It's time for a change

I gained 50 pounds in 2 years.

In part, this was due to high school stress, depression, and the fact that I was in a terrible relationship for 2 years with a girl that cheated on me constantly.

I think it's safe to say my self-respect plummeted.

And my body image got worse and worse, in part due to my mother, who has an eating disorder. She would hound me about my weight to an unhealthy degree. For a while, I had purging issues, but thanks to my friends I've gotten past that for the most part.

But I'm working on making a change. I want to get back to my pre-depression weight, 180 pounds, and maybe even less since even then I wasn't my ideal weight. And I want to do so in a healthy fashion, by being more active, eating healthier, all that.

My life is changing a lot now - I'm out of that relationship, I'm going to college, I've gotten into a lot of projects for myself, like starting up an art/literature magazine. I've recovered from a lot of the things that were hurting me. The one thing left to change is my physical health.

There are a few challenges though - my friends usually always go out to eat when we hang out, which can be difficult with how unhealthy food at a lot of restaurants can be. Also the fact that I'm not a huge fan of many sports/work outs. But I'm trying to work through them.

So here I am.

Do you guys have any tips?


  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    First, congrats on making a commitment to becoming healthier. Second, surround yourself with support. If everyone around you in real life isn't so healthy then be active and engaged here. Find friends here who will support you and motivate you. Last, find an exercise program that works for you and that you enjoy. For years, I was the queen of trying all kinds of things and never sticking with anything!! I finally found something that works and that I enjoy. If you can find a way to enjoy exercise, it can be a great stress reliever. I used to get stressed and reach for junk food. Now I do that way less often and instead try to exercise.
    Best Wishes!!
  • christinastokes3
    christinastokes3 Posts: 36 Member
    Congrats on the changes!! One thing said to help with eating out with friends is for you to decide what you what to eat ahead of time and order first so you are not swayed into something else. Also drink lots of water with your meal. Alot of restaurants serve larger then we need sizes so filling with water may help not eat all that. Good luck!