Health issues that have derailed me.. any help appreicated

Life just got a little more complicated.
My auto immune issues have presented on my skin as broken cappilleries, the issue with this is they have to come a long way with being from the inside and it could also be on my organs, they see going to hospitalize me yesterday but realizing I wouldn't get seen till Monday have not bothered too, I am on strict orders if anything changes or I feel worse to go to hospital. I have to go see a rhemotologist urgently and privately. So hoping with the $$ comes some answers !!

Anyone else suffer from this... I have found on Friday I ate my emotions and then yesterday my weight sky rocketed, I ate ok and then today its up even more, I am bloated and feel so unwell, when I eat I feel sick not good.. I am unsure what if at all this is connected to my issues but it is a little frustrating. Hoping to get three runs in next week and hoping it does not kill me.. I am so tired from not sleeping with worry or being in pain, aches and pains like I have the flu.

Tomorrow is monday and I can not wait to make this appointment.

Any advice on foods, exercise or other ideas to help with this would be good.. But I also think, I just needed to get it off my chest.

I was having such a good week till I crashed on thursday I am rather gutted...
Breaking the 90's is like the biggest hurdle I have ever faced. :(


  • Halfangel
    Halfangel Posts: 49
    I admire your tenacity but I really think you should get yourself sorted first and rest before taking on any challenges. Be well, dear. Try to take it easy and eat healthily.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Sorry to hear about your troubles - hope it all gets sorted soon.
    In the meantime be kind to yourself and your body - sometimes you just need to give yourself a break - especially when you have some serious health issues and take care of those first.

    Listen to your body - I know it is hard when you are very focussed - but in the long run it will be the best for you.

    Try and eat good healthy food - but if you stay at maintenance for a little bit till you get some answers from your doctors that should not be the end of the world (and I do understand trying to break the 90's - I have been struggling with that one for months now as well ;-)....
  • Vicw24
    Vicw24 Posts: 8
    Thanks ladies.. I am trying to just get there at the moment.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    I admire your tenacity but I really think you should get yourself sorted first and rest before taking on any challenges. Be well, dear. Try to take it easy and eat healthily.

    THIS! Good luck.
  • vgpeterson1984
    vgpeterson1984 Posts: 51 Member
    Life is hard sometimes. I am sorry
    . If I was in your shoes I woukd try juicing daily and stop eating meat.
    I know it is drastic but your body needs to get enough healthy intake to heal ifself.
    Do some reading on juicing. If you have netflix watch fat sick and nearly dead.
    feel free to add me
  • bright_and_shiny
    I admire your tenacity but I really think you should get yourself sorted first and rest before taking on any challenges. Be well, dear. Try to take it easy and eat healthily.

    Thirding this. Wishing you the very best for Monday. x
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    If you have netflix watch fat sick and nearly dead.

  • mcarmon
    mcarmon Posts: 22 Member
    If you have netflix watch fat sick and nearly dead.


    I haven't seen the movie, so I can't recommend it, but you don't need Netflix to watch it. It's free on, which is a legal, legitimate website for watching TV shows and a limited selection of films:
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Oh my goodness, that's dreadful. Have things improved a little in the few hours since you posted? At the moment you should be noting every symptom down regardless of how unimportant you think it is. Your docs need all the info they can get to help them help you. I'm speaking from a familiar place here. Strange illness, thought it was autoimmune (turned out not to be), loads of specialist (damn private doc bills) visits and all the drama that goes along with that. The most important thing here is, of course, your health. But since weight is such an intrinsic part of good health, diet would be a good second priority. Unless it's all too much and you need to take time out from exercise and calorie counting, even if it does result in you gaining a little weight back. Remember, you can only do the best with what you've got, and sometimes what you've got is not enough to do all that you want.

    I'll be thinking of you. Best of luck tomorrow, I hope you hear if not good answers, then bad answers with good treatment solutions.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    As someone who is currently flattened by MS I can identify with your frustrations! I can only tell you what I have found to be useful.....

    The depression & binge days bring poor eating quality & quantity. They are what they are & happen but do not use them as an excuse not to get back on the wagon each day......

    Keep your fridge full of good fresh stuff & try to eat clean as much as possible as it will make you feel better. I had a week off a few weeks back & felt a whole bunch worse for it! Processed foods will not help, except in the comforting sense!

    Exercise is hard right now so I do what I enjoy gently. For me that is swimming. Not the 4 times a week after gym workout but twice a week taking it slow!

    Getting back to work is the priority for me right now as without my job I will be stumped! However, I do not plan to put on all that I have lost in the mean time. Be kind to yourself & be healthy.
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Hi I have autoimmune hepatitis (that is treated and under control) and had a stroke 2 1/2 years ago so I understand dealing with challenges with health. I wasn't ready to address my weight until Jan 2012 so I agree with getting yourself sorted first. I am losing weight through diet alone. It can be done! Hang in there! Wishing you luck!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I have been using cannabis sativa for over a year to treat major depression and chronic pain. Cannabis can treat many different conditions int he body because of the endocannabinoid system we have in our bodies.

    good luck.
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    Don't bother watching fat sick & nearly dead, I'll tell you what they do. They juice veggies and don't eat anything other than beans (which they don't show you in the movie), and they do it for 60 days at a time. Your body NEEDS protein or it will feed off of itself (muscles, bones). I tried this and it made me very sick, and very miserable. I then started seeing a dietitian who taught me how to eat right.

    I used to feel sick after I ate, now I don't. I eat lean meat (bonesless skinless chicken breast, lean ground beef 90% lean or more, fish, lean steak), veggies (unlimited), fruit (though no more than 3 cups a day), eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc. Basically the food you find in the outter perimeter of the grocery store. I don't go in the isles unless it's for water or bread (think bagel thins, sandwhich thins).

    As far as stopping your exercise, unless you've been ordered to by your doctor, I wouldn't recommend it. When it comes to any type of arthritis the worst thing you can do is stop moving. I don't know your level of pain though, so take it as a random internet person who knows nothing about you giving you advice. Please listen to your doctor.

    If you would like to add me to see my diary feel free. I don't always eat perfect, but it's easy to spot when I slip up. I do my best. I do eat from a menu though, so maybe you can see options.

    I wish you the best and you're in my prayers. :flowerforyou: