Help please

chrism14 Posts: 83 Member
Hi I need some support please. I signed up to this site about 5 mths ago. I think it 's great however I lack commitment when it comes to recording everything I put into my mouth. Some days I do and some days I don't, therefore in this time I have put ON 11lbs! Today after eating my way through a block of chocolate I realised something has got to change and the only one who can do this is ME! But the thought of having to be accountable to others is just what I need (fingers crossed).


  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I completely agree. I tried with this site twice before and never stuck with it, but this time I have added some encouraging friends and it really helps me be accountable to know that they are going to see my log and what I eat and cheer me on what I make good progress!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    If you only do ONE thing, LOG food daily. I find that seeing what I'm eating holds me accountable. Then you can see where you stand and if you feel like some chocolate (who doesn't? lol) you will know just how many squares you can have w/o feeling guilty and without gaining.
  • mayareign
    mayareign Posts: 5
    Hi I need some support please. I signed up to this site about 5 mths ago. I think it 's great however I lack commitment when it comes to recording everything I put into my mouth. Some days I do and some days I don't, therefore in this time I have put ON 11lbs! Today after eating my way through a block of chocolate I realised something has got to change and the only one who can do this is ME! But the thought of having to be accountable to others is just what I need (fingers crossed).

    It sounds like you have the right idea and you understand what you need to do - keep it up!!
  • Sules02
    Sules02 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! I know all too well what you are saying.
    If you need a friend and someone to help keep you accountable, reach out!
    I have been on this roller coaster for far too long as well. I am on the up swing and have made progress but it is just really hard by yourself.....I am not sure why I reach my goal weight and then let it slide? It doesn't make a bit of sense. Maybe we are so used to the struggle that that is what we know and that is what we feel comfortable with......Please know that you are not alone!!
  • Don't be so hard on yourself, we have all been right where you are right now and speaking for myself, I still am in a lot of ways. I just started this board earlier this week... Lat week I was the one eating the chocolate and pies before bed....

    Logging food in everyday is a chore, but on a positive note, it makes me accountable for everything I put in my mouth before I actually eat it.

    I reached a moment when I knew that something has to change and I can't do that if I continue to eat whatever I want. I got tired of saying I want to be skinny, or I wish I looked like that... Well I don't want to look like anyone else, I just want to be a healthy me and I'm sure that is what you want as well.

    Your motivated or you would not be on this board right now! Start writing down everything that you eat and drink, its a lot of work, but its worth it! Enter it as you go throughout the day or if you don't have time, do it at the end of the day.

    Trust me I struggle everyday and push myself to get through each day without fast food and sweets..... I have been super good for five days now, and I feel great and you can too....

    You can do it, and there are so many people on here ready to motivate and stand by you through this weight loss journey....

    Good Luck
  • naturalbrowndiva
    naturalbrowndiva Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me. You can do it. One pound at a time. You have to remember that we didn't just gain our weight over night and we sure are not going to lose it over night. You can do it. Believe in yourself.
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    I skimmed through your diary a bit, and wonder if you are under-eating some days (though you might not have logged everything, not sure). That could cause you to binge the next day.

    MFP has been very helpful to me. I put a lot of effort into leading a healthy lifestyle, and MFP is a great tool for me to do that. I'd be happy to share what I've learned during my time here. Feel free to add me, if you would like.
  • About 20 years ago I lost 68 lbs. and what kept me going was I had a sign with a cartoon of a fat woman on the refigerator door with the words "watch it!" Below that was a picture of a cartoon of a woman with an almost hourglass figure with the words "this can be you!" A friend of mine from work did the same thing with a photo of Roseanne and next to it was a photo of Olivia Newton John. Underneath the pictures was the question, "who do you want to look like?" Hang in there though, you are on the right track.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Yep. Most of us who have been "successful" have also been completely unmotivated at other times.

    You have to want it.
    You have to want it more than you want to eat whatever you want to eat.
    You have to want it more than you want to stay sweat-free.
    You have to want it more than you want to eat mindlessly
    You have to want it more than you want to be free to just grab whatever while you're out
    You have to want it enough to plan meals
    You have to want it enough to get rid of the trigger foods
    You have to want it enough to find new activities to fill your time
    You have to want it enough to get up and work out most days
    You have to want it enough to make you your own hobby
    You have to really want it badly.
    You have to believe you are worth the effort.

