LOVE C25K! You should try it. :)



  • 2moonNback
    2moonNback Posts: 61 Member
    I finished Week 3 this morning and I am so proud of myself! I remember looking at week 3 thinking I won't be able to do that but I did do it! I am registered for my first 5K on August 25th so excited!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I started running using C25K in early April and ran a 5K when I still had a few weeks to go to finish...I ended up with a time of 24:22 in low 90 degree heat and high humidity. I finished C25K and entered three consecutive Saturday 5Ks and placed first in my age group for all three! My current PR is 23:11. This program gave me the logical structure to get my running endurance up and allowed me to be competive fairly quickly. I am currently mixing 5K pacing runs to try to increase my time while also doing the 10K training app...just finished the four 10 minute interval week and will be on to 4 12 minute intervals next week.

    Full disclosure: I was in shape in April...only about 5 pounds from goal...I just wasn't a runner (yet...)

    My eventual goal is to run a half marathon prior to year end and run a full by this time next year.
  • munny_p
    munny_p Posts: 73 Member
    I am on Week 1, Day 3 and about to go for my run right now...this thread is inspiring

    Just got back from my run and wow. Day 3 and much hotter (I usually run at night) and I wasn't winded at all ( I was day 1) I love it. I also got to test out my new Nike+ gear, which is pretty awesome.
  • kikilewis
    kikilewis Posts: 6 Member
    I just finished Week 4 Day 3 today and I am excited about starting week 5 next week! I do the jogging part REAL slow (around 6 k/h), but I figured I would get through the program once first and worry about speed afterward! I get back to the US in November and plan to do the Mud Run in AZ with my sister. So excited to be able to do it!
  • prettybub
    prettybub Posts: 54 Member
    C25k has turned my hatred of running into a passion! I can comfortably run 5 k in around 30 mins now! I have signed up for my first 10 k in just under a month. I can't wait!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    I did week one day one today, nope, yesterday, for the first time EVER. I have never in my life been able to even run through my house without falling flat on my face or feeling like i'm dying.

    Honestly, I didn't make it all the way through exactly as intended, but I'm excited about trying again.
  • czenny
    czenny Posts: 20 Member
    I want to try this one! :) support please?
  • lisapoo82
    lisapoo82 Posts: 21 Member
    What's out there post-C25k? Has anyone looked into or tried B210k or Ei10k?

    I always figured it was Bridge to 10k next. But my general plans are to settle into comfortably running 5k 2-3 times a week first and focus on increasing my speed.

    I used to run without a problem when I was much younger. When I started packing on the pounds as a teenager (too much soda and fast food with friends), my dad would drag me out of the house during the school year and we'd do a 2mi run. I could run those no problem but I'd stop as soon as the sweltering Houston summer hit. Then I left for college and started gaining gaining gaining.

    My dad's still pounding out at least 3-4 miles easily at 60... I figured I should try and catch up finally.

    I have one of those dads too, haha!

    I was kind of thinking along the same lines... get comfortable with the 5k a few times a week, and work on my mile time , before jumping into B210k or whatever. I have read that it can mess up your endurance though... Once your body is acclimated to jogging 30 minutes straight, why go back to the starting and stopping routine, you know? Guess I'll worry about that when I get there... for now, I'm super satisfied that I made it to week 9! :happy:
  • lisapoo82
    lisapoo82 Posts: 21 Member
    I want to try this one! :) support please?

    Go for it, girl! And let us know how it goes! Take it one day at a time, and you will be seriously amazed at what your body can do!

    I can't speak for others, but I will warn that I didn't see the lbs melt away from c25k, but I have definitely noticed that I've firmed up quite a bit. I'm generally on the smaller (but softer!) side, and have never ever EVER been toned at all. For the first time, I'm finally seeing some muscle definition... so satisfying! I also run outside, and incorporate hills throughout my jog, so I'm sure that's an accelerating factor. All that being said, I did drop some poundage too, just saying, don't let the numbers on the scale discourage you if you run into this same issue!

    Good luck! :drinker: