when does weight gain register?

pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
In other words, if I eat like a pig today and tomorrow and do not exercise, if I gained weight from the food I consumed, would that weight gain register on my scale tomorrow? Next week? Same day?

I am asking because we have a biggest loser challenge at work and it appears everyone either lost weight or maintained, which I know is not unrealistic, everyone could have watched what they ate over the holiday weekend or worked our butts off. But lets just say some of us overate on Thursday-Sunday and then weighed in Monday...would any weight gain have registered by Monday or will it not show up until next week. Weird question, hope I didn't confuse anyone, but you know what I am asking.



  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I would guess that food stays in your body until it comes out! whether to the toilet or burned through exercise...
  • amathus
    amathus Posts: 49 Member
    When I binge, I see it on the scale the very next day. I weigh myself every day, because, first of all, it helps me notice things like that and nip it in the bud right away, and second, because I read somewhere that people who weigh themselves every day weigh less than those who don't. They did a study. It makes sense, too, because, like I said, I see it right away when I put on even a few ounces.
  • i notice it next day!
  • If you eat carelessly, you'll probably experience immediate water weight gain. But weight gained in the form of fat takes a little longer. If you weigh two pounds heavier tomorrow than today, it's highly doubtful that it's permanent. You would have to eat about 3-day's worth of calories in one day to really gain any fat.

    One of two things is more likely. A: you haven't expelled the waste. B: you had more salt and less water than usual and your body is holding extra water.

    I don't count full stomach and/or bowels or water retention as true weight gain. It is completely normal for your weight to fluctuate by up to three pounds (sometimes more or less) at different times of day, so I only weigh myself first thing in the morning after voiding my bladder, before eating and with no clothing (or just undies). If I weigh the same three days in a row, then I count that as my current true weight.
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