Tummy Skin...

Since having kids ( 3 yr old & 4 yr old now) my tummy looks different. The lotions and potions for stretch marks did very little to help so now I hide them by tanning....when my skin is darker, the stretch marks are less obvious. So that's the first issue with my tummy. Next, since I've been losing weight and inches, my tummy is gradually getting flatter (yay!) but there's this loose skin along with the stretch marks now. Will the skin tighten back up as I exercise or will I have to get cosmetic surgery for that?


  • Curvy_princess
    Curvy_princess Posts: 135 Member
    Bump..I definitely need help in this area also..great question!
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    Bump. I'm having the same problem...
  • I'm dealing with the same damn thing. I hate my stomach! Unfortunately, elasticity in your skin is usually hereditary. I was not blessed with "snap back" skin after having 4 kids in 8 years. When I'm done losing weight, I'll have to get a tummy tuck. :/
  • exercise. dont do cosmetic surgery. you can fix it yourself with just exercise, you get stretch marks because your body grew too fast in a small amount of time. you will still have stretch marks. but tighten your skin up and they'll fade, but not all the way.
  • bump
    my kids are 4 and 2 and I have a similar problem
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    Hey! I'm in the same boat... I've learn that almost everyone has stretch marks even alot of people who have never had kids so they don't bother me as much anymore... but the loose skin... yeah... alot of people say it will go back... but i think depending on how much extra skin, cosmetic surgery may be the only option... I know for me it is the only option as I have ALOT of loose skin. Even my Dr said it will never go back to normal no matter what I do... :( oh well, my babies are worth it! haha Good luck!
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    I've been waiting 12 years for mine to go back. I used to hate it, and be so ashamed. I don't mind it anymore. I look at my son and tell myself to stop being so vain. It's my badge of honor now. My son is and was a big boy. Of course I got stretched out! That being said. There is always "treatments" that will increase the collagen and maybe put things right. If not theres always the ol tummy tuck. Give it some more time and exercise and if it really bothers you, it can be fixed.
  • Menolly22
    Menolly22 Posts: 11 Member
    I have the sagging tummy skin as well. And the stretch marks. A friend of mine's personal trainer, who is totally ripped, lost alot of weight quite awhile ago. She still has the saggy tummy. Unfortunately, it sounds like the only way to completely rid yourself of the extra skin is surgery.
  • Mine is not going back with exercise. No way, no how. The stretch marks are NOT what I'm talking about, those don't even phase me anymore. It's the loose skin, not just a little "stretched out".
  • Tinman42
    Tinman42 Posts: 59 Member
    I've read a few articles about this - and it's really dependent on the individual and your genetics. Some people can lose a bunch of weight (slowly and steadily - aka, the right way!) and with exercise they will have a minimum of "extra" skin. Others, no matter how hard they try, may have to go the cosmetic surgery route. I have also heard that some insurance companies will help pay for that surgery after a large weight loss but haven't looked into that as of yet.....
  • kmac524
    kmac524 Posts: 24 Member
    I know how much loose skin you'll have, but I lost over 100lbs & the only way to get rid of my excess skin was cosmetic surgery :(

    I'm interested to see if others have answers to your questions. I, unfortunately, have a LOT of ugly stretchmarks. I've just realized that I'm gonna have to live with those. No creams or lotions or oils help me. I never thought of tanning to disguise them a bit. I'll try it though!
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    exercise. dont do cosmetic surgery. you can fix it yourself with just exercise, you get stretch marks because your body grew too fast in a small amount of time. you will still have stretch marks. but tighten your skin up and they'll fade, but not all the way.

    Oh I can't guarantee that I won't get cosmetic surgery if I do everything within my power and my stomach still doesn't look right. I can't handle everything else looking as it should and then having the one big eye sore when I put on a swimsuit. I'll definitely do what I can by myself, but after that, if my stomach is still jacked up, I'm getting it fixed.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    it depends. It really depends on your age, your skin elasticity, your size, your body. I have only had one pregnancy but i got really really big in the belly (on a short 5'1" frame) and i have so many stretch marks that my belly is like a topgraphical map, no joke! I have a great deal of loose skin and while i am sure it will tighten a bit as i continue to lose weight and take care of my body, i know that it will not ever go away without a tummy tuck.
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    If I end up going with cosmetic surgery, I'll probably get the laser stretch mark removal as well....might as well deal with all the imperfections at one time.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    My oldest is 14 and my youngest is 9...and the skin is forever changed. HA!

