Holding on to old clothes that don't fit anymore...



  • tessaeve
    tessaeve Posts: 75 Member
    I got disgusted at my weight gain last year and donated all of my smaller clothes. That's when the weight started coming off. I've been going around yard sales and Goodwill to get new ones and it has been great fun. If I fit into a smaller size, I'm jumping for joy. This past weekend I donated all my larger clothes. What a great feeling that was! I've found with cleaning up my diet, I'm also cleaning up a lot of other things in my life as well like my closets.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    right now im going through this problem but they are all too big. I love all my clothes and cant part from them and dont want to give away. So i sometimes try to wear them but then i get told how unflattering they are because they are so baggy. They are really cute and I paid good money.

    I love clothes and while i like losing weight i dont like not being able to wear my clothes

    I am so this!
  • invested73
    invested73 Posts: 10
    <-- I kept my big clothes so that I could wear my pants in pictures like this.

    I will keep at least one pair of pants for that...
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    <-- I kept my big clothes so that I could wear my pants in pictures like this.

    And that is awesome.
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    I did, until a week ago. My little cousin came over and I decided to give her some cute tops i've refrained from getting rid of over the years since I gained 40lbs. Sadly, every shirt I handed her I had to tell her "If I ever lose enough weight, I want this back" I said it so much that she finally just started saying it for me when I handed her something.

    I loved those clothes because they reminded me of a prettier, happier me and it's alil saddening to not see them in my closet but I figured I couldn't wear them, so I let gave them to her (but if I ever lose enough weight, I'm getting them back!)
  • ctflute
    ctflute Posts: 22
    I've only lost 13 pounds so far but just the other day I wore a pair of shorts that haven't fit me for over 3 years. That feeling alone made it worth holding onto them all this time!
  • roguestates
    roguestates Posts: 223
    It was hard, but I finally got rid of all my small clothes a few months ago. I realised a few things. It's going to take me a while to lose fat, and I'm not sure what size I'll end up being. Why not let someone else enjoy those clothes when I can't? If/when I get to them, they may be out of style or in really poor condition from long-term storage. Moot point, right? It was an emotional process, but I'm glad I did it. It's just sunk cost.

    Additionally, I started to really dig minimalism, especially with the 100 items challenge. All of my worldly possessions, aside from books, total under 100 items. I am now free from STUFF. Just think of all the stuff that you accumulate over the years that you don't even use. Everything I own now fits in 3 medium suitcases. I'll eventually get it down to one or two.

    For sentimental stuff, I take a picture of the item. That way, I can still "go through" them whenever I want without actually having them take up physical space that I don't have.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I still have some clothes I bought when I was 115 lbs in high school (now 158). Idk why I still have them. Interestingly a few things do still fit. But jeans and dresses especially, no way. But that's fine because I never wanna be that skinny ever again!
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I pack them to be taken to Good Will - Away and OUT OF MY LIFE!
    I will never need them again.
    Sounds like you are planning for your next era of weight gain.
    Get rid of all fat clothes

    This is what I do. I keep just enough clothes to wear till I get new ones. I don't keep the old ones since I'm never going back to where I was.

    As for the smaller clothes thing; I never had small clothes to begin with so now that I'm losing weight I've got nothing to drop down into.

    Love the response of keeping a tote of small clothes to wear, also love the idea of rewarding yourself with shopping. I wish you the best of luck with everything :)
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    I had put a bunch of clothes in a rubbermaid container, intending to donate them to Goodwill, and never did. Now I am wearing them. I am really glad I have some of those old clothes now. Put them away, forget about them, and when you lose 10 or 15 lbs, THEN go through the bin. Totally different feeling!
  • Jamee_J
    Jamee_J Posts: 63
    I have clothes in my closet to get me through the first phase. Lol. About 6 different sizes. So what I have done is have the ones that fit me now on hangers, and the next size down on hangers. The rest are in the top of my closet waiting to be rotated in. I have also looked at all my clothes and thrown out or donated everything that I do not like, or that I hide behind. Or if it will really no longer be in style when I can wear it again. Or if I will be too old for a particular look. Or if it is in rags. I find that if I keep myself looking cute to my standards that I want to take better care of myself. Good luck. And remember to love yourself through this:flowerforyou:
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    right now im going through this problem but they are all too big. I love all my clothes and cant part from them and dont want to give away. So i sometimes try to wear them but then i get told how unflattering they are because they are so baggy. They are really cute and I paid good money.

    I love clothes and while i like losing weight i dont like not being able to wear my clothes

    the items you really love or can't live without, take them to a tailor for alterations.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I do, but every couple months or so I'll go though and throw some out. Styles change, why would I want to wear old clothes that aren't as stylish when I can go out and by new, sexier clothes to celebrate I've lost the weight? :)
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Wish I kept all my smaller clothes ..... now I need them and have pretty much nothing that fits me properly anymore.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    I've kept alot of my smaller clothes but when I lose the weight I think I'll want to buy new clothes to celebrate!!! I hate buying large clothes because I hate being this big... so I wait until I really need new clothes.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I had to chuck some underpants this week, they were only 15 years old.

    I'm gutted, such sentimental value.

    Brings me down to 2 pairs too.
  • kittime
    kittime Posts: 10
    <-- I kept my big clothes so that I could wear my pants in pictures like this.
  • kittime
    kittime Posts: 10
    love that idea..
    will clean out
    take some fat photos
    and keep one pair of trou :)
    good thinking :)
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    My wife and I are sorting out our closet today (I know how to show a woman a good time!) we have vowed never to return to the dark days of overweight. My fat clothes are going! After all, I will never need them again will I?i'll let my wife answer for herself
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    I kept mine and it was nice to be able to wear them again. I was bummed when I missed the window of fitting in some of them and they are now too big. I have now come across the opposite problem; I have clothes that are too big. I gave a bunch away a couple of weeks ago and it was a great feeling!