cook because it is never nothing my dad likes. To do this i am going to have to probably make myself my own healthier meals or just control my portion sizes.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Well water has no calories, so you can drink as much as you want :) some people here log their water, how many cups a day they drank... I dont bother because I drink water all day from a sport bottle and just fill it up whenever it gets empty.

    As for your last question, im not quite sure what you're asking? Have you filled in your info in myfitnesspal and gotten a calorie limit yet?

    As for cooking your own meals, might be a good idea. If it feels overwhelming just start by doing it a few days a week. The days you eat what your mom cooks, have smaller portions, less gravy, ect.
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    Roma wasn't built in a day. It's going to take time. I just lost my first 10 pounds. Never thought it would happen. I just apply myself and count calories and eventually it comes off.

    Going on a diet doesn't mean you have to live on vegetables. You can eat everything, in moderation. I eat it all, just not as much as certain foods. (especially my crutch, ice cream. It's now frozen yogurt or skinny cow once and a while)

    You can do this. Everyday you log in and be accountable is one step closer to being healthier and one step closer to wearing the style of clothes you like.
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Make your own meals if you must. It can be done and you can do it.

    I was there. A 2X and 3X would be tight. I know the feeling but I used the negative energy toward they way I looked and felt and just kicked my as* into gear.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Okay I am starting tomorrow. I am going to ask my mom to pick me up some veggies. Which I love. I eat tomatoes by themselves like they are going out of style. Cucumbers too. You know, today was my birthday and my mom bought me a cake and I had a piece but it doesn't taste good like it use too. I was just drinking some bottled water and was thinking to myself I really do love water...but it has to be ice cold water. Warm water I hate or water thats just not ice cold.

    I think I have pinpointed part of your problem. You are 20 with a child and your mother is doing your shopping? I thought you said you have no one to help you out? Sounds like your mom is helping but not in the way you wish she would. Let her help with baby and you do the cooking and shopping. Life is what it is, we can only get out of it what we put in.
    I'm not dumping on you... just trying to share some lessons learned. :flowerforyou:

    I just moved back in with my parents because my bf and I were having financial problems. I have only been living with her for like 2 weeks now. She doesn't allow me to cook because it is never nothing my dad likes. To do this i am going to have to probably make myself my own healthier meals or just control my portion sizes.
    Aww, sweetie, life really is hard. I do empathize, but you do have to take care of your own needs. I hate it. I want my husband to just know what I want, but he does not have issues with food, I do. So, I have to be the one that handles my food. You CAN do it, if you really want.