    I'm pretty sure that my skin will never be taut and smooth again, but planks seem to be the best thing for me to tighten up my abs. :drinker:
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    The stretch marks never go away :-( they are pretty deep scars in the skin, but maybe its sweet since it shows how much your body went through to give you your beautiful babies? A bit too positive maybe, but you can fix the tummy skin. Exercise will do it, Ive read high intensity cardio, serious weight training, and a very clean diet does work. It takes time though. If you really work hard at exercising and eating clean, the tummy skin should shrink back within a year.
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    I've read a few articles about this - and it's really dependent on the individual and your genetics. Some people can lose a bunch of weight (slowly and steadily - aka, the right way!) and with exercise they will have a minimum of "extra" skin. Others, no matter how hard they try, may have to go the cosmetic surgery route. I have also heard that some insurance companies will help pay for that surgery after a large weight loss but haven't looked into that as of yet.....

    I looked into it recently and confirmed with my OB/GYN. Insurance will pay for it if you have chronic, documented infections from the folds. In my case it "hangs" over my C-section scar, so I try to get powders/creams to help with the skin infections. The problem is that with my other health issues I can't afford to have chronic infections like that, so she said to me to try to lose the weight or as much as possible, and then she could put a request for the tummy tuck due to health issues. Because the skin is causing infections, etc, it would be covered by my insurance. But if there was no infection, then no it'd be cosmetic.

    HTH. I'm waiting til I lose the weight, though.
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    I've been worried about this as well, since I have a large amount of weight to lose. I've been trying to do research and there are a few things that pop up over and over again as ways to help that lose skin after weight loss. First, I would chill with the tanning. Everything, and I do mean everything, I have ever read has said that tanning will negatively affect your skin and its elasticity, its ability to bounce back. It's not good for your skin and will cause it to age much faster than it will on its own. You are not doing yourself any favors with the tanning.

    But the things you can do to help with the lose skin (from what I've read through my research) is first of all be patient. Skin takes a while to bounce back, sometimes up to two years. And the older you are the longer and harder it is for your skin to tighten. Lose the weight slowly. This gives your skin time to change with your weight change. You lose weight really fast, your skin can't keep up. Eat a lot of lean protein as a part of your diet, and make sure your diet is low in fat. Drink lots of water. Get into weight lifting. This the tip I've heard the most. It will help to add muscle (no you won't get bulky, that's a myth) which will help fill out your skin. Plus, it makes you strong and who doesn't want a little muscle instead of just skin with no definition underneath. Pure cardio isn't gonna help with muscle. Try using some exfoliation scrub in the shower a few times a week to help get rid of dead skin cells which can help keep skin healthy which can help with elasticity. Also, try to avoid body washes with sulfates, they will dry your skin out.

    Now there are tons of miracle creams and solutions out there. Realize there is no such thing as a miracle cream. They just want to sell you something. 99.9% of the time, they don't work. You are gonna hafta to work at it, and give your skin time. Hope this helps.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,900 Member
    Exercise WON'T reduce loose skin. It's tissue that's been overstretched and genetics and age will determine if it tightens back up. If you're consistent with your weight for a year and the skin doesn't retract, chances are it won't. At that point, it's up to the person if they want to resort to surgery or accept the fact that it's part of what happens in weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tjungkunz
    tjungkunz Posts: 39
    My stomach, or so I guess it's still called, looks like a pile of mush. Most of my fat there is gone & it's been 9yrs since my last baby. Hoping over time it will tighten some from losing weight, but grossly I can bunch mine up & hold it like a squishy ball lol :( Love my kids, but it's gross and not going away. As for stretch marks... haha just call me silverback & front & side....lol. Embrace being a mom (BEST THING!) and try your best to be a healthy example, THAT'S what matters most :)