Who gets in exersise when working???

Hi everyone on MFP!!! So I'm a federal correctional officer and I'm on one unit for a whole 8 hours. No movenemt throughout the highrise. So during my 8 I walk for a half hour 3times during my shift and try to get in some modified push ups in (w/o having 126 male inmates looking at you funny)

So who else uses their work day to get in some type of exersise?


  • kzandarski
    kzandarski Posts: 51
    When I worked I would often walk or run on my lunch break. I would clean up with baby wipes and usually just wore my hair up all day. It was a great way to make up a work out or to have a day to sleep in.
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    I work in an office, an plan 2 walks around the facility during the day. Each one takes about 20 minutes.
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    I go to a different floor when I have to go to the bathroom (of course taking the stairs). Also try to walk around as much as possible while still getting work done.. ;)
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    My work is my exercise.

    According to my fitbit I'm walking close to 5 miles a day and around 11,000 steps plus about 20 floors climbed.

    It's giving me an average of 1100 exercise calories a day., which I'm eating about half.

    I have very little energy to do additional exercise after work, especially with this heat wave going on.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I'm at an office.. we have a gym on property, so I go there during my lunch break.

    A bit of a pain- because I have to get cleaned up to go back, but after I started going, I realized it wasn't as BIG of a pain as I thought it would be. I just take REALLY fast showers now. :laugh:
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    My office has a gym so I work out during my lunch breaks on M-W-F. If working from home, usually on Wed or Friday I go to my apartment gym.
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    I work a 10 hour night and manage a 2 hour walk around the hospital ( over 5-6 buildings) where I am an after hours hospital manager -
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    My employer allows 30 min to exercise on the clock. Funny how even with that how many people (including myself) claim to be too busy to take those 30 minutes lol. I plan to start back up with walks when it isn't 100+ degrees outside.

    For now I just exercise after work at a local pool or at home on my elliptical.
  • Unfortunately I work at a sit down desk all day long, but I am happy! This is a step up for me and I love it. What I have been doing is walking during my breaks and take my lunch with me. I also work out around 8 because it is so hot. Today, I went bike riding and wakled the dog. Felt good to ride my bike again.
  • My employer allows 30 min to exercise on the clock. Funny how even with that how many people (including myself) claim to be too busy to take those 30 minutes lol. I plan to start back up with walks when it isn't 100+ degrees outside.

    For now I just exercise after work at a local pool or at home on my elliptical.
    WISHH I had that here! Some of the other officers need it.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I work in retail =D So I only sit for 30 minutes in an 8 hour day..
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Lol, I work in a gym area at my Wellness Center, so for me ALL THE TIME.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • harleigh67
    harleigh67 Posts: 131
    I was a roofer did not need to exercise the job was a workout itself! and then I moved into an office job we had a gym and personal trainer to use but I only went after work.... Now during work I used to sit at a desk all day...I had resistance bands tied to my chair and one I would tie around my knees to do inner and outer thigh work also had hand grips and I had a chair on wheels so I would hold onto desk and turn chair side to side use core muscles...co workers all looked at me crazy....but would later ask why are we gaining weight and your not! Yea go ahead and laugh at me again!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I work in a 4 story hospital but most of my work is desk work, so I make sure to take the stairs everywhere I go. I take them sideways and do calf raises on each level to make sure i'm getting a work out in. I also do standing push ups when I go to the ladies room.
  • dalexander82
    dalexander82 Posts: 111 Member
    I take the stairs faithfully at work.. I also take 2 breaks and walk about 20-25 mins, having an office job is an easy way to gain weight especially when you are sitting all day...:smile:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I walk 4 miles 3 days a week at work. 2 15 minute miles then a 30 minute 2 mile walk. The other two days (lifting days) I only walk 1 15 minute mile at work. It's a control of mine actually, I have a predetermined 1 mile route so if I'm under 15 minutes I know I'm going at least 4mph.
  • weezella
    weezella Posts: 10 Member
    Another correctional worker here :) I walk the compound with a friend on hourly open moves and jog/walk on my 1/2 lunch :)
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I try to do at least one 15 minute walk around the building each day. Sometimes I do 2. It's just nice to get outside and get moving. I also found something called Office Yoga which is nice. It allows me to do some of the more work appropriate stretches in the office. (No headstands...)

    I'll also admit to sneaking in exercise in the ladies room. We don't have anyone who uses the handicap stall for medical reasons, so I'll snag it to do lunges, squats, side stretches, and standing leg lifts. Sometimes I'll do standing pushups on either the wall or dhe edge of the sink.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I run to work every shift, and while I'm at work I lift weights. Then I run home from work the next morning. I work in a firehouse, so lifting is encouraged on a daily basis. I have no problem getting in awesome exercise regularly.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I always take the stairs whether in our office building or other establishments. I walk about 2kms from our office to the nearest bus station when I'm on my way home but also I walk one hour on our lunch breaks. On summer when I'm having trouble working out at home due to the heat or whenever my schedule is too tight, I do decline or regular push-ups, chair dips, jumping jacks etc. at work & just continue the rest at home.