Hello I'm Type 2 diabetes

hello everyone, I'm new, let me introduce myself, my name is Bill 35 years old single type 2 diabetes, learning Disability work at a personal care home for the past six months, I haven't been taking care of myself with the type 2 diabetes, today I want to starts a new beginning for me and want be motivated and exercise and eating right, I'm looking for support and making new friends in my progress.
So I have to learn how this program works


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, Bill. I'm a T2 diabetic, 27-year-old, stay at home mom. I was diagnosed in October 2002. Managing your sugar levels is a challenge, for sure, but with the right diet & exercise, and commitment, it becomes a breeze. I maintained an hA1c under 6 for the latter half of my pregnancy of my first baby who is now almost 17 months old. After that, I really let my sugar go and started having problems. Now I'm determined to get it back under control. Having an hA1c of 5.6 was such an awesome feeling, I want to get it back down there.
    Welcome to MFP, it's so much fun, and the folks here are so supportive.
  • mustang74
    thanks for the respond, I still don't understand how the program works, add my food in but it's not exactly right the right time to put in, I hardly exercise, but I'm not motivated at all, most of my moving work at the personal care home as a dishwasher, my doctor and my mom say you not enough exercise just by working at personal care home, round food all the time, but this is the first step for me to eat better and exercise, even if exercise on exercise bike five minutes I know it's not enough exercise but I'm lazy, but I hope I can get out of this being lazy, I'm mainly a PC compute geek love my PC games and sleep, but I hope this program would change my attitude how I think about food and exercising more, wish me luck. P,s we something in common
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    My husband & I love gaming as well. I recently bought a wii and a couple of exercise games, and I feel they make you exercise really well. They are a lot of fun. If you can afford to, save up for one, plus wii fit plus, wii biggest loser, and wii jillian michaels fitness ultimatum 2010. Those should get you moving and help you start your path to a healthier you.
    Make sure you drink tons of water throughout the day (I usually drink 90-120 oz a day), and make smart choices when you eat-- lots of fruit & veggies! I've gone from carnivore to craving veggies in just a few short weeks.
    Hope that helps & good luck!
  • mustang74
    hello again, can I add you as a friend here, but I need more motivation and supports on my progress, that's cool you play video games and PC games, yes wil sounds neat, how can I get a reply from my posts via e-mail just wondering, yesterday was proud of myself, and today, I went to the library and read a book I'm not a big reader, but I want to practice improving myself on the reading part. And yesterday I was on the bike up to 30 minutes on exercise bike I was proud of myself, today I'm planning to do it again, I will try to take your suggestion about water,not a big water drinker at all but I'll try you are very nice, I hope you can add me as a friend on here, still don't understand how this food and exercise plan i works, but please add me as a friend thank you take care Bill