Wii Fit

KirstenDanella1 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Does anyone on here work out with Wii Fit? I think it's AMAZING! I had a baby in September, was ALREADY horribly overweight, and I have a long way to go. I got Jillian Michaels new game but it's just not as interesting as Wii Fit to me.


  • Wii Snowboarding is really fun too. All of a sudden realized I was sweating like crazy, but didn't want to stop playing!
  • KirstenDanella1
    KirstenDanella1 Posts: 17 Member
    I know! I Hula Hoop all the time. The Yoga is amazing too, but unfortunantly my body isn't striong enough to do some of it. I like the free run cause I can watch TV while I'm running and not think about anything hurting or buring. It also tells you your weight, BMI, and how many calories you've burned. Excellent tool.
  • I have used the Wii Fit but I have really enjoy the Active much better. Every little rest time between excrises. The Wii Fit has to much of that. You make your own personnal workout from boxing, baseball, basketball, in-line skating, tennis and volleyball . Or do excrises like lunges 4 different kinds, arm excrises, running, walking, squats and more. It's great for new mom, stay at home mom or the working mom. I just starting getting back into it and having so much fun. :happy: I purchased the first Jullian Michaels game it really sucks save your money. It is collecting dust right now. :grumble:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Wii Fit support/challenge group here:


    I do a LOT of rhythm boxing on my wii fit, along with the rhythm step, and rhythm parade. I like to cool down to the tune of rhythm kung fu & the juggling circus ball one :)
  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    I have used the Wii Fit but I have really enjoy the Active much better. Every little rest time between excrises. The Wii Fit has to much of that. You make your own personnal workout from boxing, baseball, basketball, in-line skating, tennis and volleyball . Or do excrises like lunges 4 different kinds, arm excrises, running, walking, squats and more. It's great for new mom, stay at home mom or the working mom. I just starting getting back into it and having so much fun. :happy: I purchased the first Jullian Michaels game it really sucks save your money. It is collecting dust right now. :grumble:
    I agree with this,I have the active and I love it and my juiiian his just sitting there to.
    DARTHDOUGY Posts: 53 Member
    Yes, it's a good alternative. I like the soccer "balance" challenge
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    been thinking of getting a wii for xmas (well hinted to my bf anyways)

    but I don't even know the difference between wii fit, wii active, etc.

    Are you able to get the regular wii and worout with it or do u have to buy that seperate mat looking thingy?

    I dunno - any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • angelajmrn
    angelajmrn Posts: 63 Member
    We just got the Wii Fit Plus last week. I am loving it. I love the running, biking...all of it. How much success for wt loss have people had with it. I did notice that you can't put it on carpet and expect it to be the same measurements everytime. We put it on a board and it measures much more consistently.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Wii is just the console to play games on. You will need to buy the separate games in order to build a workout regime. Get the new Wii Fit Plus with Balance board if you're thinking of getting Wii Fit. The balance board comes in handy for a lot of the workout games.
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