    ... and you can do it. Don't let anyone - especially you - tell you that you can't.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    Might sound bad but I posted my before picture of me in a bikini in the kitchen so every time I go in there for a snack I don't really need I get a nice visual reminder (worst part is remembering to hide it when guests come over lmao) other then that great motivation to stick with my food log and be honest with myself...
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    If you committ to it & log everyday and everything you eat,you are going to get the result you want.It's like anything else,you've got to want it BAD enough to do it.MFP has changed my life,it has given me a way to be accountable for my food choices and to take control of my eating habits.I hope this time you stick with it and get the results your looking for:):flowerforyou:
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    True. . . that is the powerful part of counting calories. . . . you can enjoy your food so much more knowing it is counted and that you can actually enjoy it and reach your goal.
    If you only do ONE thing, LOG food daily. I find that seeing what I'm eating holds me accountable. Then you can see where you stand and if you feel like some chocolate (who doesn't? lol) you will know just how many squares you can have w/o feeling guilty and without gaining.
  • I'm new to this site also about 4 weeks now. My husband and I are both using the site to help us reach our weight loss goals. Day one when I logged in my food for the day I was shocked to see how many calories I eat! Like no wonder I'm overweight!! Geez!!! So 4 weeks later I excerise everyday (walk at least 2 miles) and watch what i eat. If i walk or run and really push myself at the track I have noticed im not willing to eat something that isnt worth the calories I burned. I would rather eat in bulk(chicken breast/salad) and eat less calories than eat that snickers bar. I hate to sound like a Nike commercial but seriously just DO IT!!! Just commit!! Good luck!!
  • chrism14
    chrism14 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks so much everybody - what a difference it makes knowing your not alone! I no longer want the rest of the chocolate bar and even feel like going for run after work (ok so it may be more walking than jogging but hey it's a start):smile:
  • oubaa
    oubaa Posts: 7
    I have found that if I wait any amount of time to log my foods, I won't log it at all. I find it easier, to log my day before it happens and stick to it. It's easier for me to adjust my foods then to sit and log everything for the day. It also helps to see how the day is going to be and gives me a heads up as to whether or not I need to add a few more minutes of exercise. Good luck.

    You've got this!
  • cklowery36
    cklowery36 Posts: 151 Member
    If you only do ONE thing, LOG food daily. I find that seeing what I'm eating holds me accountable. Then you can see where you stand and if you feel like some chocolate (who doesn't? lol) you will know just how many squares you can have w/o feeling guilty and without gaining.

    Logging is an incredible eye opener! My doc told me to keep a food journal, since my last visit I found out that I eat enough for a 180 pound person! AND I found that my triggers are weekends and when I visit my mom - the times i just slack off. Well no wonder I can't lose the weight! I haven't lost anything because this is new info, but I am now starting my journey forewarned and forearmed. So take it from me: if you bite it, you must write it! :)
  • Hi I need some support please. I signed up to this site about 5 mths ago. I think it 's great however I lack commitment when it comes to recording everything I put into my mouth. Some days I do and some days I don't, therefore in this time I have put ON 11lbs! Today after eating my way through a block of chocolate I realised something has got to change and the only one who can do this is ME! But the thought of having to be accountable to others is just what I need (fingers crossed).

    Please free to add me... I started out just logging calories and then found the forum. Support is success.
  • Jenna70
    Jenna70 Posts: 130 Member
    Yep. Most of us who have been "successful" have also been completely unmotivated at other times.

    You have to want it.
    You have to want it more than you want to eat whatever you want to eat.
    You have to want it more than you want to stay sweat-free.
    You have to want it more than you want to eat mindlessly
    You have to want it more than you want to be free to just grab whatever while you're out
    You have to want it enough to plan meals
    You have to want it enough to get rid of the trigger foods
    You have to want it enough to find new activities to fill your time
    You have to want it enough to get up and work out most days
    You have to want it enough to make you your own hobby
    You have to really want it badly.
    You have to believe you are worth the effort.

    ... and you can do it. Don't let anyone - especially you - tell you that you can't.


    Also, think of it this way:
    If you want it bad enough you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Give yourself some slack...everything takes some getting used to including logging your food every day. What I've found so far (I just joined last week but) I've been tracking my food with a different site for months before is when I first get to work or if I have extra time before leaving for work-I plan out what I'm thinking of having for breakfast, lunch, dinner snacks and go from there to see if it fits calorie wise or if I need to adjust it. Then, I don't forget to fill it in for the rest of the day. Also, since I'm on a computer at work, I always have this website open so it reminds me that way. Feel free to add me if you'd like support (just send a note saying you're from here so I don't just ignore it)
  • I just joined this site and i have tried just about everything i can to loose weight and my main problem is not being able to keep up with these types of things. i need help with sticking with a plan so a can loose weight and get back into shape any suggestions as to how i can keep up with this and be successful.