Breakfast! Can I get away with not eating it?!



  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    Be led by your body. As long as you are eating enough to sustain you and less cals than you are using you should be fine. I think that the hype about eating in the mornings and everything was a conspiracy by the cereal companies to get people to buy their products.

    There has been some study on kids, and it shows that kids do perform better in school in the mornings when they ave eaten, but Im sure a smoothie or a glass of semi skimmed milk would have the same effect.

    Personally I am someone who loves breakfast, and looks forward to it, and if I dont have it begin to 'graze' at my desk from about 10am in the morning, which can do more harm than good.

    Listen to your body and you cant go wrong.

    Good luck.
  • CSU2012
    CSU2012 Posts: 145 Member
    No you can't skip breakfast. That meal gets your metabolism started for the day. I hate eating breakfast too. So I try to have a protein shake for breakfast. Try that. But be sure the sugar grams are 2 or below per serving. I hope this helps you.
  • chunkybutt1
    chunkybutt1 Posts: 7 Member
    You should look up intermittent fasting Which is supposed to burn fat super fast! You basically don't eat from say 8 at night until 1 in the afternoon . So your fasting over night and all morning then you consume all your calories in a 8 hour window .
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    for me breakfast is the most important meal of my day. skipped breakfast once in the past and ended up fainting so i have learned a lesson. also, i wake up every morning starving so it seems logical to have someting to eat as soon as possible after waking up.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I don't wake up early enough for breakfast usually ;-;.

    Earliest I would eat is the snack I brought along with me to class, breaks are usually at 11:30, I guess that's my breakfast technically

    Just not an early-riser, no matter much I sleep -___-.
  • michtay37
    michtay37 Posts: 1

    There are lots of replies here which is an indication that different things suit different people.

    My advice is to listen to your body, pay attention to how you feel, as long as you are drinking lots of water (this will help prevent headaches) throughout the day your body will be hydrated and become more effective in letting you know what it needs. I think its best to take away the labels of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner etc. eat in the morning (I have a peice of fruit to help kick start my metabolism) and eat again when my body tells me to, sometimes this is 10 o'clock or not until 12 or 1.

    I am considerate of the types of food I consume because my body reacts differently to different foods. A 60-80g piece cheese with 5 crackers and fruit will sustain my body for a longer period of time than say; a fish cake with salad! The calories are around the same. Take note of the how your body feels and reacts each time you eat and you will begin to create a picture of what you need. My body reacts better to chocolate than to crisps, so when I feel the need for a treat I have a few choclates and boy do they taste good :-)

    I went out for lunch with friends last week and before I went I entered the foods that I was going to eat (I knew the restaurant) and worked out how many calories I had to spare, this way I knew how many drinks I could have and stay within my range. A hour at the gym would have increased my intake if I felt the need.

    To state the obvious the more you exercise the better you will feel and the more likely you are to continue.

  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    No you can't skip breakfast. That meal gets your metabolism started for the day. I hate eating breakfast too. So I try to have a protein shake for breakfast. Try that. But be sure the sugar grams are 2 or below per serving. I hope this helps you.

    Your metabolism stops overnight? Holy ****!

    Please do not listen to this person.
  • Cmandy67
    Cmandy67 Posts: 108 Member
    it depends on whethor you feel hungry or not - plain and simple - feel hungry - eat -
  • Cmandy67
    Cmandy67 Posts: 108 Member
    You should look up intermittent fasting Which is supposed to burn fat super fast! You basically don't eat from say 8 at night until 1 in the afternoon . So your fasting over night and all morning then you consume all your calories in a 8 hour window .

    Cool idea - imight try it.
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    If you don't want to have it then don't. It doesn't boost the metabolism. That's bullcrap. Eat when you want to eat.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Do some research on Intermittent Fasting if you're not big on breakfast. I normally have a light breakfast (toast) around 10am having previously eaten something around 11pm.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    No you can't skip breakfast. That meal gets your metabolism started for the day. I hate eating breakfast too. So I try to have a protein shake for breakfast. Try that. But be sure the sugar grams are 2 or below per serving. I hope this helps you.

    Your metabolism stops overnight? Holy ****!

    Please do not listen to this person.

    I was just thinking that. Maybe they have to be resuscitated every morning?
    Seriously if your metabolism stops, you're dead.

    This is one of those old persistent myths from meal timings. It's not necessary at all.

    In fact in my case it's detrimental to my weight loss to eat breakfast. If I eat before work I'm so hungry by the next time I can eat that I'll just eat anything put in front of me. If I don't then I can control my hunger and make better choices.

    In the end we're all different and some people need small regular meals to control their weight, others (like me) do better using intermittent fasting.

    Really the answer is, if eating breakfast has no positive benefits for you, don't. If it does, do.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I used to despise breakfast. I would never eat when I got up, BUT as I started trying to lose weight I realized that when I didn't eat breakfast I seemed much more hungrier during the day and was more at risk or over-eating or making bad food choices. When I do eat breakfast I find at lunch I am not starving and am able to eat sensible and continue it through the day.

    I would say, have something small, a banana, an apple, see the difference it makes. :)
  • Desika87
    Desika87 Posts: 111
    No you can't skip breakfast. That meal gets your metabolism started for the day. I hate eating breakfast too. So I try to have a protein shake for breakfast. Try that. But be sure the sugar grams are 2 or below per serving. I hope this helps you.

    Your metabolism stops overnight? Holy ****!

    Please do not listen to this person.


    Metabolism never stops... It's a question of balance of the autonomic nervous system - your metabolism is at "work" while the parasympathetic nervous system is active...

    but I am no food nazi nor a self-appointed doctor... Everyone has to choose for themselves... Some people need breakfast, others feel sick after having it... I used to skip it but due to my job I learned it's better to have breakfast....
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    There are so many conflicting views over the benefits of breakfast - but the point is, if it makes you feel sick, don't have it!

    The only thing you need to watch is that, if you're starving by mid-morning, you don't binge. As long as you recongise that you will be hungry and have healthy snacks ready, you should be fine.

    Of course, if you want to eat breakfast, you could maybe try a smoothie - liquid form like coffee, so it might not make you feel ill, but full of calories and nutrients!
  • marie1612
    marie1612 Posts: 1
    It is my absolute favourite meal!!! I could not do without it. But I think it is personal preference!
  • anat0my
    anat0my Posts: 15
    Try having a milkshake instead - they do some really nice weight loss brands that are really great.
  • paulawolves71
    paulawolves71 Posts: 12 Member
    hi im not a breakfast fan but i do have it as it kick starts your metabolism, sliced lemon in boiled water can help your metabolism also have you tried fruit smoothies as these can be drank in any amounts and would be classed as breakfast or meal , make your own fruit combo with either milk or yogart and is part of your 5 a day x hope this helps x
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    It is my absolute favourite meal!!! I could not do without it. But I think it is personal preference!

    I woulda thought you just snack allllll day on eucalyptus leaves. Ah, it's one big breakfast to you, interrupted by sleeping in your branch.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    I've never been a breakfast person, but I make myself eat it because I'm less likely to binge later on in the day.