Any one else addicted to the scale/

So.. I used to laugh about it, but now I'm thinking it's become a real problem. I can't stay off the scale. I used to be able to weigh in just once every other week, then it moved to once a week, then to every time I went to the gym. Now I have a good scale at home and I'm on it 2 or 3 times a day. Not only that.. but if I see if fluctuation I freak, stress.. and I've been afraid to take a rest day all week b/c since Tuesday (my official weigh in day) I haven't dropped. My body is crying out for a break but I'm afraid to do it. I have a goal of 60 total pounds lost in the month of July and I desperately want to reach it. I'm moving soon and I'm going to lose my trainer when I do and I want to be at a spot where I feel like I can manage the weight loss I have left on my own.. I only want to have about 20 lbs more to go so I'm pushing like crazy. I dunno. Anyway.. anyone else addicted to the scale?


  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I used to weigh myself many times a day at the height of my eating disorder. Do yourself a favorite and hide the scale in a cabinet for a few weeks. Not weighing yourself will not make you magically gain weight. It's scary letting go but you'll realize how freeing it is once you stop stressing so much about numbers and start focusing on how your body feels.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Some people weigh several times a day to track their body's function. But if getting on the scale freaks you out when you see an increase, its time to stop. Remember, its only ONE way to track progress...and not always the most reliable.
  • angeleh8
    angeleh8 Posts: 15
    I weigh myself maybe once to every other day. But I know fluctuation is normal so it doesn't bother me too much. But in your case I would hide my scale because I think it just demotivates you.