Over 50 and getting fit and losing weight with a PT

Hi everyone. While filling out my diet for today I started reading through all these posts and thought I would introduce myself.

I am 51 and since xmas I decided to try and get as fit and as slim as I possibly could with the help of a personal trainer. I have a one hour session with my PT three times a week and with his help I have become alot fitter (even able to jog for 4 miles!) and lost a total of 33lb in weight. 2 months ago I joined MFP and have found this has been the best tool ever for keeping track of my diet. My husband and PT have been extremely supportive and have helped me alot by giving me tips and motivation. I would like to increase my friend base with like minded people so please do add me as a friend if you would like additional help and support too. I am still aiming to lose another 23lb by xmas.


  • gpstaaf
    gpstaaf Posts: 3
    Hi there! Just started today and am reading as many posts to help me figure all this out. I need to loose 30 or so lbs to be within my desired BMI but also just to feel better. I will be turning 50 in a few weeks and there's no time like the present to start to get fit. Tried other programs but trying to figure out points may not be for me. Caloric info is found easier and to have something work, you have to be consistent-right? I may need support along the way..
  • chismsk
    chismsk Posts: 2
    Hello, My name is sharon and I am 62 years old. I have been working out since last October and have lost 35 lbs. I go at least 5 times a week to the gym with friends and work out legs then the next day upper. This program really helps though to keep track of what you eat and how many calories you need in order to lose. Keep it up and you will lose and get stronger. I also got the Fitbit which syncs with the program and gives you more detail. I applaud anyone trying to get fit as it is an everyday job. Good luck.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Good job, keep it up! I adore my personal trainer, couldn't make this journey without him.
  • Janie_bear
    Janie_bear Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you Sharon, you sound like an inspiration. Please feel free to add me if you want like minded people as friends and support:)
  • Aehisme
    Aehisme Posts: 60 Member
    Hi. I'm also over 50 and would love to have a PT. I'll add this to my christmas list and see if Santa (otherwise known as husband) will grant me this wish.. Lol. Please feel free to add me as a friend as all support is welcome :-)
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I will friend you. I'm 52 on the 28th and have been trying to lose 50 lbs. for awhile now. Decided to make an appointment with a nutritionist at the gym. It's the only thing left to try. Hope I have some success with it. I initially was losing consistently and then came to a screeching halt since menopause started a year ago. So frustrating but I am not giving up.