P90X anyone?

nmh29 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I have heard great things about the p90x workout dvds and i was wondering if anyone out there has done the 90 day fitness challenge and seen results


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I have done the program twice, the first time I did all the workouts except YogaX which I replaced with cardio. My second time thorugh I only did the resistance days for P90x and did my own Cardio on the other days.

    The program is great, I was in good shape prior to starting so I didn't loose too much weight (3 pounds) but I did get more ripped and I increased my chin ups from 16 in one set to 27. I would recommend this program to anyone who is in decent shape to begin with. Good luck if you do go for it.
  • my neighbor has done the 90days twice and he looks great....so much that he is now sharing .... I started about 2 weeks ago and feel great... sleeping better, less aches and motivated. I've adjusted my daily schedule to ensure i dont miss a workout.... give it a try..dont give up... they can be tough...
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm in my 5th round. I've lost a total of two pounds, but my body fat went from 19% to 12%! It's a fantastic, all-around program. Feel free to send me a message if you have questions!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    If you want to increase your overall fitness level, GO FOR IT. I'm in the last month of my first round of P90X. I've gone from 10 pushups to 20 (on the toes) and from .2 of a pullup to .75! lol.

    It's a GREAT program!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have the program but have not worked it! Do you already have it? When do you want to start? I am sure there are others on here who would join in , if not now after the new year! Are you looking for a series with the weight lifting and other or are you more interested in a cardio fat burn series? I recently finished the Insanity Series (60 days) and that is a HUGE fat burner! I lost 7 pounds and 8 inches or maybe it went the other way 8 pounds 7 inches but wow you really slim up!It is a program for people who have been working out on a regular basis, it is not for beginner level fitness!! Let me know!
  • My bro did this last year and had great success! Good luck!
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member
    Awesome program. I did 1 round of classic earlier this year and lost over 30 lbs. I shrank from XXL to L for my shirt size and went from tight 36 inch jeans to wearing a 33.

    I will be starting back up soon. An injury, unrelated to P90X, set me back so my work is cut out for me.
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