Workout Partners

Does anyone know a good way to find a workout partner online? I think it would be quite beneficial for me to one but cannot figure out how to find one in my area...Thanks


  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Be careful about how you do this. People are not always what they seem online. One way that is probably safer is posting on this site where you are at. I looked on your profile and you do not even have what state you are from. I am just very leary of meeting people off the internet. Maybe I am old fashioned or maybe it is because I am the mother of 3 girls who are now old enough to go on line and I do NOT want them meeting people. Sorry for sounding like your mother. Just be careful.
  • ZeldaCat
    I understand where you are coming from, don't worry I will be safe about it : )
    Thanks for the heads up on my profile, I changed it now.