Gaining weight...

anyone else on here using MFP for the purpose of tracking calories and macros, to gain weight? specifically bulking in regards to weight training?


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm about to switch gears into a bulk...kinda.
    Looking into Lyle's UD2.

    I've got the numbers thing down pat...just need the will to eat more!
  • joeyplatypus92
    nice man!

    at the monemt im going all out, with about 4500 cal a day. and for all intents and purposes, fat gain isnt a factor what so ever :)

    its tough sometimes to get motivated to eat this much!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I wish I did this back when I was younger.
    I'm prone to water retention now but when I was in highschool I could eat just about anything.
    You look like you are already in good shape.
    Whats goal?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Carbs seem to make me hungry, which helps.
  • Rowlsty
    Rowlsty Posts: 20
    I just did my first full week of bulking to support muscle gain, eating over 2900 cals a day. Going to gym 5 times a week with 12 miles of biking (there and back) to work each day too. 2900 seems like a fair amount to eat to me, let alone 4500! That must be hard work.