umm,its really hard to find food i like.
im on a 1200 cal diet.
im excerising.

1)chicken strips.
3) tators.
8)various meats; Chicken,groundmeat,porkchops,sausage,roast,deer meat(seriously thats it.)
9) i do like beans.
10)ramen noodles.
11)Mexican food.
12)Junk Food.
13)im pretty much willing to try any drink,weird right/

everything else.
1) if it looks weird,you can bet im not eating it.
2)if it smells weird,im not eating it.
3)& you can pretty much rule out salad and other green things.

how am i alive right now?

anyway to get to the point how am i supposed to diet being so picky?


  • Loopylu84
    Loopylu84 Posts: 28 Member
    To be honest I can't stand salad and really really hate vegetables, like you I'm more of a processed carb lover but I just eat my veg as quick as I can and cut out all the bread,etc cuz its was eat bread and be fat or eat something you don't like and be thin!
    It is horrible though, especially when people say to put veg in homemade stuff so you can't taste them - I can always taste them! Lol
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    try preparing vegetables differently.

    ie: don't boil your veg to death, sautée them with oil or butter and spices.
    grill them. steam them.

    if you don't like them, you'll learn. when i was a kid i didn't like them. now i'm an adult i do. just keep trying.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    oooh ooh I know this one!

    I am a fairly picky eater BUT the plus I have is that I can cook decent. Pick up some ethnic cooking. Make some Chicken Tikka. Goto an indian store and lookup "shaan chicken tikka" or "shaan tandoori chicken" and go with the directions

    For fruits, get some "chaat masala" from the indian store, cut up 1 of each of apple, banana, orange into small pieces and then put little bit of chaat masala. You now have a nice healthy fruit salad!

    Rice: cook 1 cup of uncooked rice, mix in 1 drained and washed black beans with some corn, cilantro, 1 tomato, some green onions and you have yourself a nice high nutrition and low calorie per serving rice

    Hummus (made with chicken peas)

    Burrito: Goto an arabic store, get a spice called "shawarma spice" along with "summac". Get some boneless chicken, cut into 1 inch cubed, sprinkle some shawarma spice (use very little, I use about 1 tsp in 1 lb of raw chicken) and some summac. Put some olive oil and lemon juice. Let it marinate for few hours in fridge. Cook it on Pam sprayed frying pan. On a tortilla, put some of the rice I mentioned earlier, some salsa, some Mexican cheese, some of this chicken and eat it like a huge taco or make it a burrito

    If you like to drink Alcohol, try to start appreciating fine alcohol (I go with Macallan scotch. about $150 a bottle) so this way you get to start using alcohol for its taste rather than just getting stupid drunk. Wine is always a decent choice too (though not my thing)

    Look up lentil soup too! Heres a easy and nutritious recipe: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/taunto/view/lentil-soup-laal-daal-251611
  • TrekkieChic
    TrekkieChic Posts: 109 Member
    Lol, you sound exactly like me.

    I'm from South Africa and will happily eat goat, chicken heads and feet, tripe, crocodile, shark, fish head soup... But vegetables? Er... Unless it's a potato chip or French fry, I'm not interested.

    What has helped me enormously is that I don't see this as a diet, but rather a lifestyle. I still eat all my other crap, I just prepare it healthily.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm much worse than you! Fortunately I don't need variety in my diet so I'm happy to stick with the things that work for me. Carrots and sweet corn are the only veg I like. Never eat salad. Live on chicken, fruit, protein bars and milk. Not ideal by any stretch but I have very good macros!
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm from Louisiana too, and I don't like onions or peppers. Imagine how tough that is--no gumbo! I've just slowly tried different recipes and figured out what I can cook that's good for me and that I like eating. Experiment and keep a folder of all the tasty recipes. Changing your eating habits for the better will be easier if you actually like what you have to eat. A no-brainer but it took me a while to figure this out.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    umm,its really hard to find food i like.
    im on a 1200 cal diet.
    im excerising.

    1)chicken strips.
    3) tators.
    8)various meats; Chicken,groundmeat,porkchops,sausage,roast,deer meat(seriously thats it.)
    9) i do like beans.
    10)ramen noodles.
    11)Mexican food.
    12)Junk Food.
    13)im pretty much willing to try any drink,weird right/

    everything else.
    1) if it looks weird,you can bet im not eating it.
    2)if it smells weird,im not eating it.
    3)& you can pretty much rule out salad and other green things.

    how am i alive right now?

    anyway to get to the point how am i supposed to diet being so picky?

    How about "green shakes" that use spinach/kale etc? I'm pretty sure that when you mix those with berries the taste is covered but you still get all the benefits. Since its a drink maybe it would be ok?

    And if thats all you like, make sure you make it as healthy as possible. You can make your own chicken strips at home which are so much better then store bought ones. Chicken breast, egg, whole wheat bread crumbs and wheat germ. Baked instead of fried. Yummy.

    Wild rice instead of white, whole wheat bread instead of white (sorry if you already eat those, it didn't say)

    Don't count things out just because its a veggie, there are so mnay tpyes and ways to try them you might find one you like. Good luck!