Need friends to support and be supportted


My name is Kat and I am a 41 years old and needing to lose somewhere between 75 to 100 lbs. I am not sure what my weight should be because I have been fat my whole adult life. I do know what my weight should not be. My first short term goal is to lose 30 lbs. I would love to have friends on MFP to support and lean on them for support.



  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Hi Kat,
    Feel free to add me.

    My name is Nicola, I'm 36 and I live in Lanzarote, we moved
    here (from Britain) 'cause we only get about 6 days of rain a year.

    I love being outside but want the body to take advantage of it.

    I hate running but I do love going to the gym but I'm forcing
    myself to have a go at the C25K programme and it's not horrible
    so far.

    I'm 31lbs lost with a goal of 68. I'm LOVING MFP.

    Good Luck
    Nicola xxx
  • veduffey
    veduffey Posts: 73
    Hi Kat: you will love this program, it really opens up your eyes to what you are eating, how many calories, and what foods you need to eat. Feel free to add me as a friend. Victoria
  • amyoc3
    amyoc3 Posts: 18
    you can add me. i'm still trying to figure out how to use this system too! i've been using it for the last 6 days and still trying to navigate it!

  • slimtrimgoody
    slimtrimgoody Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Kat and Welcome to FitnessPal! I have to lose 90 pounds. I started just 25 days ago. Feel free to add me as a support friend on your journey to a new and healthy lifestyle. To find out how much you should weigh, I would suggest checking in with your doctor. Every bodytype is different. It's also a good idea to make small intermediate goals too. For example, your first longterm goal is to lose 30 pounds, so you could say that your first intermediate goal is to lose 5 pounds. You need to see success in small steps and don't forget to reward yourself along the way; a new book, or new nail polish color, a long hot bubble bath, etc. Keep us posted on your progress!:smile:
  • jennaryan1205
    jennaryan1205 Posts: 43 Member
    Add me!

    My name is Jenna, I live in Florida. I have also been overweight most of my life. The lowest my weight has been in my adult life is 150, and I felt great there. I am currently down to 195 from 210.

    I am a mommy of 4, and I love it! Most rewarding thing I've ever done. I want to be healthy enough to live to see my great grand children!

    MFP has been an awesome experience so far. I don't feel deprived and the weight and inches continue to come off at a healthy pace.

    Looking forward to supporting you through your journey!
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    I just started on here not to long ago and it is awesome! Feel free to add me too. We can never have enough friends or positive support. :smile:
  • Aquamarine317
    Aquamarine317 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Kat,
    You can add me too along with anyone else here! I just joined this weekend and I and in the same boat as you. Im a single mom and been fat for as long as I can remember. I too need to loose b/n 75 & 100 pounds and I need all the support I can get.

    I thought I was handling it however, I realized over the 4th of July weekend, that being called "fat" hurt now just as much as it did when I was a kid.
  • karen8272
    karen8272 Posts: 6
    Hi, feel free to add me. I have just joined MFP in hopes of helping to get some of my weight off. I need to lose 100 pounds. I too would love to have the support. Good luck with your new adventure; I am sure you can do it... Have faith!
  • wxgurl
    wxgurl Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Kat! I'm Michelle, mom of one very active 8 month old (so far!)...I've got about 50 lbs left to lose, feel free to add me! I would love to have another support buddy!
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member

    You are in the right place - for sure!!! With the amazing support I get here, I've lost 54 lbs w/ 50 to go. I've been encouraged to start competing in 5K's. I've completed 2, so far.

    Add me if you'd like!

  • I am new to MFP. I started yesterday. Feel free to add me because I need friends for motivation and support and anyone else on here can add me as well.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    Hi, Kat. :)

    I'm 32, 5'4, and started here May 1st at 221 pounds. I will be 207.4 lbs come tomorrow's weigh-in. However, that's still a drop in the bucket, because I need to lose a total of 85 pounds to be in a healthy BMI for my height. Feel free to add me. My diary is open and I love to give support. :)
  • Hi! Feel free to add me; who couldn't use more support?? I am on the 75+ lbs to lose wagon myself...
  • JennafurC
    JennafurC Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me, as well. I lost 80 pounds using a combination of weight watchers, exercise and most recently MFP. I went from just about the laziest person I knew to one of the most active people I know - my entire life has changed in the past 2 1/2 years. I'm now in a "healthy" BMI range and working on getting myself down to a "fitness level" body fat percentage. I know what you're going through, I've been there and can tell you with confidence that you can do it too - but you have to really want it, you have to really be ready to face the challenges that lie ahead!
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    h there
    welcome to what I think is a great site full of friends who support and motivate you and I have been on here for about a year and try to support and motivate others like they did for me and we are all in the same boat and thats to be fit and healthy. feel free to add me and see how I have done and tips you might try
    so all thats left to say is welcome
  • gbhgirl
    gbhgirl Posts: 1
    Hi ~ I'd love to add anyone/everyone as supporters! I started MFP about a month ago and after working really hard on it for a week, I ended up gaining about 3# - so I gave up for awhile. I'm starting again and hoping to see some results this time around. I'd like to lose 10 lbs - but I'll be satisified with 5# for a short term goal.

    Thanks and I look forward to this journey with everyone!
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    First things first I want to WELCOME all of the new members to MFP.. :flowerforyou: It is a great site ..I have been on since April and have lost 5 lbs.. It has so much support and motivation on here.. You can add me if you would like to..
  • dizy31
    dizy31 Posts: 9
    Hello I have been doing this for some time now but have Internet only a few days a week. My progress is slow and I could really use some support for a boost. Anyone interested?
  • pamalama2001
    pamalama2001 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys, I need in to! My name is Pam and I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. Lost a couple of times only to gain it back. I'm 5'6" and 271lb and today is DAY # 1 so I have gotta get in the game :) According to the BMI charts it looks like I should be around 160 so I'm going to go for a goal of 110 lb. So lets finally do this thing!:smile::smile:
  • sofiav76
    sofiav76 Posts: 22 Member
    You can never have too much support! Feel free to add me, and that's for everyone else on here too :-)