low carb crock pot recipe suggestions

miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
does anyone have any yummy low carb suggestions for a crock pot!?


  • ABQsheila
    ABQsheila Posts: 46 Member
    I made chicken thighs in the crockpot this morning. I had 5 boneless, skinless chicken thighs from Costco. Last night I washed them, patted them dry, and sprinkled them generously with a new-to-me seasoning. It's a salt free blend of Southwest spices called Perfect Pinch. I refrigerated them overnight and popped them in the crockpot this morning. I added maybe 1/4 cup water to just get things started. I cooked on high until the temperature got up and then turned it to low. They were falling apart tender in 3 1/2 hours or so.

    I had one for lunch today in a tortilla with guacamole and a tiny bit of cheese. Very yummy!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Almost every Sunday I throw a couple lbs of chicken breasts into the crock pot topped with a small can of stewed tomatoes. Couple hours and I have very versatile yummy, tender chicken. By itself, on salad, mixed with veggies, etc etc etc. I try to keep my carbs to 100 and protein at least 100. Its really good over brown rice too if you allow yourself some carbs :)

    Also try the cauliflower pizza crust! crumble this chicken, some cheddar cheese, red onion and a little low sugar bbq sauce. Awesomeeeeee :D:love:
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Kalua Pig and Cabbage


    -Pork butt roast (w/ some fat! - makes it tender and juicy and delicious)
    -1 head cabbage, shredded/chopped
    - Pork or chicken broth (or just water - then add salt... I like mine really salty, so I do broth AND salt lol)
    - Liquid Smoke (I use 2 bottles - I love a strong smoked flavor)


    -Put roast, broth and liquid smoke in crock pot. Cook on high for 5-7 hours (depending on size of roast)
    -Once roast is mostly cooked, add cabbage and mix it in, then cook on low for another hour (give or take), until cabbage is cooked down.

    Voila! Delicious kalua pig and cabbage, my favorite high protein low carb dish.

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Bump...The Kalua Pig and Cabbage sounds sooooo good
  • miam4nia
    miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
    i am defs trying the pig and cabbage!!!
  • enelkay
    enelkay Posts: 3
    I love beef! I don't do it by recipe or measure the ingredients, but one of my favorite things to do with a crockpot is to pat a 2-1/2 to 3 lb. beef chuck pot roast with lots of onion powder and garlic powder and put it in the crockpot with probably about 3/4 of a cup of low salt beef broth. If you're not in need of a low-salt diet you can use onion salt, garlic salt and regular beef broth.

    Cover. Let it cook on high for about an hour, adding a little more broth if necessary. Then turn it down to medium for about 5 or 6 hours more until the meat falls apart. During the last hour of cooking, put in your choice of veggies. I'll use one or more of the following: fresh or frozen broccoli, fresh or frozen carrots, fresh or frozen cauliflower, cut up fresh or frozen green pepper, fresh or frozen green beans, fresh radishes (yes! They cook up very nicely!), cut up fresh turnip roots.