Sore legs (cycling question)

sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
Question for cyclists please.

Aside from the fact that I look like an escaped mental patient when I cycle I've been experiencing a sore throbbing in my lower legs a few hours after my cycle. It's happened the last three times. I'm fairly inexperienced but I have a good bike and had it measured for my height and the saddle is at the right height for me. I don't over exert myself and manage between 19km to 23 km in and around the 70 min mark.

It's not unbearable but it's uncomfortable. I always stretch and drink loads of fluids as well as having a hot shower after. Ive played sports all my life and have never had this. I'm hoping I have an @ss I can bounce penny's off after all this pain!

I have the SFF (sore fanny syndrome) too but the legs are really annoying me, has anyone else had this and how long does it last?


  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    Your lower legs (calves or shins?) are bothering you? Hmm. I ride 4-5 times a week and only when I changed to a road shoe (stiffer soles) did my calves start fatiguing while riding, but they don't get sore after a ride. Only part of me that's sore after a ride is my quads and my rear sometimes. :\

    It might be that you're working your calves and they're just fatigued. Kinda what it sounds like to me. I'd worry if it started to get bothersome or unbearable. Not much help, I know. :) Just my 2 cents.